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Is it me or is Rob Brydon just not doing it for you on ISIHAC?

103 replies

johnworf · 26/07/2009 21:27

I've really stuck it out listening to him in the chair but he's just not doing it for me. I wish they'd take him off. He's ruining it for me!

OP posts:
ButterbeerAndLemon · 26/07/2009 22:32

There are entire threads where most of Mumsnet share inappropriate feelings for David Mitchell...

AitchTwoOh · 26/07/2009 22:32

no, david mitchell completely dead behind the eyes. and a bad kisser, i saw a photo once of him snogging some poor lassie off bad girls and he was doing the hoover over her entire mouth. in a pub doorway. yuck.

while i'm here, is everyone watching Getting On? vicky pepperdine a living goddess.

Ponders · 26/07/2009 22:33

dead behind the eyes?????

Threadworm2 · 26/07/2009 22:33

Vicky Peppardine brilliant on her R4 comedy show. What is Getting On?

policywonk · 26/07/2009 22:35

LOL at 'doing the hoover'. He was snogging someone off Bad Girls?? Really?

I daren't even look into the Kermit thing.

Don't suppose anyone knows where I might come by an illegal recording of this week's DID then?

AitchTwoOh · 26/07/2009 22:36

yes. dead behind the eyes. they're too brown, they take up too much room on his face. creepy.

getting on is the jo brand thing, set in a hospital ward. written by brand, pepperdine and the woman who played terri on the thick of it. veeeeery good.

am listening to rob brydon now, will report back. don't you people use iplayer while mning?

ScummyMummy · 26/07/2009 22:37

Brydon is the anti-humour, imo. I've never felt remotely amused by any of his work, ever. It's almost an insult to contemplate him in the same boots as Humph, even intermittently.

Ponders · 26/07/2009 22:37

Can't listen and read at the same time

Ponders · 26/07/2009 22:38

(solitaire occupies hands but not brain while listening again...)

UnquietDad · 26/07/2009 22:39

Ah, yes, Una Stubbs stood open-mouthed when Lionel Blair pulled off "Twelve Angry Men" in under a minute.

Threadworm2 · 26/07/2009 22:39

You mustn't say these things aboput DM's kissing. He willll be too embarrassed ever to look at a woman again. I am worried for him. I think I harbor inapproriate thoughts about being his mother.

The other thing everyone says to him now is 'Doesn't Webb dance well. He is so cool. You are not cool.'

The DID woman more or less said that and he just wistfully said that he would ' stick to making terse remarks about the Cabinet.'

LeninGrad · 26/07/2009 22:40

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Threadworm2 · 26/07/2009 22:40

Apologies American spelling.

johnworf · 26/07/2009 22:40

Oh lordy. I keep having erotic dreams involving David Mitchell. I need to get out more

Am liking the John Sargeant suggestion for chair though.

The hospital comedy with Jo Brand is v good IMHO.

OP posts:
edam · 26/07/2009 22:42

Samantha's a brilliant idea, apart from being apparently incapable of actually speaking...

Actually, why does it have to be a bloke? Jo Brand would be worth a whirl, I'd have thought. Or Jenny Eclair.

johnworf · 26/07/2009 22:42

unquietdad the comment about Lionel Blair was the one that did it for me today re Brydon.

OP posts:
ScummyMummy · 26/07/2009 22:43

Keep hearing that Getting On is brilliant. Must catch up with it.

policywonk · 26/07/2009 22:45

If you could just post the whole thing verbatim thready that would be great (use any spelling preferences you like)

I'm with ponders on listening/writing/reading - can only do one at a time. I'm working my way through this year's Reith Lectures atm but have found that I have to be ironing or washing up to be able to completely concentrate on them.

AitchTwoOh · 26/07/2009 22:45

all three eps are on iplayer, i just watched them all again. jo brand, actually, would be hilarious in the chair of isihac and it would utterly revitalise samantha.

Hobnobfanatic · 26/07/2009 22:50

I was heartbroken when Humph died and felt quite disloyal when listening to the first ISIHAC post-Humph. it's still not the same, of course, but I did enjoy the last Rob Brydon one. I like the fact he genuinely seems to be having a good time and giggles.

Threadworm2 · 26/07/2009 22:51

Roy Plumley the tides of modernity will not be turned.

policywonk · 26/07/2009 22:52

OMG I love you


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ilovemydogandmrobama · 26/07/2009 22:58

Nothing wrong with American spelling

FlappyTheBat · 26/07/2009 22:59

Can't comment on the guest presenters as since Humph died, I haven't listened to ISIHAC.

For me, Humph was the show and it doesn't seem right that it has continued without him.

Threadworm2 · 26/07/2009 22:59

Nothing whatsoever. If you are American.

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