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"By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples": Christian Prayer Thread for April

809 replies

Tuo · 13/04/2013 23:35

I thought it was about time we started a new thread, seeing as the previous one now has over 600 posts, making it difficult for some people to load it and navigate around it. I used the quote from John 13. 15 that I posted on the previous thread on Maundy Thursday, because I think it sums up what this thread - and this group of people - is all about.

We pray particularly at this time for RoomForALittleOne: that her baby hang on where s/he is for as long as possible and continue to grow in size and strength, and that Room stay well and as pain- and stress-free as possible. Prayers, too, for the medical team looking after them both at this worrying time.

We pray also for:
amberlight ? for her work raising awareness of ASDs, and for her friends who have cancer;
BabyBeatrice and her family ? for continued healing and with thanks for recent good news;
BlackEyedSusan ? for strength to cope with all the many things on her plate, for health for her mum, and for happier times at school for her DD and DS;
BlueTinkerbell ? for work possibilities and for her vocation;
charlottecollinsislost ? for a peaceful holiday, despite the circumstances, and for as pain- and recrimination-free a separation as possible for the sake of all concerned;
Dontsteponthemomeraths ? for her as she dips her toe back in the 'dating pond'; for her ?LM? as he tries to establish contact with his children; for her brother to regain full use of his thumb, following an accident;
DutchOma and Bob ? for health for Bob, and for Oma to feel supported as she cares for him day-to-day; also for Oma's planned trip to Holland;
GingerCurl ? for the successful and (relatively) stress-free completion of her thesis;
HavingALittleFaithBaby ? for as easy a time as is possible during these last days and weeks of her pregnancy;
jann2013 ? for strength for her following the break-up of her marriage, and for her dd who has badly broken her arm;
Kaykat ? for her and her DS to know peace and happiness as they emerge from an abusive relationship, and for the legal issues to be sorted out quickly so that they can get back into their own home;
MadHairDay - for strength as she lives with chronic illness and for the Spring to bring her better health;
MaryBS - for peace and happiness following a difficult situation at Scouts with her DS;
PositiveAttitude ? for her mission overseas and for her family both over there and back here, especially her DD1;
...and for all who post on this thread, for those who lurk, for occasional visitors, and for those known to us who are in need of prayer, whether mentioned here or not.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

OP posts:
Dutchoma · 24/04/2013 20:02

Badvoc it's hard, isn't it when you have no clue what God wants you to do. Sometimes you just need to keep on doing what you a re doing, because that is what God has set you to do."The daily round, the common task" Or sometimes daily grind.
Well done on standing for the PCC.

Sorry to hear about your frustration with the school BES.

Praying for you and your job interview Blue And for dgodson.

Well we took Bob into respite care this morning. The room is lovely. Light and airy with a chair right in front of the window, his own mattress and television and people being really kind and considerate to him. It was a shock when the first nursing home turned us down a week before he was due, but they did us a favour as last time he was very unhappy there and I'm not convinced he would have been happier this time.
I can't believe how tired I am though.

HadALittleFaithBaby · 24/04/2013 20:24

Hello all.

Praying as I'm reading:

bes I'm sorry it's so frustrating for you! Praying for a breakthrough with the school.

Nice to see you Badvoc . I pray the weekend goes well. Praying for wisdom about the future.

DO I wanted to 'like' your post - how lovely that the room Bob's got is light and airy :) I bet you are tired - big build up to getting Bob to this respite and gearing up to go away. Praying that all the arrangements and packing go smoothly now and you have a wonderful time.

Praying into the legal stuff kay...

We have had a challenging couple of days. Faithlet appears to be going through a growth spurt (midwife weighing her again tomorrow!) and feeding has been erratic with 2-3 hour feeds on/off at night and refusing to settle in the Moses basket in between. I've got advice from the national bf service (and MN!) who reassure me that its normal but it can be quite a challenge. I'm better prepared to approach it now after getting advice so that's good. DH has been worried but seems calmer since we've been reassured so prayer that he remains calm and can support my desire to BF would be great :)

amberlight · 24/04/2013 20:32

Prayers continuing...

Badvoc · 24/04/2013 20:39

I will be praying for you all tonight.
Thank you for the lovely (and wise) words as usual :)
Faith...I will be praying for a more settled night for you and mini faith...I well remember those unsettled nights even though my youngest is now nearly 5! Challenge is an understatement! Well done for persevering. I hope your dh feels calmer about it all now.
Sounds like bob is in a nice place Oma. Isn't it odd how we trudge on for what seems like eons and then the moment we have some time/respite it really hits and all you want to do is sleep? Do be good to yourself and SELFISH whilst you can x

BlackeyedSusan · 25/04/2013 07:39

oh dear. it was a long night and a short sleep. ds was having nightmres and I was still bit upset by the meeting yesterday. i do have the beginning of the fomulation an email. oh and I got plenty of time to pray for faith, room, mhd amber and jan before dropping off. Smile (sorry to the remainder, sleep eventully took oversometime after 2.30.

BlackeyedSusan · 25/04/2013 14:35

I managed to sleep for an extra hour before getting all steamed up again. I hve started my email in worrd.based on the sencode of practice. it will not be pretty. it would be easier to write


MaryBS · 25/04/2013 14:51

Prayers for the right words, BES

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 25/04/2013 18:54

BES do you think your DS would be better in a special school? If the ht continues not to listen to you, I'm wondering if you may have to go that route.

But I'm no expert. DS assessment is end of May but I think he's Aspergers but I won't know for sure until then I guess.

BlackeyedSusan · 25/04/2013 19:45

he is not bad enough for a special school.

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 25/04/2013 20:04

Ok. I don't understand the system but I didn't think they had to be 'bad enough' to benefit from a School that specialised in that field.

Have you been on the special needs boards on here for advice? I'm wondering what they'd suggest. As they may have a better idea.

Hope you can get some more rest tonight x

BlackeyedSusan · 25/04/2013 21:28

someone actually offered to lend me a rather large copy of the sen code of practice. to drop on his head

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 25/04/2013 21:38

Ha! Grin

Dutchoma · 26/04/2013 06:59

Of course Mary and Amber are the specialists here on the board. Mary's ds is a few years ahead of yours.
I also wonder if maybe you should use a different way of communicating with the head rather than by e.mail. A printed letter with copies to the head of governors and the education department might have more effect.

BlackeyedSusan · 26/04/2013 07:40

i am considering ringing people in the education department about couple of issues. advice bout ssessing dd and advice about the tism support person.

BlackeyedSusan · 26/04/2013 07:40


HadALittleFaithBaby · 26/04/2013 08:22

Bes I think that's a good idea - get advice and support from them. Praying.

Faithlet had a good night. Settled at 11, woke at 12.30, 2.45, 4 and 6.45 for feeds. Praise God! :)

Dutchoma · 26/04/2013 09:01

Darling Faithlet.

MaryBS · 26/04/2013 11:40

We have a parent partnership service who will liaise between parents and school if necessary. My opinion is that the problem seems to lie with the school rather than you and your son, BES. The head at our school is very good at listening, and will respond, rather than fob us off. A BIG plus!

Dutchoma · 26/04/2013 12:05

That would indeed be a big plus for dd and her children too, but doesn't seem to be in place. Neither teacher nor head teacher listen to anything dd says.

MaryBS · 26/04/2013 12:17
BlackeyedSusan · 26/04/2013 13:30

excellent mary. I seem to remember we were warned by the other professionl we saw that the service that comes into school is not neutral. they aren't.

MaryBS · 26/04/2013 13:43

Is that a different service you are talking about BES? I know the PPS were a great help with a friend whose school were dreadful, they said the reason he was having problems was down to her parenting(!)


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BlackeyedSusan · 26/04/2013 14:02

the utism support person is not neutrl. I have not contactd the one you hve mentioned yet. I will be doing though.

the school are absolutely dreadful, despite claiming that they are good at autism. I m not the only parent to mention this.

RoomForALittleOne · 26/04/2013 17:27

We're having attempt number two at picking up our new (secondhand) car tomorrow. It would be really good if we can actually get it without me going into labour. Please will you pray that it all goes smoothly as I don't think I can cope with it not working out! I know it's trivial really but everything is a struggle at the moment and I could do without this!

BlackeyedSusan · 26/04/2013 19:51

not trivial to you though room. prayed.

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