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"By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples": Christian Prayer Thread for April

809 replies

Tuo · 13/04/2013 23:35

I thought it was about time we started a new thread, seeing as the previous one now has over 600 posts, making it difficult for some people to load it and navigate around it. I used the quote from John 13. 15 that I posted on the previous thread on Maundy Thursday, because I think it sums up what this thread - and this group of people - is all about.

We pray particularly at this time for RoomForALittleOne: that her baby hang on where s/he is for as long as possible and continue to grow in size and strength, and that Room stay well and as pain- and stress-free as possible. Prayers, too, for the medical team looking after them both at this worrying time.

We pray also for:
amberlight ? for her work raising awareness of ASDs, and for her friends who have cancer;
BabyBeatrice and her family ? for continued healing and with thanks for recent good news;
BlackEyedSusan ? for strength to cope with all the many things on her plate, for health for her mum, and for happier times at school for her DD and DS;
BlueTinkerbell ? for work possibilities and for her vocation;
charlottecollinsislost ? for a peaceful holiday, despite the circumstances, and for as pain- and recrimination-free a separation as possible for the sake of all concerned;
Dontsteponthemomeraths ? for her as she dips her toe back in the 'dating pond'; for her ?LM? as he tries to establish contact with his children; for her brother to regain full use of his thumb, following an accident;
DutchOma and Bob ? for health for Bob, and for Oma to feel supported as she cares for him day-to-day; also for Oma's planned trip to Holland;
GingerCurl ? for the successful and (relatively) stress-free completion of her thesis;
HavingALittleFaithBaby ? for as easy a time as is possible during these last days and weeks of her pregnancy;
jann2013 ? for strength for her following the break-up of her marriage, and for her dd who has badly broken her arm;
Kaykat ? for her and her DS to know peace and happiness as they emerge from an abusive relationship, and for the legal issues to be sorted out quickly so that they can get back into their own home;
MadHairDay - for strength as she lives with chronic illness and for the Spring to bring her better health;
MaryBS - for peace and happiness following a difficult situation at Scouts with her DS;
PositiveAttitude ? for her mission overseas and for her family both over there and back here, especially her DD1;
...and for all who post on this thread, for those who lurk, for occasional visitors, and for those known to us who are in need of prayer, whether mentioned here or not.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

OP posts:
HadALittleFaithBaby · 08/07/2013 22:33

PA I wanted to 'like' that post! But instead I will pray for the interviews :)

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 09/07/2013 08:18

I feel very unwell at the moment, sometimes being a lone parent is especially hard. I'm feeling sorry for myself today Sad

JugglingFromHereToThere · 09/07/2013 09:00

Oh Mome, I'm sorry you're not feeling good and life seems hard. Can you get outside for a bit today in garden or park either on your own or with the DC, and try to find some moments of summer relaxation ?
What are you doing today ?

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 09/07/2013 09:12

I've just dropped the kids at School and come home. Called in sick to work but I'll probably do some work at home, so I do not get too behind.

Head is killing me and I feel sick. But at least I can do a bit of work in between visits to the loo here, and be alone in my own private little space iyswim.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 09/07/2013 09:19

Oh, you do sound rough, poor Mome.
Take it easy, only do what you need to do, and try to rest a bit too ?

CharlotteCollinsismovingon · 09/07/2013 12:55

Wow, PA, sounds like things are all changing. Praying for the various interviews.

And Mome - :( Single parenting can be grim. Hope you're feeling much better soon.

Update from me: things are getting worse not better. Or at least the barrier is still in place. I am thinking of Pharoah not letting God's people go and giving it one last attempt. If that fails, I shall crumple in a quiet corner and cry.

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 09/07/2013 14:20

It sounds so cryptic Charlotte. I'll pray. You can pm me if it helps to talk?

madhairday · 09/07/2013 15:20

Oh Charlotte - I'm so sorry it's getting so much worse. Praying for things to turn around soon for you and sending some UnMnetty hugs your way as well.

Same for you Mome. It must be incredibly difficult sometimes. I think you do an amazing job. Prayers and love.

PositiveAttitude · 09/07/2013 22:06

Praying for Charlotte & Mome and everyone else finding life particularly tough at the moment.

Thank you for your prayers! Certainly a very good positive day in the positive household. DD1 did well in both interviews and would prefer one job over the other, she is just waiting to hear....
BUT her really positive thing for today is that she has been accepted into the university of her choice for September and can now choose whether she goes, or whether she postpones for a year. This is a huge confidence boost for her.
My interview went well and I am just waiting, too.

DS has his interview tomorrow.

BlackeyedSusan · 09/07/2013 22:37

praying kay.

hoping it is nottoo hot do.

ds has decided to write some words tonight. he also did well in speach therapy. thanking god for a cool breeze to ease the heat in the car as I waited for pick up time after the end of the appointment.

CharlotteCollinsismovingon · 09/07/2013 22:38

Thank you all for the prayers. I'm feeling so much calmer now that I'm feeling a bit of a fraud for making a fuss earlier! Blush Confused So I'm sure that God has been answering prayers today...

I'm sorry to be so cryptic - I have far too much secrecy in my life atm, partly because dcs don't yet know about the separation and partly because, sadly, I think plans could be sabotaged if they were thought to be too good for me, iyswim.

Anyway, the important thing is that, while I'm still a bit confused, I'm feeling more confident that God's will is in all this.

Phew! One day I'll have headspace for all of you again and will return to the thread more regularly, honest. Thank you for putting up with my unpredictable appearances!

CharlotteCollinsismovingon · 09/07/2013 22:41

Just noticed your update, PA - glad for a good day for you all; hope it reaps a good harvest, too!

Tuo · 09/07/2013 23:46

In haste... got a lot of RL on atm, but reading regularly and praying for all. Thinking particularly of Kay and Charlotte and Mome (get well soon) and PA and DD1ofPA and of Oma and Bob in this heat. Love to all...

OP posts:
DontstepontheMomeRaths · 10/07/2013 15:34

Back at work today, wish I hadn't been. I do find working in a small office hard at times and she was either clicking her pen, sniffing incessantly (hay fever) or eating loudly. I keeped having to ask for grace. I am being unreasonable here and I feel I need to deal with this. I'm not sure we'll ever fully get along but I need to be full of grace and mercy and to be considerate on what I say (which I usually am). I cannot do anything about her attitude but I can change mine, as the saying goes.

Hard though. She's a strong personality and very opinionated. And the incident the other week almost polarised things in a way.

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 10/07/2013 15:35

Asking God for grace in my head. Obviously! Grin

BlackeyedSusan · 11/07/2013 07:35

sports day today. followed by family picnic. quite stressful playing happy families in school with their dad.

HadALittleFaithBaby · 11/07/2013 07:42

Praying as I read.

After a lovely period of being pain free, I've woken up with bad kidney pain. I'm going to see if I can get in at the doctors. Hoping its just an infection rather than a flare up of my old issues. I can't have any time off sick from being a Mum! Please pray it eases!

RoomForALittleOne · 11/07/2013 09:44

I've had a read through so that I can keep up with prayer requests.

...Now off to change Hannah's nappy and offer her some more milk...

madhairday · 11/07/2013 19:05

Praying for you all.

Please pray for the family and friends of a lovely lady I knew through the community for people with my lung disease, who passed away yesterday, from organ failure resulting from pneumonia. She was a wonderful, giving person with time for everyone. I am so shocked and sad.

amberlight · 11/07/2013 20:23

Praying through...

Here, recovering from another bit of autism hate stuff. I would say I get used to it, but really I don't. Praying that fewer Christians do this stuff. But I'm determined to make something good out of it.

JakeBullet · 11/07/2013 20:28

Please pray for my lovely Uncle who is returning home to his own country tomorrow. He has lived in the UK for 15 years and been alone for the past two years since my auntie died.
He has had prostrate cancer and we heard today it has gone to his bones. He has a matter of months. I am devastated Sad.
He IS 87 so a good age and tbh I just want him to have some quality time with my cousins back in his home country before he passes on and goes to be with my auntie.
Thank you, will read through recent prayer requests and add to mine x

PositiveAttitude · 11/07/2013 21:25

Jake praying for your uncle, you and all the family involved. It must be hard to say goodbye to him in these circumstances.

Madhair oh no, that must be so tough for you, too. Praying for you and for the lovely ladies family, too.

Amber I admire what you do so much. You are so strong to fight for the rights of so many people and to raise awareness for them. Just well done you Thanks and a (((hug))) and a prayer that you feel loved, respected and accepted.

I was turned down for the job that I thought I was perfect for! Sad I have, however, managed to get a very small job for just a couple of hours a week which will have to keep me going until I can get a larger one. Hmm I trust God has a job up His sleeve for me! Wink
DS has managed to get one job offer already and has another interview tomorrow! Shock

Please give thanks that DD1 has made such good positive steps since we have been home. From the depth of depression it is a long road to travel, but we can already see small signs that a corner has been turned. Thank God. I just pray it continues.


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BlackeyedSusan · 12/07/2013 07:43

amber, you have made a massive difference to my personal experience of church with ds.

BlackeyedSusan · 12/07/2013 14:48

I am sick of school.

CharlotteCollinsismovingon · 12/07/2013 20:10

mhd - what a horrible shock for all the community.

bes - one more week? Hope the break from it all this summer gives you time to gather up strength for the next onslaught!

PA - that must be such a relief about dd1. Glad for ds and your starter-job, too!

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