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MIL called me a b*itch....

59 replies

Feelingsolow12345 · 03/07/2016 19:58

because I told her to listen to me when it comes to my son. if I tell her to do something regarding him i.e putting him down on his mat so he can sleep (we wasn't at home) and get comfy. he likes to roll over onto his belly and sleep that way and if he can't roll over he screams. she went well he's comfy on his pillows (meaning her chest). I replied well do whatever you want looks like it's the total opposite to what his mum wants and knows about him. to which she turned education round and said just shut up you bitch....

DP wasn't there to hear it as he had to pop out to get something for ds. when he got back I tried to tell him but she kept talking over me to hide what she said.

OP posts:
donttemptme · 04/07/2016 16:49

You said in an earlier post op that your mum & nan have dogs too so I presume they can't hold your son either? So how is the child care going to work if none of them can actually hold the baby?

donttemptme · 04/07/2016 16:50

Or is that rule just for your mil?

Feelingsolow12345 · 04/07/2016 16:56

That's the same rules all out. my mum and nan haven't called me a bitch about it. what I'm thinking of doing is getting them to look after him at our where there re no dogs and ask them to keep some clothing here or separate clothing at there's where the dogs can't touch them.

OP posts:
NervousRider · 04/07/2016 17:02

Food allergies require tests to be carried out ie blood tests. I think in relation to your child having allergies that you should seek more clarification on that

Feelingsolow12345 · 04/07/2016 17:18

he's had blood tests skin test you name it he's had it from both dietitian and dermatologist. the dermatologist done it first but the dietitian done it again to clarify it.

OP posts:
NervousRider · 04/07/2016 18:12

In that case then, if he is truely allergic and not just intolerant to food items (which can have awful effects too) then I would not want someone like her to be in sole charge of my child.

The next reaction could be more serious as allergies can get worse with each exposure

Janecc · 04/07/2016 19:32

Seconding that. A true allergic reaction can be mild the first time then deadly the next. Be warned anyone who looks after an child with allergies MUST follow medical advice.

If he truly has allergies, wouldn't you need an epipen?

Feelingsolow12345 · 04/07/2016 21:08

both specialists have told me his allergy will only get worse not better. and as he hasn't started solid foods with this item in yet the specialist said he should be fine until we get him to try different foods. we're going one step at a time.

OP posts:
Boogers · 04/07/2016 21:13

What kind of reaction does he have? Is it just to dog fur? Is it when he's up close to dog fur or if he's in the room a dog has been in? I've got a friend who is terribly allergic to dogs and cats and has an awful reaction to having been in the same room. She's also allergic to certain types of food, not just intolerant, I mean proper Epi-pen allergic.

What foods is your DS allergic to? What is the reaction to them? What is the level of allergy to dog hair? Just trying to think of a way around this.

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