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Just who exactly is our new oracle DominiConnor????

252 replies

moondog · 28/03/2006 16:05

I like it all.


OP posts:
FairyMum · 29/03/2006 10:13

because I think DC said so? I might be wrong.

zippitippitoes · 29/03/2006 10:13

He's a bloke!

Tommy · 29/03/2006 10:14

agree Kathy1972 - if he was an A level student of mine he would get the same reaction!

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:14

What is "half witted urban prole type English"? And also.. what is classed as a 'soft PhD'?

I love MN.. but you know what?.. I can post on other sites and feel I am "quite intelligent".. have even been CALLED intelligent on a number of occasions Shock.. (because I suppose intelligence, as all things, is relative..).. but on MN, I read some posts.. and read them again.. and then go and get my dictionary.. and then my thesaurus... and STILL end up missing some points that other boffin types are merrily churningo ut without missing a beat (much less fetching literary aids!!!!!) Grin

But I learn a lot, that's for sure!!

SJ x

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:15

Perhaps he is JudgeFlounce/W&R? Is the style similar??

Orlando · 29/03/2006 10:16

SleepyJess you have enough emotional intelligence for all of us Smile.

And undoubtedly the conventional kind too.

moondog · 29/03/2006 10:18

'Wot 2 do if your sick of your dps ex girlfrnd's always phoning and txting?
Coz I would of told them 2 gt a life by now.
Ta babes. Lv 2 u hun
XXXXXX {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}

That is English as she is written by an urban prole.

OP posts:
DumbledoresGirl · 29/03/2006 10:21

Oooh you are very good at it MD! Wink

I know text speak is meant to be faster to write, but is it only me who reads it at the pace of a 5 year old learning to read? I find it really hard to interpret!

moondog · 29/03/2006 10:22

I get a red mist before my eyes and switch off.
Some must have seeped into my brain unconsciously which is a frightening thought.

OP posts:
Kathy1972 · 29/03/2006 10:28

Gosh SJ, I use dictionaries and thesauruses all the time too - hate the idea that it is somehow an admission of failure to have the sense to look stuff up if you're not sure about it!

'Soft PhD' was a sort of affectionately anti-DC joke I think - he said something that suggested (or was taken to suggest, even if that's not what he meant) that PhDs in sciences & maths were somehow more worthwhile or difficult than those in arts or humanities subjects like histories or English.

ruty · 29/03/2006 10:29

definitely a bitter lapsed catholic. definitely male. Has a wife, apparently. Occurred to me last night after one of my more aggressive attacks on George Bush that DC might be a secret agent, MI5 or something seeking out subversives on the net! Grin He has hinted at being in a Very Important Job. So DC, don't worry about me I'm just an armchair activist. Grin

katyp · 29/03/2006 10:33

I was a bit woried when he mentioned he was a pimp but obviously that's management-speak for something more innocuous

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:33

Kathy I meant using dictionaries and thesauruses (thesauri??) on MN!! Grin That's not "normal" is it?? (although certainly not an admission of failure!)

ruty · 29/03/2006 10:33

BTW hi Papillon. Was thinking about you and your two lovely dcs this morning. Smile

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:34

Thank you Oralndo :) Don't know what you're basing that judgement on but it sounds very nice anyway :) :)

Kathy1972 · 29/03/2006 10:34

So did I SJ!!!
Don't know if it's normal, perhaps not! Grin

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:42

Well either way some people don't need to do it.. you can tell by the speed at which they churn out such learned statements in the course of conversation! Which tells a story of its own! Grin (So speaks the the voice of someone who 'aint neva gonna' achieve even the softest of PhDs.. Grin but who might have an honours degree in four years or so if she's lucky...)

Tortington · 29/03/2006 10:51

oh go on with yerself SJ, i think the eminant DR SleepyJess sounds ded good!

Orlando · 29/03/2006 10:54

(SleepyJess- I used to be 3princesses. I remember very well the fabulous start of your career as a romantic novelist... Hope you're keeping it up!! Grin)

(am having to whisper this as I don't think DC- whoever he is- would approve)

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 10:58

AH! All becomes clear!! You are Orlando-our-reisdent AUTHOR!!!! Grin

Orlando · 29/03/2006 11:00

(not unless I get of mn and go and do some work...)

SleepyJess · 29/03/2006 11:03

Nice to talk to you 3Princesses.. but I was kind of hoping you were Orlando Bloom.... sigh!! Grin


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tarantula · 29/03/2006 11:11

I'm with SJ on the need for a dictionary and thesaurus but also feel the need for a copy of the latest jargon dictionary too. Makes me feel like a cricket moving round a tarantula actually with all that webbing on the floor.
But then I've only got a soft degree me Grin

Papillon · 29/03/2006 13:26

Hi Ruty :)

DC in a VIJ - he sounds most knowledgeable within his own beliefs. Sounds like he needs some help with his rightish ways - Moondog are you right winged inclined?

Hi SJ x

tamum · 29/03/2006 13:32

Can I just point out that the term is easy PhDs...Shock

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