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"By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples": Christian Prayer Thread for April

809 replies

Tuo · 13/04/2013 23:35

I thought it was about time we started a new thread, seeing as the previous one now has over 600 posts, making it difficult for some people to load it and navigate around it. I used the quote from John 13. 15 that I posted on the previous thread on Maundy Thursday, because I think it sums up what this thread - and this group of people - is all about.

We pray particularly at this time for RoomForALittleOne: that her baby hang on where s/he is for as long as possible and continue to grow in size and strength, and that Room stay well and as pain- and stress-free as possible. Prayers, too, for the medical team looking after them both at this worrying time.

We pray also for:
amberlight ? for her work raising awareness of ASDs, and for her friends who have cancer;
BabyBeatrice and her family ? for continued healing and with thanks for recent good news;
BlackEyedSusan ? for strength to cope with all the many things on her plate, for health for her mum, and for happier times at school for her DD and DS;
BlueTinkerbell ? for work possibilities and for her vocation;
charlottecollinsislost ? for a peaceful holiday, despite the circumstances, and for as pain- and recrimination-free a separation as possible for the sake of all concerned;
Dontsteponthemomeraths ? for her as she dips her toe back in the 'dating pond'; for her ?LM? as he tries to establish contact with his children; for her brother to regain full use of his thumb, following an accident;
DutchOma and Bob ? for health for Bob, and for Oma to feel supported as she cares for him day-to-day; also for Oma's planned trip to Holland;
GingerCurl ? for the successful and (relatively) stress-free completion of her thesis;
HavingALittleFaithBaby ? for as easy a time as is possible during these last days and weeks of her pregnancy;
jann2013 ? for strength for her following the break-up of her marriage, and for her dd who has badly broken her arm;
Kaykat ? for her and her DS to know peace and happiness as they emerge from an abusive relationship, and for the legal issues to be sorted out quickly so that they can get back into their own home;
MadHairDay - for strength as she lives with chronic illness and for the Spring to bring her better health;
MaryBS - for peace and happiness following a difficult situation at Scouts with her DS;
PositiveAttitude ? for her mission overseas and for her family both over there and back here, especially her DD1;
...and for all who post on this thread, for those who lurk, for occasional visitors, and for those known to us who are in need of prayer, whether mentioned here or not.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.

OP posts:
RoomForALittleOne · 22/04/2013 16:11

I've been home for four hours and I'm already finding it hard to not get on with straightening out the house and generally sorting the children out. It really isn't that hard to keep on top of tidiness and behaviour!

Dutchoma · 22/04/2013 16:39

Don't overdo it or you'll be back in hospital quicker than you can say premature labour.

madhairday · 22/04/2013 17:16

Just popping in. I'm feeling fairly unwell, and we have a number of decisions to make, can't say a lot, but would really, really value prayer for wisdom :)

Praying for you all.

Dutchoma · 22/04/2013 17:51

Oh MHD I'm very happy to be asked to pray for you and your lovely family.

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 22/04/2013 18:18

Great meeting! Grin Grin Grin

Thank you for your prayers, went loads better than expected! Oh and thank you God!

Praying MHD x

Tuo · 22/04/2013 18:22

Praying MHD.

OP posts:
HadALittleFaithBaby · 22/04/2013 18:25

Oh yay Mome!

Praying MHD.

Room I know that temptation to keep the house perfect when pregnant but you must, must rest! :)

RoomForALittleOne · 22/04/2013 20:05

I'm being good. I'm just a bit frustrated!

MHD, praying for you lots. Do you have to make a decision ASAP while you feel ill or can it wait?

BlackeyedSusan · 23/04/2013 07:26

Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon DragonDragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon

BlackeyedSusan · 23/04/2013 08:24

actually I may need to channel my inner dragon to get the ht to comply with the sencode of practice. Dragon

MaryBS · 23/04/2013 11:27

It must be so frustrating for you BES Dragon

madhairday · 23/04/2013 12:26

BES, praying that the HT will see some sense!

Thanks for prayers, very much appreciated. Yes, they are decisions we need to be thinking about now...I'm a little better today though, despite useless gp appt. However looks like dh is going down with something which is bad timing :(

Praying for you all. sorry not on much - life is a bit crazy atm.

BlackeyedSusan · 23/04/2013 12:54

resent a request to the ht ccing the autism support worker. it might get results and piss him off i am extremely pissed off. Dragon

BlackeyedSusan · 23/04/2013 14:43

I have also found the energy to do some much needed cleaning and tidying. and I have emailed dd's tester asking for raw scores for tests. I am praying that they have not been discarded.

Kaykat · 23/04/2013 19:22

Waiting for another legal deadline. My H now has some choices, fight a legal battle against me, start communicating with my solicitor or disappear. Ignoring is not really an option any more. If he chooses to fight or ignore I wil be facing a court hearing within a few weeks and quite scared about that. Please pray that God has it in hand and will make the best outcome happen. I am also struggling with feelings of missing him, so stupid to miss someone who cheated and treated me like dirt. So tired of my inner battle every day to follow head not heart. I really really really don't want to feel like this any more.

Good to hear all about baby Faith.

Glad you are home Room, praying baby stays put.

MHD am praying for your health and big decisions.

And BES that you can finally get what you need from that school and ht.

Hope you have a lovely time away Oma and that you come back refreshed and renewed.

DontstepontheMomeRaths · 23/04/2013 20:13

Praying Kay x

BlackeyedSusan · 23/04/2013 22:07

Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon I am going to need the esilience of a dragon tomorrow. got a reply from the ht, finally. we are no nearer getting an iep, 8 months after starting school, 3 months post diagnosis. they do not do what they promise to do. it is very frustrating.

Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon

BlackeyedSusan · 24/04/2013 07:32

meeting at half past ten. oh joy.

i need to find out about ieps and the support he is getting, also there are a few times where he has been hurt.

MaryBS · 24/04/2013 07:40

Prayers BES. Kaykat, try not to think about the road ahead, but rather look at how far you've come! Put the future in the hands of our Loving Lord.

Dutchoma · 24/04/2013 08:19

Don't breathe too much smoke and fire BES, just swallow him whole Grin Prayers for wisdom and calm.
My dd was told yesterday that she should not be her ds' friend but his parent and that her parenting left much to be desired. She was not very pleased.

BlackeyedSusan · 24/04/2013 09:31

who told her?

Dutchoma · 24/04/2013 10:14

dgrandson's teacher.


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Bluetinkerbell · 24/04/2013 11:37

Hello all, we had a lovely time in Belgium visiting friends and family and celebrating my godson's baptism. Prayers appreciated though as he has been admitted to hospital because of being severely dehydrated because of a viral infection and vomiting :(

I've also got a very important job interview next week Friday prayers very much needed!

Praying for everyone on the thread.

mhd you know where I am when you need any help!

BlackeyedSusan · 24/04/2013 13:50

I am pissed off with school and cass too. still processing and ranting and not being able to calm down. Angry

Badvoc · 24/04/2013 18:25

BES - so sorry. It's a nightmare dealing with schools and sn/sen. I really hope that you get what you need from the meeting.
Haven't been on here for ages!
Sorry! Can't keep up with you all :)
Am away this weekend with my parents. 4 days with my mother...what was I thinking!! :)
After much prayer I decided to stand again as a PCC member and secretary. I hope I can make a difference in the parish. And not get too frustrated with the vicar! :(
I have a meeting tomorrow with my sons teacher wrt taking him off the sen register...which is great, but as usual I am doubting myself...
I really want to try and do something for families in the parish but not sure what!
I wish I knew what God wanted me to do :(

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