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Should I just End this relationship?

88 replies

HalloumiToastie · 13/12/2015 20:18

DP and I are on the verge of splitting up. we have a two year old dd and have been together 4 and half years.

He snooped at my phone a couple of weeks ago and saw a conversation I had with my sister. It was basically a link to an article about narcissists behaviour and explained why I haven't been able to be intimate with him for a while (the never apologise therefore never resolved part). I say snooped because my phone is in a flip case with a magnetic clasp and pass-coded. He claims it fell off the drawers and flipped open to the conversation with my sister.

HUGE back-story is that every time he's kissed me/cuddled me/said he loves me during the last few months it's made me cringe inside. Having spent the last few months mulling over this I realised it was down to the rows we've had where he called me a c&*t and another time where he just kept on and on at me for over an hour about something totally insignificant. Another time he shouted when our daughter was nursing. and another time he came right up to my face nose-to nose.

Following the snooping, which was while I was putting daughter to bed, He didn't tell me he'd seen it, he just went all uncommunicative and snippy and went to bed in the spare room. it was only when I told him the following day that I suspected what had happened that he owned up.

He has never apologised for any of the things he's done. He'll just wake up the following morning and act like it never happened and if I mention any of it I'm the one causing the problem. I just feel nothing ever gets resolved and I'm not allowed to express my hurt and unhappiness at his actions. During the last few months I've felt so lonely and unloved. We no longer have ANY physical intimacy, not even holding hands.

He's never had a high sex drive and I do wonder if the only reason he ever had sex with me was to produce our daughter (we're both early forties so was pretty much last-chance saloon). We've had sex only once every 3 or 4 months since dd was born and these were at my instigation.

Another thing he does is say something deliberately contentious then when I pull him up on it say that he was only joking and that I've no sense of humour. I've got a sense of humour if it's funny!

Currently we're at loggerheads. He says all our problems are of my making and I'm just desperately wanting him to be sorry.
I don't want to have to uproot dd and I hate the thought of not seeing her on dps weekends.

I'm just so lonely and at my wits end.

OP posts:
ClutterBox · 29/01/2016 15:29

How are things? Are you in your own house now? Keep strong

TeenyW123 · 29/01/2016 17:07

Call 101 (the non-emergency police number) and tell them what you've been going through with an abusive partner. If he comes round and kicks off they can send a quick response team.

HalloumiToastie · 29/01/2016 17:25

Thanks. I'm at a relatives at the moment. I've made 101 a aware and their advice is to phone the moment he arrives.

OP posts:
MoominPie22 · 29/01/2016 17:48

Thank God you got out! Can you change your no.? Does he know where you are?

You totally need to change your no. cos the more poisonous BS from him you read/hear, the more hold and influence he will have over you.

The latest crazy behaviour of his you described was just plain unhinged, scary and it was only a matter of time he hit you. The bloke sounds mental!!Shock

PLease cease contact with this fucking psycho. Clearly the front he used when he was the man you fell in love with was just a guise to reel you in. What you´ve described on here, his most recent behaviour, THIS is his true colours!

They never start out as batshit psychos, obv they don´t! Or they´d never snare their victims would they? Flowers Wishing you strength and I hope you´re getting lots of support from your family and friends. I hope they all know the situation by now.

Aussiebean · 29/01/2016 18:49

Have been a lurker for a while. So glad you are out and safe.

Good luck Flowers

tipsytrifle · 29/01/2016 19:06

I was worried for awhile reading your posts that you hadn't made it out. So relieved that you have. Still not clear if you're home or at relatives but please just stay away from him. So good you got police involved on 101, That creates a trail, a record. I guess you know now this is the end of the relationship, eh? You woke up and things can never stay the same when you do that Chocolate

Aussiebean · 29/01/2016 20:36

Op. I have sent you a pm

WombOfOnesOwn · 29/01/2016 20:41

OMG. Is this the partner of the man everyone thought was a troll the other day? All of the details line up: the ages, him calling names, the disappearing while at work, the insane narcissism of the man in question.

The thread's beginning is cached at

OP, I'm SO GLAD you got out of there, ESPECIALLY if that was the man. What a horror.

SpinyCrevice · 29/01/2016 22:05

Womb and OP of course this is the same guy. His post read as if he was trying to continue to abuse his wife via MN. OP you are being watched on here by your ghastly ex. Take care what you say. Good luck. Get lots and lots of protection in real life as he is abusing you. I would print off his posts and keep them for future use. He has admitted he was abusive but it was the fault of everyone but his. Take care Halloumi Flowers

MoominPie22 · 29/01/2016 22:12

So the guy yesterday eve wasn´t a Troll then??Confused No offence to the OP here but now I´m thinking if ¨she¨ is also a T or indeed the same ¨guy¨ from last night!

It´s a huge coincidence though.....

HalloumiToastie · 29/01/2016 22:23

Hey, I'm no troll! And yes that does appear to be my ex.
From spying on my phone to spying on mumsnet is hardly a leap is it.
I will, of course have to cease posting but I'd like to thank you all for your support. Mumsnet rocks!!!!

OP posts:
SpinyCrevice · 29/01/2016 22:29

The thread has been removed now. He wasn't a troll but you could tell he had a hidden agenda and you had to read between the lines and that was what made his posts read so peculiarly and seem like a troll. It s now obvious why. He knew his partner posted on here and he is clearly using everything in his armoury to throw at his partner to get her back in line.

bringthehorizon · 31/01/2016 01:47

Hi, just came across this post and read through it all, from what i can gather he seems to be very abusive/agressive. Personally id say you have done the best thing leaving him before it escalates to bigger things, im no expert on relationahips as im quite young myself but no woman should be made to feel the way you have said you feel on here, being lonely isnt a nice feeling and i hope you start to feel more loved soon, its good you have yoir sister supporting you as family comes in really handy at times like these. As for the sex, if hes the one who isnt instigating it or wanting to have sex then all i can say is he isnt a proper man, ive never come across a man that would refuse sex especially with their partner and sex can play a huge part in a relationship and to someone feeling wanted, i know it can be hard trying to fit intimacy in when you have children but once every 3-4 months isnt enough in my eyes, everybody has needs i say. But i think youve done the best thing and its a good thing you are safe.

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