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so what do I need for my labour bag and what do you never need but everyone says you do?

202 replies

jayjaybaby · 09/04/2006 22:38

hi please help me do you really need books snacks mp3 players masssage oil candles phone cards small change a small elephant and a magic elf

OP posts:
LoveMyGirls · 09/12/2010 20:36

No idea if this has been suggested already small plastic jug to pour warm water on yourself when you go to the loo.

Timeforabiscuit · 09/12/2010 20:54

The only thing I really treasured was a razor Blush 4 months of unshaven legs and just the ability to bend in the middle was bliss

and food, once on the ward I was like pacman

MrsVidic · 09/12/2010 20:56

i don.t know if this has been said but i treated myself to a new creamy different than usual body wash, which i don.t use much now but everytime i do it reminds me of my baby girl. Also ear plugs, real not paper knickers x

lal123 · 09/12/2010 21:11

With both my DDs I brought immaculately packed labout/post birth bags. Didn't use anything during labour - with DD1 gave birth in a hospital gown and with DD2 in the clothes I went in in. Only things I was glad I had - nightie, cheap knickers, slippers, brush, face cleaning wipes, make-up. I didn't need maternity pads- hospital supplied them.

Bobby99 · 09/12/2010 21:11

More nighties than you think - I only packed a couple for after the birth, and I bled on them and looked a right state until hubby arrived with some more Blush.

Also dried apricots - brilliant for keeping those stools soft for the big poo afterwards.

Well, sorry for lowering the tone!

FrameyMcFrame · 09/12/2010 21:17

if you're having a water birth you might want to bring 2 towels and two tankini tops (if you're not doing it nekkid!) Just because you might have to get in and out of the pool a few times and you can get cold in a wet towel and top.
Bring more maternity pads than you think!

WanderingInAWinterWonderland · 09/12/2010 21:22

Blimey this thread is old! DD was just a twinkle in DH's eye when this thread was made, never mind the one I'm pregnant with now! Xmas Grin

Useful though!

defineme · 09/12/2010 21:23

Moist toilet roll- you know like kandoos for adults - andrex do some in a upack with a puppy on.
Soooo much better than nasty dry loo roll on your battered bits.

Don't get confused with your flash wipes.

mrsgordonfreeman · 09/12/2010 21:59

A private room.

Snacks (I stuffed my face with about 4 cereal bars at once when they thought they were going to induce me, I took my chance before the drip went in ).

thereisalightanditnevergoesout · 09/12/2010 22:05

Oh yes - a private room - I think anyone can ask for one if there's a spare one and it's not needed by someone with a surgical need. We asked for an amenity room with DD1 - there was a fee but it was worth it for a bit of quiet (I'm a dreadful sleeper and I was bad enough in there).

Boostini · 09/12/2010 22:36

I took a plastic jug to help pour warm water on my bits when going for a wee. Also a bowl for water to clean baby's bottom. A friend advised me to take in cut up squares of J Cloths to use to wipe baby's bottom as it is better for wiping meconium than cotton wool, but second time round I found little muslin squares in Mothercare for top/tailing and they were cheap enough to just throw away after used.

An MPS player was more useful on the antenatal and post natal ward as they are noisy places !

And I know it's vain but i took tinted moisturiser, blusher and a lipgloss just to make me look a bit more fresh faced than I actually felt when visitors arrived !

Pigletta · 09/12/2010 23:17

Tena lady pants - so much easier and more comfortable than pads and paper pants, or any other pants for that matter - especially after a c-section.

At least 5 babygrows in case you stay longer than expected.

Book/magazines definately; personally found TENS machine a complete waste of time and money.

nattivitycake · 10/12/2010 00:02

I packed a perfect delivery bag, lol, then gave birth in the t shirt I wore in :)

nattivitycake · 10/12/2010 00:05

Oo, I do have a valuable suggestion though. Wash your hair at home in early labour, so you dont have to worry about it for a few days (hopefully til you're home again!!)
The showers in the hospital I was in were like standing under a dripping tap Grin

browny · 10/12/2010 00:32

Best things that I took with me last time (I've got five children) was my Rescue Remedy drops (to add to water) it really calmed me down when I was feeling overwhelmed and lavender oil (yes, honestly) - I had a planned c-section, I'm usually a very anxious person but breathing in the lavender oil was so calming that I didn't feel anxious or worried at all! Grin.

Take your own paracetamol...I found it impossible to get any from the midwives, I kept asking, but they were all too busy SadAngry. Good luck!

gogoredpanda · 10/12/2010 05:22

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moonbells · 10/12/2010 09:42

I wasn't allowed to eat for 24h cos of the caesarian! I wish I'd had my mobile phone. ALl reliies so far away, and I got two visitors while I was in for 3 days. (OK DH came several times but he was still one person!)

Quenelle · 10/12/2010 10:44

DH put the final season of Frasier on the PSP and I listened to it while I was in labour.

There was TV/radio but you had to buy a card thingy. We weren't allowed to take anything that has to be plugged in though.

jbells · 10/12/2010 10:56

toothbrush and toothpaste your mouth will feel horrible if u have gas and air, i had to send DP for mine the next mornin

Woodhen · 10/12/2010 11:46

Proper pants - in a few sizes too big, im talking giant belly huggers, that way if your caught out with a c-section like I was you have comfy pants for over the scar and swollen tummy - and dont have to send poor DP to M&S for big pants!!!!

detachandtrustyourself · 10/12/2010 13:12

water, for during and after, to prevent migraine afterwards. Snacks for afterwards. Camera (disposable IMO) (for afterwards, not during). Big material pants.Thick incontinence pants and big sanitary towels to catch the blood. 'Phone

NewbeeMummy · 10/12/2010 13:52

I found a few things completely invaluable

1.) a sports bottle for drinking my water out of - you can hold it anyway up and it doesn't spill when you accidentally kick it over.

2.) a selection of different sized baby grows, dd didn't fit newborn.

3.) some of those tablets you use for making sports drinks - kept me going for 23 hours of labour

4.) flip flops for going to the shower

5.) Breast feeding pillow - great for sorting out dd's latch and a great spare pillow.

6.) lots of snacks (dd was born just after halloween - so we had lots left over) DP was very grateful as he was stuck in the labour ward with me for the entire labour.

7.) a private room, I was in for 7 days in total, and watching the other mums leave to go home while I was stuck on the public ward was depressing.

8.) get your birth partner to pack your bag - I nagged DP to do it for weeks and eventually did it myself, I wanted to throttle him when he kept asking where X was.


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funnyperson · 10/12/2010 15:37

Dont bother going into hospital till your contractions are 10 mins apart if it is your first baby thats my advice then you wont need so much stuff. Just relax at home for a bit. Wake up partner when they are 15 mins apart just to involve him a bit and so he can get some petrol and parking meter money.

FindingAManger · 10/12/2010 15:53

all I wanted to eat for the 30 plus hours of contractions were grapes!! Bloody brilliant they were too. And water.

This time I'm also packing a post birth picnic of very dangerous cheese, pate and some posh crackers.

magic elf will take care of everything else!!

My hospital has nothing close by - no shops. I used the aromastone & essential oils, ipod & speakers (William Orbit on loop), camera, phone charger, lip balm, slippers, change of clothes/pj's, shampoo/conditioner etc (could have done with hair dryer for the 'new baby' snaps instead hair was all over the shop). Couldn't have read to save myself. Oh & clothes for baby but they can really be left with the car seat as I didn't dress her until we went to leave. She just wore nappy & was swaddled.

I didn't eat the snacks, coconut juice Confused, (though my birth partners did) or take the arnica (no bruising - lucky me).

foxter · 10/12/2010 17:20

I can't believe no-one's mentioned Anasol. I was really worried about stitches, and had a few, but they were nothing compared to the piles! I had to send DP out to buy Anasol for me, he was very embarassed, which at the time I loved!

I thought the paper pants were useless and took cheap normal ones the second time. I also found the huge maternity towels really bulky and uncomfortable and so sent out DP for some Allways as well. I guess it depends on how much you bleed and how badly you've torn, perhaps, if you can afford to, it would be best to take some of both? You can always save the Allways for later if you're bleeding too much for them at first.

I bought some new pj's for in the hospital and then couldn't fit into them after the birth and just ended up wearing one of DP's t-shirts and my dressing gown. Second time round I didn't bother with new stuff, just took my oldest nightie.

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