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Just who exactly is our new oracle DominiConnor????

252 replies

moondog · 28/03/2006 16:05

I like it all.


OP posts:
CarolinaMooncup · 01/04/2006 19:14

norty ruty Grin

ruty · 01/04/2006 18:09

i think we got the thing about your pay packet not being that big from writing because you weren't that good at it DC. Wink

dinosaure · 01/04/2006 13:57

Hang on a minute, DC, neither my friend nor I are the kind of people who would ever judge the worth of a fellow human being on the size of his or her pay packet!

My friend escaped from the world of computers some time ago and now edits a magazine about her true passion, music, not for the money I'm sure but because that's what she's truly interested in.

DominiConnor · 01/04/2006 13:41

Actually I wasn't bragging about my pay packet from writing, though I failed to make it properly clear. Never said I was good at writing did I ?
I earn a pitifully small amount of money that way. It was a dig against dinosaure's friend was wan "an editor", who I believe earns even less that way.

It does wind up a surprising people that I make any money at all from writing. I'm the "wrong type".

arfissimeau · 31/03/2006 23:42

Dagnammit. Do I keep mentioning Oz? I'd be a rubbish undercover agent.

moondog · 31/03/2006 23:05

It was easy.
Job description plus reference to Oz.

OP posts:
Rhubarb · 31/03/2006 23:02

right yeah so, anyway, has anyone seen the highest significance of ducks these days? You have not? Let me enlighten you, the theory of the duck philosophical ideology is that.......oh hang on, i just, ophhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, i just needed a pissk be badk in a mo!

arfissimeau · 31/03/2006 22:52

Yes I did. How did you know?

moondog · 31/03/2006 21:50

arf..did you used to be PG btw??

OP posts:
arfissimeau · 31/03/2006 21:46

PMSL!!! I can't believe I had to go to bed. Much guffaws.

Blu you are so norty.

Pruni! Oooh that is so deliciously evil.

Pruni · 31/03/2006 21:26

I dare someone to post a link to this on Grin

monkeytrousers · 31/03/2006 19:56


Blu · 31/03/2006 18:54

Oh, thank heavens, it's subsiding. I was beginning to scare myself too, MT. Horrible experience, I NEVER want to be a man again.
Batters, Members of the spider species, I'm so SORRY, and embarrassed.

monkeytrousers · 31/03/2006 18:41

Dear god, stop it woman!!

Blu · 31/03/2006 18:36

hey Batters, - you tried to get me banned, any Hard Feelings between us ? Come over and see if you can feel anythng hard? Wink

batters · 31/03/2006 18:31

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monkeytrousers · 31/03/2006 18:27

You're beginning to scare me Blu

batters · 31/03/2006 18:24

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Blu · 31/03/2006 18:21

Friday night, one hand down the front of my trousers, other round a cold beer, tv remote between my teeth - can't beat it.

as it were.

batters · 31/03/2006 18:20

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batters · 31/03/2006 18:19

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Blandmum · 31/03/2006 18:05

Cod pnucuttaes


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monkeytrousers · 31/03/2006 17:48

Are you sure NQC? In this postmodern age? There are known knowns and there are known unknowns remember...and nobody gives a toss

NotQuiteCockney · 31/03/2006 17:44

This thread (ok, DC really) is reminding me of how much I don't miss the City. It's normal there to brag about one's "paypacket". Gah.

(I do think all wages being public would be very very good for equality, though. They are public, or public-ish, in many public sector companies.)

NotQuiteCockney · 31/03/2006 17:42

cod punctuates?

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