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so what do I need for my labour bag and what do you never need but everyone says you do?

202 replies

jayjaybaby · 09/04/2006 22:38

hi please help me do you really need books snacks mp3 players masssage oil candles phone cards small change a small elephant and a magic elf

OP posts:
2Happy · 11/04/2006 16:39

Lip salve - yes yes yes!
Proper sanny pads, the hospital ones are crap.
Bottle of water, or diluting juice as hospital water can taste really funny.
And diddle, my ds was a Junie last year, and I spent my time in hospital pre-epidural (a day and a half) wandering around in flip flops. By the time ds finally delivered the soles of my feet were black with dirt, I was so Blush. Had to beg MW to give them a wipe. So sure, wear flip flops, but use your flash wipes to clean your feet when labour gets going! Wink Grin

motherinferior · 11/04/2006 17:00

A small elephant would be very diverting, I have to say. I LOVE elephants.

blobsmummy · 12/04/2006 12:50

Am due to give birth in 8 weeks for the first time, so finding this thread very useful.

By the way, can I hire a magic elf from the same companies that hire out TENS machines, or is there a specialist supplier? Smile

The flip flops and flash wipes sound like a fantastic idea.

cece · 12/04/2006 12:56

snack size packs of dried fruit - eat after birth. It helps get you going...Wink

SnowBoo · 12/04/2006 13:01

I went thru 7 babygrows and vests in one night with ds. Very sicky little boy. Had to get dh to rush out and buy some more but that was the only thing i ran out of.
Oh, the small elephant wasn't neccessary in the end, dh went and bought a car instead so we didn't have to go home safari style.

kate100 · 12/04/2006 13:18

I packed loads of stuff when I had DS1 and didn't use half of it, water spray for your face anyone? Blush What I did find useful was taking three bags, one for the delivery room, one for me on the ward and one fo the baby, so tha I knew what was where and I could get rid of some of the stuff when I went onto the ward.

Definitely go with cheap ASDA pants, much better than paper knickers and about the same price, carrier bags to put your post labour bath towel and nightie into, alternatively put straight into clinical waste bin as I did following birth of DS1, flip flops are a must, wish I had taken flash wipes, actually, wish I had taken a cleaner. I also took my own v-shaped pillow and my own sheets and blankets for my little one so they were used to the smell of their things. Take plenty of snacks, as hospital food in my experince is questionable and if you're going to be in any length of time, check out the local take aways Grin

HandbagAddiction · 12/04/2006 13:36

Didn't take pyjamas or dressing gown - I actually found it really useful to take proper clothes to change into afterwards - made me feel somewhat 'normal' again afterwards.

Second what everyone says about flash wipes - they weer a godsend. Would also recommended putting a couple of bottles of water in the freezer before you go. Then throughout labour (if you remember to get them out of the freezer before you leave) you have access to lots of lovely iced water - very refreshing! Straws are also a must particularly if you're trying to deliver/labour on all fours!!

MeAndMyBoy · 12/04/2006 13:42

Love the magic elf :)

My hospital provided nothing for me so had to take everything. I did run out of nappies - I think I only took in half a pack of new born nappies and ended up having to beg one of the lady in the bed next to me Blush very inexperienced first time mum. Did get Dh to bring in my V pillow for feeding which was great.
The hospital bed's were very sweaty as was the pillow. Yuck.

First poo after giving birth was difficult something to help there would have been good.

Food definately - they fed DH but not me, I was being stitched in a different room.

I bought net knickers from the NCT and they were great, but the cheapo Asda granny ones sound great too.

I found the midwives very busy and so stuff that help you be/feel self sufficient might be useful.

I was in 3 days and didn't sleep so mp3 would have been good, ear plugs - my only concern would be will I hear Db crying?

spidermama · 12/04/2006 13:45

You need straws so you can drink water easily between contractions.

ProfYaffle · 12/04/2006 13:51

Deffo slippers, I got such a roasting of the midwife for not having any. (just what I needed on my first post cs shuffle to the bathroom)

compo · 12/04/2006 13:58

This is what my hospital tells us to take:
Labour bag - maternity records, old nightie or shirt to birth in, toothpaste and brush, 2 flannels, soap, shampoo, 2 bath towels, hairbrush, lip balm, slippers and dressing gown, old undies, books, magazines, music, ice cubes in flask or chilled water, sarnies or biscuits for dh.
Other essentials: at least 2 nighties or PJs, 2 feeding bras, 2 packets of maternity towels, breast pads, knickers, tissues.
Baby's bag: large pkt disposbale nappies, baby soap or infacare (Shock - thought you were just supposed to use warm water to begin with!), cotton wool, going home outfit (hospital provides clothes for baby to wear in hospital - litle gown type thing)
Laslty it says you may find these things useful: fruit juice/squash, sweets, writing paper etc, camera and film

compo · 12/04/2006 13:59

I would add mascara and eye liner to make you feel human if you have visitors!!

gscrym · 12/04/2006 14:09

I'd go for disposable pants. Possibly the ugliest undies ever but just bin them when finished with them.

I got told off by the midwife because my sanitary towels weren't robust enough (her words, not mine).

cece · 12/04/2006 17:42

I'd say more than 2 packs of maternity towels. O was using two at a time for the first few days so went through a lot Shock

jayjaybaby · 13/04/2006 10:45

ok what size newborn nappies and what size babyg rows did you take in

OP posts:
kate100 · 13/04/2006 10:50

I took newborn the first time and had to pack my 9lb 11oz baby into them, second time I took 0-3 and he was a lot more comfy, all 9lb 12oz of him.

I took non-maternity clothes to go home in, nice elasticated waist, nothing ambitious, but it made me feel a lot better to be going hom in 'normal' clothes.

PutAPeachyInYourSimnelCake · 13/04/2006 11:33

Lots of units have those bed phone set ups now so it might be nice to have cash for the TV / bedside phone if that's an option for you.

Personally RE clothes the newborn ones were always too big! So I'd suggest buy a minimum in NB, then get your DH / DP / Mum to pick up the right size straight after. I had Dh running round Mothercare desperate for premmie size clothes (he wasn't prem but small) in a panic before I could go home. Thos nightdresses for babies with the open bottoms or ties are great (V short ties obviously) as they are adjustable and don't necessitate removal of anything for a nappy change. theyr'e fine for boys too.

kateandfelicity · 13/04/2006 12:29

absolute godsend for me was cold spray, called magicool or something, it is in boots... was amazing for labour in very hot room when contacting/pushing etc...

really recommend it

PutAPeachyInYourSimnelCake · 13/04/2006 13:24

Also- more nighties than you think: it's TMI but they can get covered in blood really easily after delivery.

Cameras: practice using yours under flourescent lights beforehand, mine wouldn't set very well. Fortunately i had a polaroid too or I wouldn't have any photos. Sis and BIL also caught by this with their premmie- no photos for first week.

jayjaybaby · 14/04/2006 12:00

do you really neeed two feeding bras the ones that fit me are at least 20 quid each and what if i cant get on with the whole feeding thing
advice please you knowledgeable women me and my friend are finding your knowledge very helpful

OP posts:
PutAPeachyInYourSimnelCake · 14/04/2006 13:22

You will leak, trust me on that!!!! When I was feeding on one side I could leak far more than a breast pad could handle on the other, especially at about 2- 3 days when my milk was coming in.

(And from a practical standpoint, one white bra and one black is v handy).

jayjaybaby · 19/04/2006 20:03


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jmum6 · 19/04/2006 20:09

I'd say don't bother with mat towels - they were horrid and didn't absorb enough, sent dp out to buy Always Nightime towels - felt much more secure in them.

Also paper knickers were much too big for me, even the smallest sizes (and I'm not particulary small, just average size 10) so I'd say have a clear out of your knicker drawer and all those you are going to throw away take those in and throw them away as you wear them

Didn't once touch the books or magazines I took in with me.

Munz · 19/04/2006 21:29

I went into labour with only my bag packed, no money at all no snacks,

tbh I got by with the tens machine only, however DH went out for some snacks for him half way thru, so on that basis i'd say u def need :-

old knickers - I didn't bother with maternity paper ones, get cheapy 'big' knickers - down here 7 pairs for £2.50 so u can bin them after!

a V pillow for feeding with if u're gonna, and loads of pads/boob cream.

loads of change for the machine.

erm - a couple of blankets for baby, didn't need any cotton wool/wipes/nappy bags etc for him down here (may vary thou)

I took 2 packs of pads, but they ran out after about a day so take tonnes of them.

TicTacsMum · 19/04/2006 21:31

I had a bag packed with every conceivable thing in it and only actually used a water bottle ( picked up at the last minute whilst leaving the house)

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