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Losing Susan to Mumsnet...

90 replies

Giblets83 · 12/01/2015 22:35

Dear Mumsnet,

My lovely partner Susan (not real name) spends a huge amount of time on Mumsnet. I respect the advice, support and community she has found, but every time I look over she's on the ipad.

I wonder if I'm doing something wrong? Is there a healthy amount of time one should spend on Mumsnet a day? How much is too much?

I feel that combined with having a 10 month old PFB / DS in the same room as us, it's affecting the intimacy in our relationship.

OP posts:
MushroomSoup · 12/01/2015 23:20

Darling, get off Mumsnet and come to bed.

WildBillfemale · 12/01/2015 23:26

Do you do the housework? Do you give endless foot rubs whilst suppressing your sexual needs? Oh sod it leave the bitch.

Ohfourfoxache · 12/01/2015 23:29


Only1scoop · 12/01/2015 23:31

You seem to know the terminology Mr Susan.

QueenOfBrian · 12/01/2015 23:31

Oh fuck for second I thought it was my DH

He is now snoring next to me.
I was going to give him a load of shit because tonight for once I haven't been on
(until now)

dirtybadger · 12/01/2015 23:34

What's a PFB? I've been here over a year and I don't even know that Blush...something something baby?

balia · 12/01/2015 23:36

She could be looking at porn and just telling you it's mumsnet.

Isabeller · 12/01/2015 23:37


ZingTheGreat · 12/01/2015 23:38


hey missy! Smile

Dukketeater · 12/01/2015 23:39

I note Giblets says partner not wife but they have a baby... Perhaps Susan is on here asking for advice on why you won't marry her OP?


BlackeyedSusan · 12/01/2015 23:41

Chicken and egg...

Mumsnetting leading to no intimacy or not wanting intimacy leading to mumsnetting?

Pastmyduedate0208 · 12/01/2015 23:43

Je Suis Susan

JeanneDeMontbaston · 12/01/2015 23:43

Just so long as she doesn't discover lipstick and boys, and refuse to believe in a secret country inside the wardrobe, I reckon you're ok.

backscratcher · 12/01/2015 23:45

Is this a reverse thread?

DuelingFanjo · 12/01/2015 23:46

She's not that into you.

DuelingFanjo · 12/01/2015 23:47

PFA = precious first born

DuelingFanjo · 12/01/2015 23:48

PFB I mean!

ArsenicFaceCream · 12/01/2015 23:48

Just read that to DH.

Didn't crack a hint of a smile Hmm

NatalieHarding21 · 12/01/2015 23:49

There has goto be a real reason why MN is giving that release, perhaps time to counter the imbalance with a hobby of your own, that will distract you from what 'Susan' is occupied with...

Lweji · 12/01/2015 23:49

She could be looking at porn and just telling you it's mumsnet.

If she is on MN, she will look at porn eventually. except me But definitely get an education.

thetroubleis · 12/01/2015 23:58

I'm back on MN after a loooong holiday.

Four days and I am starting to remember why I had a break!

It is rather addictive.

Cocolepew · 13/01/2015 00:00

I think you've already lost susan [sadface]


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softlysoftly · 13/01/2015 00:06

If there was a more interesting option she wouldn't be on MN.

You are less interesting than us.

GoatsDoRoam · 13/01/2015 08:27

Maybe your relationship lacks intimacy because you are the kind of passive aggressive twat who will post on the forum where you wife feels at home in an attempt to a) piss on her territory and b) get other people to "school" her for you.

Giblets83 · 13/01/2015 09:49

Wow! I wonder how you lot respond to something genuinely controversial from a DH?!

You'll be thrilled to hear the following:

a) This was a joke
b) I sent "Susan" the link and she thought it was funny
c) She thought the intensity / scale of the response was funnier
d) All is well with us, get over it

See you later alligators...

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