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Losing Susan to Mumsnet...

90 replies

Giblets83 · 12/01/2015 22:35

Dear Mumsnet,

My lovely partner Susan (not real name) spends a huge amount of time on Mumsnet. I respect the advice, support and community she has found, but every time I look over she's on the ipad.

I wonder if I'm doing something wrong? Is there a healthy amount of time one should spend on Mumsnet a day? How much is too much?

I feel that combined with having a 10 month old PFB / DS in the same room as us, it's affecting the intimacy in our relationship.

OP posts:
Giblets83 · 13/01/2015 09:51

PS - To anyone really taking advice on these pages, make sure you see the discalimer above: "Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you need help urgently, please see our domestic violence webguide and/or relationships webguide, which can point you to expert advice and support." - A lot of people are drawing quite big conclusions from very little provided information on here...

OP posts:
AuntieMaggie · 13/01/2015 09:56

phew it's not me

Joysmum · 13/01/2015 10:09

It is funny as 'Susan' said because most of the replies were as is it was a joke.

I didn't, just in case, and wish I hadn't bothered.

CatThiefKeith · 13/01/2015 10:14

Phew. If it had been a 3yo dd instead if 10mo ds I would have been certain this was dh.Grin

DrMorbius · 13/01/2015 10:16

Joysmum - have you swapped the milk for Vodka again? (joke as I can't understand your post).

grumbleina · 13/01/2015 10:53

I wish my DH was as funny as Susans.

ArsenicFaceCream · 13/01/2015 11:06

I dunno, grum, he got a bit huffy.

Most responses were laughing along, but he threw toys out of the pram anyway Sad

Lweji · 13/01/2015 11:14

It sounds like he thinks he's the only who is capable of being funny. while missing out that most posts were taking the piss. Everyone knows that MNs are the funniest and wittiest people ever, most often than not with a straight face.

IsabeauMichelle · 13/01/2015 11:16

Hey Giblets, have you ever thought about a career in stand-up?

grumbleina · 13/01/2015 11:17

Ha, Arsenic, don't worry, my DH is MUCH funnier than Susans.

And would never use 'see you later alligators', which is more important.

WhirlyTwirlySnowflakes · 13/01/2015 11:17

Giblets you are hysterical lucky, lucky Susan.

guitarosauras · 13/01/2015 11:20

I think op is funny.

I can imagine my dp doing similar (except he thinks that I'm studying Wink ).

I want Giblets and Susan to be the Richard and Judy of mn.

ArsenicFaceCream · 13/01/2015 11:28

And would never use 'see you later alligators', which is more important.

Gosh, yes. Critical.

ZingTheGreat · 13/01/2015 11:29


erm no

try harder Giblets

elastamum · 13/01/2015 11:30

Its a bit of a passive aggressive joke though isn't it OP.

And given your knowledge of the jargon, I expect you also spend a lot more time reading stuff on here online stalking your DP than you care to admit. Grin

Lweji · 13/01/2015 11:44

Yes, guitar, he is just about Richard funny.

Losing Susan to Mumsnet...
ZingTheGreat · 13/01/2015 11:47


you are onto something...maybe Giblet is the one who is lost to MN really and it's an awkward cry for help.

UpNorthAgain · 13/01/2015 13:55

Stop being so hard on the OP. I think MN is more addictive than crack cocaine (not that I've ever tried it) and have to block it from time to time on my internet allowed sites thing.

Please - don't have a go at me for making a joke about drug abuse...

Lweji · 13/01/2015 14:10

I won't go at you. I think you were a heroine and really cracked that post. Have some rum and coke to relax.

Zucker · 13/01/2015 14:15

Hilaire. I'm also so glad you came to warn us all about the dangers of seeking/taking advice from people we don't know on Mumsnet Shock

AnyFucker · 13/01/2015 17:11

Don't give up the day job, op

weedinthepool · 13/01/2015 17:33

Calm down Brian. Susan was probs laughing AT you, rather than with you.

Peace out (you used laters alligators first!).


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GlitzAndGigglesx · 13/01/2015 17:35

Steer clear giblets you will be drawn in too...

Oceanpurple · 13/01/2015 17:44

Poor Judy Susan...

forwarding · 13/01/2015 17:53

It's a laugh a minute at your house tonight op! Grin

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