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so what do I need for my labour bag and what do you never need but everyone says you do?

202 replies

jayjaybaby · 09/04/2006 22:38

hi please help me do you really need books snacks mp3 players masssage oil candles phone cards small change a small elephant and a magic elf

OP posts:
meandthomas · 17/05/2006 13:56

Water spray was fantatic for spraying at my now ex dp :o made me feel much better! lol

Other than that everyones covering it all :)

Blossomhill · 17/05/2006 13:57

Well I took in a radio to drown out noise from other rooms. That really freaked me out!

sorkycake · 22/05/2006 14:02

Or you could give birth at home, and not need to either pack a bag or flash wipe anything!

dressedupnowheretogo · 23/05/2006 14:08

i tell you what id love too but the dh is dead squeamish and i think is more nervous than me even tho im low risk im hoping to labour and then be out within six hours but might stop longer so ican make sure im getting bf right

trinityrhino · 25/05/2006 10:28

I absolutely loved having a small bottle with a spray top filled with cold water, quick spritz when felling hot and tired on the face made me feel a little more human during labourSmile

Sakura · 25/05/2006 15:27

Chloe55, that is too funny! A knackered clown, haha!
This thread is really useful,

milward · 25/05/2006 15:45

JayJay - I've only needed a hairclip for when I went into the bath & lipsalve. Never used anything else. First time used lipsalve & warm socks (had brought cd's but didn't want them on), Second birth was a planned c/s, third baby arrived fast so no labour bag & the fourth in 10 mins! Best wishes xxx

dressedupnowheretogo · 26/05/2006 18:47

thanks milward did you send your dh back home to get everything then? i hate to think what id end up with if i did that

dressedupnowheretogo · 30/05/2006 10:32

hi ya just wondering if you need a spre bag for baba and what do you put in that please help

Imafairy · 30/05/2006 10:57

One word of advice from me is to pack carefully - I've failed to do put things in in the order I need to take them out TWICE Blush and ended up each time rummaging around in the bag(s) trying to find what I needed!!
Obviously keep your labour stuff at the top, and also keep the stuff you want for your post-birth shower easily accessible (i.e shower gel, pad, knickers, pjs, bra, breast pad, towel)- I'd put them in a plastic bag together to be honest. And of course baby's sleepsuit and blanket.
Oh, and it might be me being a total wuss, but I have to confess to bringing a shower cap with me, which I was really glad of, because getting my hair wet at midnight would have been way too much effort!
And on the snack front, I had packed loads of chocolate and nuts, but what I really craved (after the birth) was some plainish things like crackers or breadsticks.
HTH - good luck.

Cappucino · 30/05/2006 11:28

big fluffy socks

they are the only thing I remember I was pleased to have

I don't remember actually needing anything. I had all this spray bottle and vaseline and massage oil malarkey in my bag and I wouldn't let anything near me except my gas and air canister

I bought some cloth maxi pads instead of the throwaway ones which were far more comfy

ei23 · 30/05/2006 13:19

itook everything i could think of wit me and used almost none of it!!
u prob only need to pack snacks, a bottle of water/ juice, a chapstick/ lip balm, extra nighties/ p.j's- a must!! and clothes for the baby. maternity pads are poo i agree with night-time pads as they are soooo much better and cheaper too!! always ones were the best imo and just nice big comfy pants as paper ones are just useless and kinda uncomfortable aswell!

Chloejp91 · 08/12/2010 00:26

Old but very useful so BUMP :)

Zipitydoda · 08/12/2010 22:55

A flannel; I got very hot and wanted flannel in cold water on my face.

harassedinhertinselpants · 09/12/2010 12:50

Water spray made me laugh! I packed one when I had dd (4.5) and dh tried to spray it at me and I could cheerfully have punched him Grin.

Def warm socks, and big cotton granny pants. All paper pants should be burnt imo.

HermyaTheRedNosedReindeer · 09/12/2010 14:39

Disposable changing mats, our first few changes with DS were very very messy.

Also lucazade was fab when I was in labour.

LifeOfKate · 09/12/2010 15:25

Lol at old thread, wonder if the OP has some of her own tips now Wink

I disagree with those who said normal sanitary pads were fine. With a 2nd degree tear, all those channels and ridges and dimpled effect were very uncomfortable, I had super thick maternity pads with a very soft lining and felt like I was sitting on a cloud :o Now, if only I could remember where I got them from for next time Hmm

I used hardly any clothes for DS as the postnatal ward was so hot, even at the beginning of December. So baby clothes are not going to be a priority next time! DH had to go and buy me some dark thin pyjamas for the same reason, as I had just brought fleecy winter ones Confused

I think next time, I'm just generally going to take less of everything apart from maternity pads! I may be back with more as I remember them!

thereisalightanditnevergoesout · 09/12/2010 15:52

Your favourite tea bags and your own mug, a flannel - are top of my list.

Zimm · 09/12/2010 18:16

Dressing gown is a must for all the night wandering..

MerryMarigold · 09/12/2010 19:36

Flip flops, sweets, clean nightie, towel - definitely

CD, lipstick, jewellery, disposable pants - definitely not

MyThumbsHaveGoneWeird · 09/12/2010 19:51

This thread is great, 38 weeks today and still have not packed anything.

Have ordered 2 new pairs of M&S pyjamas for the weeks after. Do I really need to buy a nighty too? I will never wear it again. I am thinking I can make do with a big shirt and old leggings in hospital?

londonmackem · 09/12/2010 19:56

I would say yes to nightie simply because I had a catheter in for 3 days and never got to wear my lovely new 'hospital' pyjamas. I also used paper knickers as they seem to 'cling' round the tube better than my big primark pants and I just threw them away with the towels as seemed easier. Usually size 12 but bought 16-18 from primarni and wore them a lot afterwards!
I took lots of snacks but never got to eat them as I was induced - was very Envy at my husband eating jaffa cakes by the box!


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cityangel · 09/12/2010 20:23

Maternity pads are vital, hospital have them but not the ones with sticky that fix to the knickers... I went for the natracare ones & recommend. A word of caution with the sanitary weave non-maternity ones... if you've had stiches they can rub & be too hot.

Paper pants will make an already messy situation worse...I went for cheap short style pants as these worked best.

Also v useful is key family/friend mobile numbers on a piece of paper in case you run out of mobile battery & phone charger to avoid running out!

Birth plan, insist the shift change read it & pen & paper

We were brought toast but maybe not all hospitals do.

For baby: car seat, muslin, nappies, cotton wool, x2 outfits,

cityangel · 09/12/2010 20:25

oh & camera

huskymum · 09/12/2010 20:31

I found bendy straws invaluable! My dh was able to hold a bottle of water for me to sip at any angle during the whole thing!

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