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No affection....ditch or date?

77 replies

Bitofadviceplease · 02/03/2013 07:16

I've been going out with my boyfriend for nearly 3 months now. He's 34 I'm 32.

I am a very touchy feely person, he is complete opposite.

Last night we sat watching a film on desperate sofas! Fair enough the dogs were lying sleeping beside is but he never once said 'come over here'

He very occasionally cuddles me, occasionally kisses me (not passionately), and I could count on one hand the amount of times we've had sex in just under 3 months and its always initiated by foreplay, just wham bam thank you till he's done. My previous partner was amazing & considerate in bed so not used to this .

I've tried talking to him about the lack of affection but he doesn't know what I want him to do.

We're practically living at his place and I'm having still pay mortgage on my place while going halfers on his rent & bills. I don't want to rent my place out until I'm 100% sure it's going to work.

It's also costing me more in fuel to get to work & back from his house.

Last night was the last straw, made his work for him coming home from work, also picked him up from work! Then no affection at all. I'm already feeling like I'm his slave & provider of money when he's short with no real feeling I'm loved :(

Most of my things are here but going to suggest I keep flat longer to him & start staying there couple of nights a week


OP posts:
Bitofadviceplease · 03/03/2013 07:42

He wasn't particularly bothered which doesn't surprise me. I don't need a man like that so glad I came on here for advice.

Sometimes although your gut feeling tells you the answer you just need to hear it from others x

OP posts:
piratecat · 03/03/2013 08:21

yes its great to hear that you've trusted your gut and wow you made quick work of it to boot!
BOF it must break you heart seeing you friend in that situation. i have a friend who is not being treated well and i don't know what to say or do anymore. x
good luck in your cosy nest op.

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