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Teacher wearing bikini in swimming pool

129 replies

SweetSurrender · 03/07/2013 17:00

Hello everyone, I'm new here - this looks like such a lovely community here, and I look forward to participating in many discussions here! I joined because I have a question to ask.

My child (8 years old boy) went on a trip a couple of weeks ago with his school to a swimming pool. They had qualified instructors outside the pool watching the children, but their teacher chose to go into the pool with them.

My boy told me that their teacher was wearing a very revealing bikini (not a sport one - something like this - ) - which was very surprising.

  • do you think this is appropriate for a teacher to wear during school time?
OP posts:
KnittedWaffle · 03/07/2013 17:35

Quite impressed that your 8 year old son was able to describe the bikini in as much detail as your link suggests. Most 8 year old boys probably wouldn't even have noticed she was wearing a bikini as opposed to a swimming costume.

I'm sure I remember a thread like this recently.

As for whether it's ok for her to wear it - of course it is.
It's a swimsuit.
I wouldn't wear it but that's more because I would horrendous in it.

KnittedWaffle · 03/07/2013 17:35


BOF · 03/07/2013 17:37

I'm just baffled which threads show us off as a lovely community. Have we gone soft? Standards are clearly slipping.

maja00 · 03/07/2013 17:38

There's nothing offensive about a bikini on an adult woman is there?

claraschu · 03/07/2013 17:39

I think there's something wrong if girls make an 8 year old boy go red. Also something wrong if he is surprised to see people swimming in a swimming costume.

Teachers are people.

PelvicFloorClenchReminder · 03/07/2013 17:40

It depends, was the teacher male or female? That bikini might be a touch too revealing on a man.

twistyfeet · 03/07/2013 17:41

pelvicfloor Grin

RippingYarns · 03/07/2013 17:43
Floggingmolly · 03/07/2013 17:48

It's a lot weirder that your ds could describe it's full revealingness if there's such a word, in such accurate detail.
Did he draw you a diagram?

EarlyInTheMorning · 03/07/2013 18:06

Surely she wore her burka on top

missmapp · 03/07/2013 18:08

I'm a teacher, and personally I wouldn't wear a bikini for a swimming trip , but I teach older children- wouldn't worry so much with 8 yr olds

BTW my 8 yr old boy doesn't go red when I mention girls.

hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 03/07/2013 18:12

I wouldn't have a problem with it to be honest, surely most 8 year olds who have been to a public swimming session will have seen people wearing all manner of swimwear.

LadyIsabellaWrotham · 03/07/2013 18:27

It wouldn't be my personal first choice - but if my DS's teacher chose to wear it my only thought would be Envy. I genuinely can't imagine what on earth your problem is with this OP.

Hadagutsful · 03/07/2013 18:41

Christ almighty, the OP is new and her post was not judgey. It was a statement and a "do you think" question. Why is everyone being so mean?

I actually think it was a bit inappropriate. A bikini like that isn't really for swimming in, let's be fair. Though great for her if it looked good on her.

ReluctantBeing · 03/07/2013 18:44

I think it is a bit inappropriate.

TSSDNCOP · 03/07/2013 18:48

Not everyone has a cupboard full of different types of swimwear.

I think I'd be more pleased about the teacher taking part in the activity with her class vs. what she wore whilst doing it.

ReluctantBeing · 03/07/2013 18:52

I'm sure she knew about it well in advance and could have got something more...conventional?

amothersplaceisinthewrong · 03/07/2013 18:55

If she is as slim as the model in the picture then she is not revealing too much. If, on the other hand she is a size 22 squeezed into a size 18 bikini then she will look a bit ridiculous.

SoupDragon · 03/07/2013 18:56

do you think this is appropriate for a teacher to wear during school time?

Possibly not in the playground or in the dinner hall.

MadBannersAndCopPorn · 03/07/2013 18:57

I took children swimming for the last 8 years of my job, I would always wear a bikini to swim in and never had any trouble.
If I was 1:1 with a child that needed physical help then I would put a t-shirt over as arms and legs everywhere meant there was a chance I could have 'popped out'. That's probably why swim teachers in pools wear them.
If the teacher was generally just swimming around she can wear what she likes as long as it covers bottom and boobs.
We had an older male teacher that insisted on wearing tiny weeny speedos- At SECONDARY school!!!!

AlienAttack · 03/07/2013 18:57

It's a bikini. Fairly conventional swimwear, I would suggest, in the UK in 2013.

exoticfruits · 03/07/2013 19:21

I can't imagine a young child being likely to give an accurate description- not enough to give us a picture.


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TondelayoSchwarzkopf · 03/07/2013 19:26

I think your DS should head over to Style and Beauty. His photographic memory for the style and colur of bikinis and where to buy them online would make a valuable contribution.

I only own bikinis and have taught swimming in a Pre-prep.

MadBusLady · 03/07/2013 19:33

We-ell, sitting here I am thinking "a bit inappropriate, what's wrong with a sturdy black speedo number?" It's only the equivalent of putting on a suit for work rather than a floaty see-through skirt. I think carefully about coverage/appropriateness when I am going swimming - doing laps in the municipal pool is a bit different to lying on a beach in Greece.

But then TBH you go to the pool and people are dressed up (or not) in all sorts, and I wonder why I worried so much.

I'm sure your 8yo won't be scarred.

MrsDeVere · 03/07/2013 19:34

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