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What causes the most arguments in your relationship?

78 replies

emkana · 06/11/2006 13:20

Just interested what it's like for other people.

We argue most about me thinking that dh doesn't give me enough attention.
That sounds a bit childish though, doesn't it?
We never argue about money, which I'm very glad about.

When I was working we used to argue about who does what around the house, but that stopped with me being a SAHM. Dh helps a lot with the children side of things, I do all the cooking and washing and we have a cleaner. So it somehow stopped being an issue, but could start again if and when I go back to work.

OP posts:
Pinotmum · 06/11/2006 14:56

Pretending he's listening when infact he isn't. Putting off doing stuff in the house (sorry building site) after promising to take time off to finish the work. If the hosue was finished we'd be fine until we found something else to argue about

Zippetydoodahzippetyday · 06/11/2006 14:56

Money mainly as he controls all the money in the house and it really annoys me but tbh I got us into money problems with my account and so it was agreed that he would take charge of it.

He sorts all the bills out and does all the financial worrying but then moans that I don't take enough responsibility.

What annoys me is how I always have to bath the kids and I always have to put them to bed!!

divastrop · 06/11/2006 16:27

computer stupid computer game where u chat to people...why?????

and the fact that i'm pregnant and he is soooo unfair yet i get told off for moaning about it

Gameboy · 06/11/2006 16:30

Volume of music and TV -( he's deaf but won't accept it!)
Parental responsibilities - who does what. We both work and I think they should be more equally shared. He thinks they ARE equally shared, but that's because he just doesn't notice that laundry, shopping and cleaning happen... somehow...

expatinscotland · 06/11/2006 16:31

The fucking PS2.

noddyholder · 06/11/2006 16:31

PMT causes arguments we don't really argue the rest of the time

MascaraOHaraIncredibleSheHulk · 06/11/2006 16:37

In my old relationship - drugs and alcohol.
Then I dumped him and we are now 'working it out' so...
In my new relationship - nothing because it's my way or the highway.

bakedpotato · 06/11/2006 16:44

Me Time, who's due some

Mellowma · 06/11/2006 16:57

Message withdrawn

doggiesayswoof · 06/11/2006 16:58

We don't argue much but...housework, ugh. And weirdly it's normally because he has to do most of it. I'm very undomestic that way.

EcoWarrior · 06/11/2006 17:06

Not helping me with the housework when he is on his days off.

Can't or won't look after dd1 and dd2 for the day (they are 4 and 7)

Blaming it on tiredness when he wets the bed (usually after copious amounts of alcohol too), then expecting me to wash the sheets sort it out etc.

Dottydot · 06/11/2006 17:07

We don't really argue - too knackered and don't see each other enough at the moment, but the things we differ on are big changes to life, which I generally steer us towards! So I'll want to move house/have babies/change jobs etc. and dp will usually start running a million miles in the opposite direction (very sensible!) and then we kind of meander towards one or other direction. I'm more driven to make changes (which I think will improve our lives) than dp and enjoy change more than she does, which drives her bonkers as she'd be very happy not changing much about life at all if I wasn't around...

Money - and not having enough of it, drives us both mad. I'm less sensible than dp and will suggest going out for a meal/cinema and she'll have to be the grown up and remind me we can't afford it, which is irritating, but she's right, so we don't really argue - I sulk a bit and then that's that.

divastrop · 06/11/2006 17:08

expat-who plays on the ps2,you or your dh?

Naughtynoonoo · 06/11/2006 17:09

Me and my lovely friend PMT.
Housework - well the lack of it that dh does.

beckybrastraps · 06/11/2006 17:14

Who should make phone calls

We are odd.

brimfull · 06/11/2006 17:24

money,dh just moaned about paying for dd's music lessons and I called him a skinflint.He's now in a huff.

zippy34 · 06/11/2006 17:52

Dh's solution to everything being a grand scheme that he will talk about in great detail and never get round to carrying out...

Judy1234 · 06/11/2006 18:20

I'm on my own so this is one thing I'm spared. We didn't argue that much in the marriage. I don't like arguments at all.

Steppy1 · 06/11/2006 18:41

we had a humdinger yesterday...about huge bloody speakers and great big fat cable for the things to link up to the stereo system...Sounds pathetic but when we got together 13 years ago, I moved into his bachelor pad and didn't feel I was in a position to criticise the cabling...... been married now for 10 years, worked hard together, just moved into new house and I DO NOT WANT OUR LOVELY COUNTRY COTTAGE DRAWING ROOM SPOILED BY BIG CHUNKS OF * CABLING !!!!!!!!!!

Apart from that everything hunky dory !!

FioFio · 06/11/2006 18:42

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn

NomDePlume · 06/11/2006 18:46

used to be money and sex

now it's things like him drinking and ASSUMING I'll drive without even asking me - he'll arrange to pick the kids up from somewhere and the promptly shove 3 glasses of wine down his neck and then mention they need collecting. Or housework.

Ah, domestic bliss

NomDePlume · 06/11/2006 18:46

(and then promptly)


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Ilovemyboy · 06/11/2006 20:37

Don't argue much at all but when we do, it tends to be over DP's tendency to leave his pants and socks on the bedroom floor or wet towels on the bed.

[smug]He is soooo good in all other areas though.[/smug]

WinkyWinkola · 06/11/2006 20:43

His coming home from work, immediately slumping on the sofa, switching on the TV and sitting there, staring at it like a moron.

Meanwhile, I am running around, cooking supper, laying table, clearing up toys, on the 'phone organising various stuff etc. He doesn't even notice.

His view is that he's been working all day. Ahem.

Anyway, tonight the same old row happened again. He's gone out to eat a Chinese leaving the supper I cooked him on the table. Do I care? Nope. At least I could read the 'paper in peace over supper.

WinkyWinkola · 06/11/2006 20:44

His coming home from work, immediately slumping on the sofa, switching on the TV and sitting there, staring at it like a moron.

Meanwhile, I am running around, cooking supper, laying table, clearing up toys, on the 'phone organising various stuff etc. He doesn't even notice.

His view is that he's been working all day. Ahem.

Anyway, tonight the same old row happened again. He's gone out to eat a Chinese leaving the supper I cooked him on the table. Do I care? Nope. At least I could read the 'paper in peace over supper.

He's back now, belching like a navvy. This means his IBS is playing up in reaction to what he's eaten. Giggle.

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