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August 2016. Anyone got the hang of their babies yet?!!

374 replies

plimsolls · 12/10/2016 18:57

Thought I'd start a new thread. Unimaginative title but E has spent the whole day grizzling/feeding/sleeping on me so I'm running on limited capacity!

OP posts:
Biscuitswithtea · 02/11/2016 07:47

Sorry. By day I can see that's what you meant!
No real tips I'm afraid. DD usually falls asleep feeding. If she stirs and her world isn't perfect then she complains. If she's content with everything (though it's a mystery as to what her criteria are sometimes) then even if she stirs then she just goes back to sleep. She sleeps with the crib tilted and with the makeshift sleepyhead arrangement. Haven't a clue if that actually makes any difference but am buggered if I am going to change what isn't too broken!

hgleslie89 · 02/11/2016 21:46

Urgh, my usually quite happy DD has turned into a screaming,clingy monster today... Right after round 2 of jabs. She's finally settled after some Calpol and loads of hugs, hope we get a decent night's sleep. Might just be hermits tomorrow.

FourForYouGlenCoco · 02/11/2016 23:29

Sad for the babies who are being bothered by jabs Sad think DS was a bit grumpier than normal actually - at the time I didn't put it together!
Re naps pear - DS doesn't self settle. In the day he gets bounced/walked/patted/driven to sleep, and at night we cosleep so he either gets fed or cuddled, and sometimes I break out the big guns and pat his bum while he's feeding. He loves a bum pat, does DS. So my tip is - do whatever works for now and worry about it later Grin Oh and as for how I coped with nightmare sleeper DD - barely! At the time I felt like such a bad mum, and there are definitely parenting moments I'm not proud of from her babyhood, but actually I look back and think I deserve a bloody medal for surviving that shit without cracking up.

Relieved over here as me, DD and DS have now swerved 2x sickness bugs (my mum last Monday & then DH on Friday). Am sure one of us will come a cropper at some point but we're all ok for now. Been to the funfair and to watch the fireworks tonight - both kids were knackered afterwards, so much so that I actually managed to leave DS asleep in my bed with DD - normally he gets held all evening or he wakes up and shouts. He did in fact wake up and shout after an hour or so, but it was nice while it lasted.
Have got my hands on a parent facing buggy at long last. I love it! Sadly DS hates it. He's not massively keen on the sling either - he wants to be carted about over one shoulder the entire time, which isn't really practical.
Keep thinking AF is about to make a grand return the last week or two - have had lots of stabby pains and that heavy, 'womby' feeling iykwim, but nothing's shown up yet. Weird. Happy for it to stay away for now anyway!
Must sleep - feel permanently exhausted at the moment; knackered all day and then get a big surge of energy about 10pm. Night owl dispositions do not work with morning school runs! The weekend can't come soon enough.

peardrop2 · 03/11/2016 04:50

Humph that's just it though. Nothing is working Sad Like seriously, nothing. I'd love to feed Dd to sleep but she wakes up farting or needing to burp. I try bum patting, rocking standing, rocking on the edge of the bed. Tried it all.

I've just spent an hour up with Dd making sure that she is well burped and all farted out and I've now swaddled her (arms included) in the sleepyhead. She's gone down OK but I'm just waiting for her to wake up Confused Meanwhile I've woken up DS by making too much noise and he's decided he doesn't need anymore sleep Shock Seriously! It's like 4am!! I'm just leaving him to it. Argggh so Dd is now stirring. You see...nothing I can do Sad Stupid paediatrician who gave me yet another crappy lecture about tummy sleeping and sids. Wish they would all leave me alone. None of them seem to give me answers to why Dd is so windy but all of them love lecturing me about tummy the point that it breaks me down and I come home and try back sleeping again Sad only to fail...again Sad

On another note...I've now been referred to see a dietician. Only what I've needed for 13 blinking weeks!! I just hope that won't be a massive wait. OK got to go. Ds is now farting and chocking...back to tummy sleeping we go Angry

Slothlikesundays · 03/11/2016 16:36

Dd had her first jabs two days ago and she's a little fragile. Crying out of nowhere, inconsolable at the slightest noise Sad. I also think she's teething. Fun times over here!
Napping a disaster over here. I spent 40 minutes settling her for a 20 minute nap. She no longer reliably naps in the car and seems to cry now! She will nap in the sling but only after 15 minutes of walking. Night time sleep really good though so I don't know whether to just not force the issue of daytime sleep and see what happens?

Belager · 03/11/2016 17:25

Can I jump aboard the no sleep train? DD has regressed back to newborn days... without the naps! She now hates her sling, so she only sleeps if I'm walking around with her. This has been ongoing since tues. Sleep baby sleeeeeeep!

Biscuitswithtea · 03/11/2016 19:10

Pear do what works for you and if that means safe tummy sleeping then so be it.

DD has a rotten cold and so her sleep has been guff too. Picked up some snuffle babe nose spray today so am hoping that helps a bit. She managed a long nap in the sling this afternoon which will have been good for her. But mixed with toddler nightmares and it's fair to say Mr & Mrs Biscuits are tired!

peardrop2 · 05/11/2016 03:04

I know it's not kind to say but I am getting some comfort to hear some of your babies are having sleep issues too!

Biscuits I know you're right, 100% but I still struggle to get the mean doctors face out of my head when it comes to tummy sleeping Sad Obviously I'm just v hormonal and tired. It's not like I have a choice anyway is it! My choices are to sleep upright with Dd on me (and fall asleep because what human can stay awake all night) or put her down on her tummy and get 2-3hrs sleep.

So, I'm having an issue with bfeeding clothes! I had planned to just wear nursing vests under normal clothes but it's proving tricky because A) now winter is here I don't want to just live in jeans B) Dd won't feed if she's covered up at all so I still feel a bit exposed when lifting up a jumper C) I'm getting hot wearing jumpers and lastly D) starting to feel a bit frumpy wearing oversized jumpers Grin Today I treated myself to two new feeding vests because I want to burn my old Mama and Papas vests as they feel awful and 2 nursing tops. Still feel like I'm going to struggle with clothes. I'm now looking at nursing dresses for ease. Have a feeling this isn't going to be cheap Blush

Whattodowithaminute · 05/11/2016 05:31

pear I bookmarked this

ages ago for breastfeeding tops, haven't bought any yet but they looked a bit funkier than some of the normal offerings

Sorry you're still struggling so much with sleep and unuseful healthcare professional advice/lectures, enjoy some shopping to cheer yourself up!

Belager · 05/11/2016 07:43

pear I've also found H&M good for feeding tops, not too expensive either!

peardrop2 · 05/11/2016 08:26

Thanks What! I've had a look and unfortunately they don't have any stock but I've emailed to ask when stock is coming back.

Meanwhile DH has brought down my entire clothes collection from the attic so I need to sort through that and see what's suitable. Why does even a little task like this feel like a mountain with a baby who won't be put down Grin

Is anyone celebrating bonfire night this weekend? We've got a christening to go to and then fireworks in the evening. I'm leaving Dd behind with a sitter so DS has our FULL attention and I shall be reminding him of just that!!!

peardrop2 · 05/11/2016 08:28

Thanks Belegar I had a look on the website and I couldn't find anything but I was probably half asleep in the night Hmm

BellaGoth · 05/11/2016 08:36

An evening with you DS sounds fab Pear. Hope you have a fab night. DH and DS's god father are taking him to a display tonight. I'm staying behind because it's our rescue dog's first fireworks and I don't know what he'll be like. Although there were a few last night and he didn't seem to worried. Also, I don't want to miss strictly.

I hear you on the clothes sorting. I've somehow managed to get myself involved in a very complicated web of baby clothes swapping with 5 other people. I have clothes going in all directions and really struggling to sort everything out!

DD has her second jabs on Wednesday. I'm really worried. My dad is going to have DS for the day so I can focus on the baby so that's a big help.

I've gone a bit mad in the argos 3 for 2 sale. The kids might be getting more toys than planned for Christmas. Blush

Also, I still really love saying "the kids" rather than just DS. Grin

peardrop2 · 05/11/2016 08:36

Thanks Belegar I had a look on the website and I couldn't find anything but I was probably half asleep in the night Hmm

FourForYouGlenCoco · 05/11/2016 17:33

The weekend, yay the weekend! Hurray, hurray. Still had to get up - DD been banging on for yonks about doing ballet so took her along to try a class this morning. Was a resounding failure - she howled and clung to me for the entire time. Now feel like I HAVE to take her back next week (don't want her to learn that she can just sack off anything she doesn't like) when I didn't even want her to do it in the first place.
Anyway, DH off today (normally works Saturdays but has decided not to for a while, hurray again!) so after crap ballet we took both kids swimming - DS's first time. He resolutely refused to crack a smile but seemed quite happy being bobbed around and has slept most of the afternoon - success! Me and DH even managed to squeeze in a practice run for DC3 Grin so def a good day all round.
Bella completely agree re saying 'the kids' - I love it! There was a time I thought I'd never get to say it and every time I do, I remember how lucky I am. Good luck for Weds - second jabs were much easier than first here so fingers crossed for the same for you.
pear no bonfire night celebrations here - took kids to a display on tues so feel I've done my bit. We've all been in jammies since about half 3, would take more than fireworks to make me get dressed now!
Hope you managed to get a bit of sorting done - I desperately need to sort dd's stuff out but it's such a boring job, bah. Jealous of your feeding wardrobe too - I have sooo many clothes I still can't wear thanks to bf!

Whoever said about hair loss (biscuits maybe?!) - me too, bigtime. Coming out by the handful when I wash it Sad
Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend FlowersChocolateBrew and maybe even Wine

peardrop2 · 07/11/2016 18:24

Hello ladies! So...bonfire night was a disaster Grin DS talks about fireworks all year long and really wanted to go this year. As soon as we got there he said he wanted to go home!! Shock So, we learnt a massive parenting more fireworks for us!!

peardrop2 · 08/11/2016 10:03

Where can I buy a sleeping bag from? One that fits dd. The Jojo sleeping bag is too big Sad

Biscuitswithtea · 08/11/2016 11:21

Pear we have various sleeping bags on the go at the moment in 0-6m size...John Lewis, Mamas & Papas and the GroBag folk too all fit. They have underarm poppers. They don't have sleeves though - which perhaps the Jojo one does?

peardrop2 · 08/11/2016 14:22

Biscuits IYO do you think the sleeping bag helps your Dd to sleep longer? Or am I just clutching at straws and should just stick to two blankets. I think what is mainly annoying is there is always a high chance that Dd will wake up when I put the blanket on. I should really try swaddling again tonight! If money grew on trees I would definitely buy two today! Today I've my mil brought the Moork blanket for the car seat. A friend has one and it looks really good. It has two sizes but I've still gone for the small size as I want it to be cosy around her head. Your name is torturing me by the this cold weather I can't stop thinking about biscuits and tea Grin

peardrop2 · 08/11/2016 14:23

Oh and yes the Jojo one has sleeves but the 0-6 months is too big for her now. I'd say she won't be in until Jan Sad

BellaGoth · 08/11/2016 14:32

Pear both of mine had sleeping bags and I found it much easier to transfer them to the cot after a feed when wearing one. Also, sleeping bags don't get kicked off like blankets can.

Have you looked on eBay? We picked up one for a couple of pounds for DD.

Biscuitswithtea · 08/11/2016 16:10

Yes, I'd agree that maintaining DD's temperature as much as possible at night helps her to re-settle in her crib. She is a chilly baby though so still has a blanket over her sleeping bag but doesn't notice me putting it on again. Can you borrow a sleeping bag from someone for a night or two, rather than buying more stuff that may or may not help?

Maybe I could name change to 'oatcakes with herbal tea'. Doesn't have quite trip off the tongue in the same way though...!


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Biscuitswithtea · 08/11/2016 16:14

I have no idea what helps DD sleep longer. She does fairly well as a rule by night and has always seemed to benefit from feeling enclosed and cosy, even when we were still in hospital. When she had her days of phototherapy and was only in a nappy, the nurses made a nest out of towels for her.

peardrop2 · 08/11/2016 16:40

The annoying thing is I know we have one somewhere in the attic with a helium balloon on it but DH can't find the box and says it's unsafe for me to take a look myself Hmm

peardrop2 · 08/11/2016 16:42

It is weird that DD is 14 weeks today and still exactly the same sleeper that I had at the start Sad I know it's because I haven't solved her farting problem but it's still annoying that we haven't moved forward! I'm still waiting for a letter to see the dietician. Nothing yet Confused A part of me wonders whether I would benefit from just eating bread and butter for a couple of days to see what difference that would make!

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