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What causes the most arguments in your relationship?

78 replies

emkana · 06/11/2006 13:20

Just interested what it's like for other people.

We argue most about me thinking that dh doesn't give me enough attention.
That sounds a bit childish though, doesn't it?
We never argue about money, which I'm very glad about.

When I was working we used to argue about who does what around the house, but that stopped with me being a SAHM. Dh helps a lot with the children side of things, I do all the cooking and washing and we have a cleaner. So it somehow stopped being an issue, but could start again if and when I go back to work.

OP posts:
GypsyMoth · 24/05/2011 20:52

justlikeheaven......this thread is 5 years old!!

WipsGlitter · 24/05/2011 21:00

Money - me spending it and him being a skinflint, letting me pay and then moaning cause I have no money.

His total inability to see when something needs done, me asking him to do it, thus me being a nag.

Him putting his window down when I'm driving and being a wimpy passenger.

Competitive tiredness.

JustLikeHeaven · 24/05/2011 22:44

Well ILoveTiffany... we're here now : )

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