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Is it me or is Rob Brydon just not doing it for you on ISIHAC?

103 replies

johnworf · 26/07/2009 21:27

I've really stuck it out listening to him in the chair but he's just not doing it for me. I wish they'd take him off. He's ruining it for me!

OP posts:
AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 09:53

nothing at all, i love a large brown eye. just not DM's, he doesn't have any white bit at all... he's like a particularly bright zombie.

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 10:16

It may also be that you really need to have a chin to carry off the large brown eyes look. His face is a little top-heavy.

edam · 27/07/2009 10:19

think I pass muster, Ma'am!
Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 10:22

I feel mean now. He is perfectly nice looking. Webb, on the other hand, is positively gorgeous but possibly a bit of an airhead. Couldn't they both get into a futuristic transportation device and have some sort of freak molecular-splicing incident?

Spidermama · 27/07/2009 10:23

Rob Brydon has very limited appeal. I think he IS Uncle Bryn which is funny when he's doing Uncle Bryn, but very irritating when he isn't.

AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 10:23

yes yes, that's it. here he is begging some bird off bad girls for a snog

ZephirineDrouhin · 27/07/2009 10:29

How can anyone not love David Mitchell? I always feel a bit sorry for Robert Webb because he is just so dull-witted by comparison.

Getting on was brilliant - Vicki Pepperdine was particularly good. Wish I had heard her radio show.

Agree Rob Brydon is a bit of a bore nowadays. I loved Marion and Geoff though. And Human Remains (although that was probably mostly down to genius of Julia Davis).

Swedes · 27/07/2009 10:40

DM will be forever aged 13 - even his voice is uncomfortably suspeneded in perpetual adolescence, between tenor and treble.

Jux · 27/07/2009 18:54

I've just had a lightbblub moment!

Jennifer Saunders.

How about her. Lots of very dry lasciviousness regarding Sven? And agonisingly patronising towards Samantha.

msled · 27/07/2009 20:02

I think Sandy Toksvig would be able to do the Samantha stuff, but what would middle England think?

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 20:15

I'm sure middle England would cope. Stephen Fry has already handled Sven to good effect, and there are plenty of lesbian gags in The News Quiz.

But she is far too jolly. She would have such a plainly lovely time

policywonk · 27/07/2009 20:30

ST is very good on the News Quiz I think - much better than Hoggart (I like his columns but he wasn't very good at reading aloud). Let's not cock up all the R4 comedy panel shows at once.

AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 20:32

i do miss tooky though.

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 20:48

He was good wan't he. A bit oily perhaps.

If we are reshuffling chairpeople perhaps Nicholas Parsons could be a goer. I fear it might be a short-term solution though.

Ponders · 27/07/2009 20:50

Andy Hamilton?

policywonk · 27/07/2009 20:52

Barry Took was aces. And I LOVE Andy Hamilton.

AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 20:53

no. no. no Nicholas Parsons. i was on the radio with him once, he's quite a nob. actually, so was barry cryer.

policywonk · 27/07/2009 20:54
Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 20:56

Andy Hamilton very funny. Not a natural chairman though? I can't see him as being an authority figure on the receiving end of subversive joshing. Though he could do it as Satan I suppose.

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 20:57

Yes, I don't really like the underwearless vicar very much.

Nuff respec for being on radio with him though.

AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 20:58

they're both just old men who used to be funny.

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 20:59

were their eyes acceptable?


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AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 21:02

lol. no, actually. parsons' eyes are papery.

Threadworm2 · 27/07/2009 21:04

That sound scarey. A bit like Coraline(sp?)

Now you will have to go on CompareThe[Comedian with the] to find illustration of papery-eyed resemblant.

AitchTwoOh · 27/07/2009 21:11

aha, so you clicked. i searched for 'pleading meerkat'.


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