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What causes the most arguments in your relationship?

78 replies

emkana · 06/11/2006 13:20

Just interested what it's like for other people.

We argue most about me thinking that dh doesn't give me enough attention.
That sounds a bit childish though, doesn't it?
We never argue about money, which I'm very glad about.

When I was working we used to argue about who does what around the house, but that stopped with me being a SAHM. Dh helps a lot with the children side of things, I do all the cooking and washing and we have a cleaner. So it somehow stopped being an issue, but could start again if and when I go back to work.

OP posts:
JustLikeHeaven · 24/05/2011 22:44

Well ILoveTiffany... we're here now : )

WipsGlitter · 24/05/2011 21:00

Money - me spending it and him being a skinflint, letting me pay and then moaning cause I have no money.

His total inability to see when something needs done, me asking him to do it, thus me being a nag.

Him putting his window down when I'm driving and being a wimpy passenger.

Competitive tiredness.

GypsyMoth · 24/05/2011 20:52

justlikeheaven......this thread is 5 years old!!

JustLikeHeaven · 24/05/2011 20:44

emkana... I could have written your post. I too am a SAHM and feel a bit taken for granted lately. I do everything in the home, which I dont mind as I'm not working outside of the home for now... I do everything for him, and he's had some health issues recently, which have turned me into a real florence nightingale. A simple thank you would mean so much to me. I dont grand gestures, just to feel appreciated.

BUT... then I remind myself that he is hard working, a great dad, he is not nasty to me in any way... he doesnt drink much or do drugs. We dont argue about anything else really.

Today, I heard that lady I know has been left by her husband to move in with a 24 year old. They have four kids 7, 5, 3 and the baby is not even one year old. I cant imagine what she is going through.
So I am going to try to remind myself that there are worse things in life than not getting as much attention from him as I used to. I say this now... but it is hard at times, its sounds very dramatic but sometimes I feel invisible. Perhaps that my mid life crisis though.

GypsyMoth · 24/05/2011 20:08


AppreciateEveryAdviveGiven · 24/05/2011 19:58

Who takes the bin out..defo.Pffff

Tiggly · 10/11/2006 22:57

his temper, strops, mood swings etc. I showed him my temper for the first time in ten years i am ashamed to say, and threw a chair and pan rack at him down the stairs. we can laugh about it now, and he has repaired the holes in the wall. I told him what i finally thought of him, about the lack of sex... (god i've been meaning to do that for ages), his mood swings, that fact he took me for granted, and never ever took me out to dinner in all the ten years we have been together, now rectified. was cathartic but taken to the extreame by furniture flinging...

Daisypops · 10/11/2006 21:47

Blossom, I agree, a flippin cup of tea, thats all I ask for! DP defo takes me for granted but its my own fault because I've always done everything.

Posey, I agree with the tiredness thing. Things are always worse when your tired.

We don't argue about sex, DP just isn't getting any at the moment as I'm pregnant and totally off it. He gets other things though but seems to forget about those, which I sometimes want to argue about but can't be arsed!

Posey · 10/11/2006 21:42

Tiredness causes 99% of the arguements in our house. If we sleep well, we don't argue, simple as that.

IamBlossom · 10/11/2006 21:38

how can someone say no when you ask them to make you a cuppa?? Rudeness.

We argue about my family, he is obssessed with my dad and how he thinks he can be an arse sometimes, and how my sister is mad, and my mum is a doormat. All true, but who wants to hear it? I don't go on about his bloody family.

We argue about the fact that he has never looked after our two boys on his own. Ever.

We argue about who gets up in the morning with the kids, but that's just a token argument really, when we are tired in the morning, it fades fast.

Don't argue about money or sex. In fact we aren't to bad really, compared with other couples - a good row clears the cobwebs sometimes don't you think? And making up is fun.....

Daisypops · 10/11/2006 20:40

Housework. I ask DP to do something and he always finds an excuse not to do it. The other day I asked him to get the washing in because it had been raining, he said 'No leave it out its soaking' I said 'yeh but thats why I want it in so I can spin it and dry it another day' he said 'no just leave it' Why couldn't he just go out and getting the fuffin washing in.

He whinged the other day because I offered to drop my mum off at work. He said your pregnant you shouldn't be running about after people, but he lays in bed and asks me to bring him breakfast. And dos he ever bring me breakfast NO! Infact I asked him to make me a cup of tea the other morning and he said no!

Othr than that, we don't argue!

Pages · 10/11/2006 10:43

Little arguments - him not helping me round the house and with the kids enough.

Bigger arguments - tend to be inexplicable overreactions when stressed on one or other of our parts to things that we have unresolved and are hypersensitive about from our childhoods.

Don't ever argue about sex or money.

UrbanDryad, the map thing with you and DH is me and DH reversed -I like to get in the car and then just sort the route out as we get nearer. It feels more adventurous to me. I am very relaxed about journeys whereas I find it imemensely frustrating and irritating that DH (like you!) has to plan a long journey in advance and know every single exit and road name.

DetentionGrrrl · 10/11/2006 05:24

We don't argue. Sometimes i'm a bit grumpy from tiredness, but other than that we get on fine.

fussymummy · 10/11/2006 00:51

We don't argue.

We just have a moan about the things that bother us and it's dealt with.

Mostly about all the kids stuff all over the place.

Or, me spending too much time on the computer!!!

Me, having too many parcels (internet shopper!) delivered to the door and never putting shopping away immediately.
(he forgets that i have to run round after the kids).

I wish i was a man, because then i'd be sooooo bloody perfect!!!!!!

I just smile and nod my head in the right places when he's moaning, and he thinks i'm really listening to what he has to say!!!!!!!

WriggleJiggle · 10/11/2006 00:12

Arrggghhhh, now don't get me started on Sky Sports.

ShinyHappyPeopleHoldingHands · 09/11/2006 17:01

LOL @ golf clubs on Ebay.. hear hear!! My DH has just bought some rusty ones because they are good for.. I dunno, something or other, I tuned out!

danceswithmonkeys · 09/11/2006 16:57

My parents
Actually not too much, we're pretty nice to each other most of the time

lovingbarney · 09/11/2006 16:54

why didn't i see this post yesterday as i had such a go at him could have got it all off my chest here. football football results on radio any sport sky sport golf sport sport sport. tv always on news news news question time .

WriggleJiggle · 08/11/2006 17:35

not arguments as such, but disagrements over the amount of golf clubs he buys on ebay !

Occasionaally I get upset that he works such long hours

MayMay · 08/11/2006 17:29

I´m new to MN so hope you don´t mind me butting in..

  1. Money. Sigh.

  2. The way he lets people get away with things he shouldn´t (eg boss/customers paying late or taking him for a ride and wanting him to do extras for free) or not standing up to his dad.

  3. The way he can´t prise (sp?) himself out of bed b4 10am on a Sat or Sun and take a turn walking the dogs at 7/8am ("because he has worked all week") when I have to get up and do it Mon-Fri. He says they´re my dogs = my responsibility. Fair enough but it still pees me off.

  4. He never makes his own sandwiches, would rather starve!

  5. The way he will take money from our account without warning me (so I can´t pay bills) - even though it is usually to buy me something.

  6. The way he sets the alarm for an hour b4 he needs to get up then switches it off and goes back to sleep for an hour but I´m left laying awake then! Grrr.

    But all in all they are silly things and he loves me to bits so I shouldn´t really moan cos he is good to me. Eg. he is at this moment picking up MY dogs´ food after a hard day at work even though he would rather come straight home. Plus he helps with the housework weekends and takes turns to cook.
lanismum · 07/11/2006 18:23

which car to buy

dds wardrobe, he thinks i spend too much on her clothes

big shops at sainburys, we used to bicker over everything that went in the trolley, now i take his card, do the shop on my own, and he carrys it up at the other end.

his mentalist family

my mentalist (but nice) family

baby names for number 2 due in april

sleepycat · 07/11/2006 17:26

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FireFaerie · 07/11/2006 17:22

i just argued my way round tescos with DP.. why did he have to have a day off on the shopping day?! someone hates me 'up there' today.. (only a phrase, please dont garrot me for my lousy religion comment.. [ducks])

PanicPants · 07/11/2006 16:40

Lol Steppy1, such a man thing isn't it!?

Glad the move went well and that you're settling in - arguments withstanding!

nothotforit · 06/11/2006 22:08

Steppy1 that is so an argument we have! just moved to new house, cables, huge speakers, 6000 records, all in my workshop/ study/ hideout! grrr!

and the livingroom, and the bedroom, and the attic ....

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