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Jan 2010: Weaning, sleeping crawling least we've moved on from discussing poo

784 replies

CantThinkofFunnyName · 11/06/2010 09:48

Roll up roll up - let's get chatting...

OP posts:
sockmonkey · 29/06/2010 16:40

crumpette just seen that other thread & it made my blood run cold. I had no idea things were so bad for you. You always come across so bright and cheery. Sending you lots of love and strength. Little J will be so proud of his Mum for breaking free. Keep safe x x

CTOFN just dont iron, it's so warm creases will drop out pretty fast while clothes are being worn. Hope you are ok. I know you only think you are doing what anyone would in that situation, but just know you are doing us all proud.

CantThinkofFunnyName · 29/06/2010 17:49

Nope - nothing has got done today at all apart from sitting at Tescos for 2 hours this morning while a car problem was sorted at nearby garage, then MN, feeding Olivia, trying to get her to sleep, school run, Brent Cross to get a shirt for DS for Olivia's christening this Saturday - oh and more MN!

Bloody hell. Must go and feed her again - where has my day gone? Oh yes, MN.

OP posts:
sockmonkey · 29/06/2010 18:11

But very important MNing!

Something which might make you chuckle

Last night DD farted so loud it woke me up.

CantThinkofFunnyName · 29/06/2010 18:13

sock Grin ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. God I need some light relief. I am mentally exhausted!

Have been back home for about 30 minutes, currently waiting for DH so I can go with a friend to a new diet meeting. A crash diet basically - LighterLife Lite! Drastic measure. I must I must I must look better on the beach!!

OP posts:
CantThinkofFunnyName · 29/06/2010 18:38

Good news! Have contact again. Check other thread as running out now and don't have time to post again!!! x

OP posts:
Fraochsmum · 29/06/2010 20:14

OMG Crumpette, that is so awful. I really can't begin to describe how horrendous I feel for you. I can only empathise with what you are going through, I only know how gutted I felt after the end of my first marriage. I have looked through the relationships thread and can't find your one there. Just to reiterate what everyone else has said, I hope things are going better for you, vent on here anytime, if you need an escape I am at the ar$e end of nowhere, and am also on mat leave (baby has passport) and can travel...

mama2moo · 29/06/2010 20:28

crumpette Im so sorry read that. I hope you are ok x

Well, babymoo had her last breast feed yesterday morning. So far I am ok about it and my boobs arent too bad. I am expecting it to hit me soon though that I probably wont breast feed ever again Sad

She had her paed appointment yesterday for her flat head. He took one look at her and said 'Im pretty sure its Rickets'!! She has vitamin drops and I have to give her 30 mins exposure to the sun everyday - Without lotion!! Um, no.

I think I will go back for a 2nd opinion. Has anyone else heard of it recently??

CFOFN I know loads of people who have done the Lighterlife diet. They have lost masses of weight. I am on low carbs and have lost a stone in 3 weeks! I am not even hungry anymore!!

party/superwoman I hope all is going ok Smile

whensmydayoff · 29/06/2010 20:28

damn me for being 'good'and staying off MN>

crumpette I hope you will take some help. You've been through so so much. Im always wondering how you keep it together and sound so sane after DD and shit P.
You need to do something for you for a change. Get out and start the process of a new life, moving on from that evil evil man.

What other threads are you all talking about?

super bloody hell woman, when you said you were Blush at your age being PG, I thought you were 45+ or something. Your 37 and on your 6th PG. That's not old. Alot of people are just starting at your age.
Have you told anyone yet?

ctfn your lovely Wink (im not flirting, I just mean kind)!

....and, yes this is the bestest baby age and I get so Sad at the time moving fast.
Im so in love with Olivia. Very smiley bordering mad at times Smile. I feel broody but it must be her age, I will get over it - right?

Ive just been doing my usual stuff. Having too many other mums for lunch and turning my kitchen into a cafe and living room into a creche.
Im actually exhausted making other folks lunch and entertaining all day but they always say, oh you've got the biggest garden Angry. Need to get brave and change this little habbit.

Having another mini meltdown of hypocondria. One of my few and normal looking moles has started to change - PANIC.
Ive had melignant melenoma before but was caught early.
Had a sunbed in my room from 15 years to 21 and fell asleep under it EVERY night. Can you imagine? Makes me shudder.
Anyway, I always think, hmmmm, when will the next one appear, now im convinced this is it.
Doctors tomorrow but takes ages to get appointment at actual dermotologist.
I wish Id stop panicing about things lately Confused.

mistletoekisses · 29/06/2010 20:31

CTFN - totally second what sock has said. You are a truely wonderful person who obviously has a very big heart. Let me know if you need anything.

sock - that is hilarious! Very ladylike behaviour!!

Crumpette - if you are lurking and reading. Know that you have a lot of people here rooting for you. Stay strong. xx

Right, I am heading off to bed. Havent stopped all day. Am shattered.

so have the weigh ins been abolished? I am stuck at the same weight for the last fortnight. this hot weather is completely putting me off starting running again. am sooo soon as it cools down, I will start again. Grin

mistletoekisses · 29/06/2010 20:35



Is not pretty reading. Poor Crump.

whensmydayoff · 29/06/2010 20:58

Oh my god Sad.

I can't believe just how awful this is.

What is she going to do cant do you know yet?

I honestly think he has made her think he is much more powerful and important than he is.
Bloody hell, I worked for the police for 12 years, they're decent people mainly and you find the bent ones are usually high up or shifted elsewhere and put in a shity area job.
Some PC sent along to a domestic has about the same power as the cleaner in the station nowadays!

He has no job - no funds - no power over anybody let alone the police and he knows it - but he has you!

Go to womans aid, they can help.

Away for bath before head explodes.

I didn't get a chance to read all 22 pages obviously but it sounds like you found one of MN's usual nutters who must be ignored.

mama2moo · 29/06/2010 21:01

Oh my God. I have just read the other thread. I so hope she is safe now and happy to be away.

Thinking of you Crumpette xx

whensmydayoff · 29/06/2010 21:05

Oh and crump, you are 24, you may think you are old but my life has barley begun.

Your young believe me. You have loads of time on your hands to start a new life.

I am 33, when I think back to 24 it seems an eternity away, so much has changed and i still think of myself as young with loads of good times ahead. You will see that later when your out of this mess.

My friend became a single mum to her DS at 34 and thought her world had ended. Of course it hadn't, she met someone else and is now 38 (39 soon, ssshhh) and is the happiest she has ever been.

This will be the horrible past, not the end.

CantThinkofFunnyName · 29/06/2010 21:20

For those wondering about other thread it's here

Am very Blush though about everyone saying I'm wonderful. Really - it's our little world here isn't it. I know that in real life this is just an internet chat room - but then serious stuff like this comes up and you feel you just have to help if you can.

Right, I really am going to have one more Magners and go to bed!

OP posts:
jardins · 29/06/2010 21:20

Crumpette you are one brave lady. I am at a loss for words but I just wish I could give you a hug and have a glass of wine with you. CTFN you have been amazing.

superwoman25 · 29/06/2010 22:51

Hi all

I'm exhausted sat here worrying about her all day, glad shes ok and told her mum.

that god damn marantha is really getting on my nerves and have just posted to tell her soAngry

I'm good, actually although i don't feel pg if that makes sense, I went to booking appointment, no bother but had booking bloods and then she said do you want blood test for ds, i just go cold as I don't really know what I would do with the information if it was positive, spoke to dh, he is so squeamish about everything to do with illness/conditions that he clams up. he just seems to say its up to me. when i was having erin, i went throught the same, but once i made the decision that if baby had ds i wouldn't terminate, it sort of lifted a weight as in what will be will be, so i never had any tests at all and started to enjoy my pg and of course she was fine, but i didn't have a 12 month old baby then either.

sorry to go on, i'll try to speak to dh again tomorrow, did any of you have the tests/amnio

superwoman25 · 29/06/2010 23:00

I just posted this on other site and when crump comes back wanted her and all of you to know you are really nice people (no i have not been drinking) just wanted people to see that we're not all troll hunting lunatics with an axe to grind.

I wasn't going to respond to marantha again as I didn't feel nice telling you to F*&k off before, but the more you post the more you are becoming very irritating.

As for sisterhood, me, cant, OP, and I noticed a few more of us, mistle, jardins, sock (sorry if i missed anyone else), have been talking on here and emaling for about a year now, when we first found out we were all having babies.

In that time, some of us lost our baby, some of our babys were born with problems and some of our babies have ongoing illnesses. Some of us had two babies adding more stress/worry, some of us added to already large families, and some were first time worriers. So while we may be anonymous names on a website, I know if I needed them they would help in anyway they could, and that has nothing to do with 'unity' or 'sisterhood' its being a god damn decent human being who would help a person in need, a trait which is sadly lacking in a lot of people these days.

Your posts are neither helpful or wanted so go and stick your 'sisterhood' or lack of it where the sun don't shine, and leave us decent people to really help those who need it.

dismantlethesun · 30/06/2010 02:50

please don't worry about me, I'll be back to my usual ID in a couple days. can't be arsed to change my name, I have outed myself anyway [how embarrassing]
I am so grateful for yoru overwhelming support, CTFN has been phoning/texting me despite her busy supermum life. P has made me nervous of being on the phone so I didnt answer- how mad is that. Anyway I am astounded by the words and offers of support, I was so alone for so long I accepted it all but it can't go on any longer and I have to deal with that. I'm totally safe where I am, he is trying to make me return but I will contact womens aid again and of course I am so grateful for everyone's help and kindness. I'm just sort of processing it all, I'm really shocked.

On a brighter note, DS did some impressive baby led weaning at lunch!!! x

verycherry · 30/06/2010 06:35

Great post party. Re tests etc I had bloods with all of mine and nuchal scan with ds3+4, it's such a personal decision and I wasn't sure what I'd do with the info but I wanted to know. I do believe your family dynamics/situation have a bearing on decision making though. However my ds3 has cerebral palsy and this made no difference on our deciding to have another (tho he wasn't dx then but we 'knew') so ummm have completely contradicted myself there! I think what I want to say is the reality of having a child with a disability is easier than the anticipation of it, well it is for me but of course is different for everyone but now I'll shut up aaaarrgghhh!

crumpette oh my lovely I am sooooooooooo happy for you to be out, I couldn't eat or relax yesterday til I heard you were ok. You are NOT alone. I can meet you anytime for coffee/cake/chat or you can easily come to me, please please do if you want to x

can't you are fab!!!!

verycherry · 30/06/2010 06:44

Ummm meant super not party

Am feeling euphoric as put ds4 in with ds3 last night and he slept 7-5.30 then had a feed and back to sleep til 6.30 the best night ever! I, of course woke at 2.30 and 4.30 thinking something awful had happened then ds3 woke at 6, but progress at last!

Right better get up as ds3 is now terrorising ds1+2 demanding they get up and have breakfast, which, being 16+14 they don't want to do at this time! Frankly neither do I.....

CantThinkofFunnyName · 30/06/2010 07:58

Hey Crumpette/Dis! If you come here for light relief instead of the other thread, don't worry about not picking up the phone to me, I totally understand that. Just keeping in touch by text lets me know that you are still ok.

Please do get expert help though, WA National Domestic Violence Helping (0808 2000 247). You probably think we are all completely over-reacting and moralising and that your situation is different and really, he's not that bad - right??? If I've just hit the nail on the head, what does that tell you. Please listen to me and others who have been in similar shoes. He will never change and we are not over-reacting. x

OP posts:
superwoman25 · 30/06/2010 08:54

Morning all

Thanks verycherry, I have said that to dh, what if there was 'something wrong' at a later date, an illness/condition that didn't show till they were a bit older, we wouldn't send them away would we, no we'd deal with it the best we could so, I was thinking in bed that I'll just get on with it and put it out of my mind and maybe like last time i'll start to enjoy being pg and stop worrying. I am so busy anyway that I keep completely forgetting that i'm pg anyway.

Due date is 23rd jan 2011, 3 days before Erins 1st b'day, and I have a scan on 15th July.


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alibobins · 30/06/2010 09:08

super what a lovely post and so true I don't think of you lot as a chat room I think of you as mummy friends.
I come on here and post feelings that I would never tell anyone face to face and it has helped me through.

crumpette well done on taking the first step this one will be the hardest Sad to break away from a life so fimiliar but you will look back and know it was the best decision.

whensmydayoff · 30/06/2010 09:22

Glad to hear crumpette and J are away from that animal.
I was very stressed last night as I thought you were still there.
I think it was only a matter of time before that loose cannon did something to one of you.

I bet once you get the ball rolling to get help you won't look back.
My brothers ex was very relieved and impressed with the service the provided.

Keep in touch xx

Newbeginning1 · 30/06/2010 09:34

mama2moo - sorry i dont know anything about Rickets but can't they do tests to diagnose it? Time in the sun with no protection doesnt sound like a great idea

super - sorry i cant offer any advice about the DS test as i wasn't a "high risk" group. Like you have said though, if you had the test and it was positive(?) would it affect your decision in continuing with the pg?

ali - how is Jacob?

mk - thanks for the advice re Jack. I managed to get him to have a nap yesterday in his cot even though it was brief so baby steps and all that.....

ctofn - how are you doing today? Like everyone else has said you really are fab and i want to be the first 1 to buy you a drink when we meet up Grin

crumpette - i've posted on the other thread but just to give you some light relief and cheer you up i took one for the team last night. I'm pleased to say that i'm not broken down below after having Jack, hoorah!!!!! Grin Jacks dad came round so im not being a complete hussy. I was so worried that my stitches would break or sex had changed or something like that but it turns out its like riding a bike. I however am not a bike if that makes sense? Blush

I do feel i'm rambling today so i'll stop and pop back later. Sorry to anyone i've missed.

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