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DS A&E am I being mad

195 replies

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 15:07

My DD aged 3 woke up at 11pm last night screaming in pain because her leg hurt - specifically her
Shin bone. She has had a few infections recently and a persistent low-grade fever for a couple of weeks despite currently being on amoxicillin.

I googled thinking it's probably growing pains and wanted to see what I could do to help her but lots of the results came up with leukaemia. My mum and nana both died from leukaemia so I'm extremely sensitive about it but still I wonder if I'm being mad as I'm currently sitting in A&E as want her to have a blood test. For context, the leukaemia mum and nana had was extremely aggressive so their treatment began each time within an hour of diagnosis.

I don't want to me the mad mum hauling ds in to hospital when she should
Be swimming and enjoying her weekend but I'm terrified. Please help me.

OP posts:
Flowersintheattic2021 · 23/10/2021 18:54

A friend of my dd age 6 was telling me other day. Her child had low grade fever and pain she had been bouncing on trampoline earlier with her sister. She went to a and e and had a fractured tib and fib.

Row1n · 23/10/2021 18:55

I hope she's ok @Cbd333 and you'll be back home soon, if not already

HaveringWavering · 23/10/2021 18:58

I hope you get the reassurance you need OP. My Dad died of leukaemia and I remember exactly as you describe, the routine blood test then the treatment starting within hours. However I was told that it wasn’t hereditary, though I think there is probably a lot we don’t yet understand about genes and for such an awful thing to strike your family twice- Flowers.

Flowersintheattic2021 · 23/10/2021 19:04

Can I ask what you classify as a low grade fever 🤒 🙃

BSideBaby · 23/10/2021 19:06

It's completely inappropriate to take her to A&E. No wonder the NHS is on its knees.

Revolting comment to make to a worried mother.

OP, with your family history nobody would blame you for being anxious. I hope your DD is feeling better and you find out what's wrong ASAP Flowers

wewereliars · 23/10/2021 19:12

The NHS is for ALL including smokers and drinkers. Smokers are the NHS' friend actually, as they tend to die early and pay a fortune in tax.

Everyone is entitled to care at the point of need under the NHS , let's not have this deserving and underserving bollocks.

It's been a deliberate Tory policy to underfund for the last 10 years, because they hate the NHS and want to privatise it.

BoffinMum · 23/10/2021 19:31

I would have taken my kids in with something like this. Better to look an idiot than neglect her because you were worried what people thought. Generally speaking if a parent is really worried, doctors are keen to see the child, and it does sound like you have grounds for concern.

Moutainwoman · 23/10/2021 19:32

@64kidsandcounting your story is very similar to my experience trying to get my 1.5 year old a diagnosis. Stopped walking, pains in legs and eventually wrists, was fobbed off over and over. He was given a blood test which turns out was a blood count, and told it was clear.

Son experienced steady deterioration, despite practically begging for investigation, turns out if they had of looked at his blood under a microscope they could have diagnosed his leukaemia.

Straight to specialist hospital that night with over 95 per cent leukaemia cells. God bless the NHS, glad to say he is thankfully Now also a healthy sixteen year old. Never ignore your instincts. Good luck op you're doing the right thing.

Unmerited · 23/10/2021 19:43


If your child is well enough to go swimming then she doesn’t need to be at a and e. At the most you need an appointment with the GP.

Do you have health anxiety?

The first response on posts is nearly always the worst one.
rrhuth · 23/10/2021 19:44


Sorry to add, I would have gone to the GP but obviously it's a Saturday. I called 111 and the advice was to come here - i think because of the bone pain, fever and repeated infections / paleness. It's just as I sit and look at her now she doesn't look ill.

I definitely do have health anxiety - my beloved mum was told after a routine blood test that she had leukaemia and I was with her when she received the call. She was in hospital, during covid times for 10 months so we couldn't even be with her. In addition, DD had sepsis when she was 6 months old - we were sent home from the hospital and doctor multiple times in the days before. She nearly died. I think because of this I really panic and even then sometimes find it hard to trust.

Flowers + Brew

You don't have 'health anxiety' in the sneering way some posters mean it, you have had a lot of bad experiences and have understandably been left overly vigilant and worried.

I also found it hard to trust after I had a very bad experience with a doctor (they actually told me very rudely I had anxiety, then another doctor listened properly, then they did tests on the child... cue red faces Hmm) - what worked for me with my kids was to a) read the NHS guides for symptoms - they specify when to go to A&E etc. Also to use 111 and be ultra honest with the person on the phone that I didn't know what to do about x/y/z and they would do the flowchart.

You're a good mum and your daughter is lucky to have someone to care for her. Take care and I hope you are despatched home soon.
StrongLegs · 23/10/2021 19:46

No wonder you're anxious OP. I would be too if I'd had all that to cope with. I hope all is well for you.

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 19:47

We were seen by a doctor who humiliated me. He made her walk up and down the room once, took her temperature and then said there's nothing wrong with her. He said she didn't look pale to him (I know my child and she does) and then said I could arrange a routine blood test but I'd be doing it for you not for your daughter so I feel if we take that offer up I'm putting her through something bad for my own anxieties.

I explained the symptoms and that I knew I was more anxious than most but that I had been advised to attend the Urgent Care Centre.

I now feel like I've ruined a day for DD by making her sit in a waiting room for four hours.

I work for the NHS and for this hospital and the care, including for the recent birth of DD2 has been good but this guy was so lacking in any kind of empathy and has made me feel like a fool.

OP posts:
ArabellaScott · 23/10/2021 19:49


OP, I'm so sorry. Can you do something nice for yourself tonight?

How is your DD?

Colouringaddict · 23/10/2021 19:50

I would make an appointment with your own GP on Monday morning. They are usually more considerate than Dr’s in A&E. Is she still in pain now?

BoffinMum · 23/10/2021 19:53

I think you can ask them to look for leukaemia specifically - say you've buried a couple of close relatives who had it, you admit you are feeling hypervigilant about it, but if the doctors could humour you and rule it out while they are generally working out what is wrong, you would feel you'd met your parenting responsibiltiies properly. Something like that.

Wondergirl100 · 23/10/2021 19:53

OP I'm sorry - I was in A and E recently with an injury on my son that I thought was a break but turned out not to be serious - so I know how bad the queues are and how it feels to realise you didn't really need the care.

Can you try to see this from the doctors point of view, it might make you feel better? He will be on a 12 hour shift or longer, they are seeing a patient every few minutes, I could tell when we were seen that they are under immense pressure. The doctor barely spoke to me or my son it was literally - hows your hand, x ray says not broken take care bye.

THe 4 hour queue is full of children who are not that ill - and tough as that is for you who has health anxiety, the doctor must find it wearing.

If you needed a blood test, the sensible thing for you (and your daughter) would be to go to the GP as it doesn't need to be done that day. Being pale is not a reason to be in A and E - if she was well in herself she didn't need to be in an emergency department - try to see that as reassuring not unfortunate.

I really sympathise as it sounds like you ahve really severe health anxiety but I think you have to just try and not take his behaviour personally - it's very very stressful working in A and E and he was probably tired.

Good luck just try to put the whole thing behind you -and make an appointment with the GP so you can follow up..

Wondergirl100 · 23/10/2021 19:55

Could you afford to pay for the blood test to be done privately? You could probably call and arrange that on Monday morning.

BoffinMum · 23/10/2021 19:56

Cbd333, we cross-posted. Doctor sounds to be lacking in compassion tonight. Perhaps he is worn out, perhaps he is a crap doctor. I would take him up on the blood tests as they have been offered.

BoredZelda · 23/10/2021 19:57

It's completely inappropriate to take her to A&E. No wonder the NHS is on its knees.

Yeah, screaming 3 year old with leg pain, perfectly acceptable to just wait til you can see a GP, maybe on Monday, if you are lucky! 🙄

BoffinMum · 23/10/2021 19:59

Tell you what folks, I am seriously wondering where all my tax is going, as I'm seeing knackered doctors and creaking health services well beyond what's going on in other countries. I flipping well want my NHS back so people like Cbd333 can get a bit of TLC when the going gets tough. Apart from anything else.

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 20:00

@Wondergirl100 I know you're right, and I do know the stress the doctors are under at our hospital and if I could start today again I would probably wait until Monday. The problem is I saw mum diagnosed and have to go to hospital
Immediately to start treatment - 3 days later and she would already have been dead. Her symptoms were zero it was all picked up in the routine blood test. With DD I had that experience in my mind plus nearly all of the symptoms listed. I was trying to be level-headed by calling 111 but when they said to go to the UTC within 6 hours I thought I should follow their advice.

This is in no way an NHS or clinical staff bashing message, I think the vast majority of them are saints!

OP posts:
NoDecentHandlesLeft · 23/10/2021 20:00

I think you are doing the right thing, and it's understandable.
Hope your DD is fine.


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SamMil · 23/10/2021 20:01

Hope she is feeling better now. I would try not to take the doctor's attitude too personally, and definitely take up the blood test as it has been offered.

Chances are, you'll never see this doctor again (and I doubt he'd remember you anyway), so no need to feel like a fool.

Dontgetyerknicksinatwist · 23/10/2021 20:03


If your child is well enough to go swimming then she doesn’t need to be at a and e. At the most you need an appointment with the GP.

Do you have health anxiety?

Did you read the original post in full? Both her mother and Nana had an extremely aggressive leukaemia that was so serious treatment had to start within an hour. OPs daughter had symptoms that can be associated with leukaemia. It’s hardly any wonder she wanted to delay. If she had gone the GP route it’s likely to have taken weeks before the child had any tests let alone treatment.

OP you absolutely have done the right thing.
Panda531 · 23/10/2021 20:03

Don’t feel bad about going, you did the right thing to get it checked. I would just ignore the doctor, he really shouldn’t have spoken to you like that with her symptoms.

My toddler had similar symptoms in July, low grade fever and stopped walking due to leg pain. We called 111 and as it was the weekend and they sent us to A&E, I felt like we were wasting their time as I thought it was a viral infection but they did blood tests and it was leukaemia. And now I look back and feel guilty for not taking him earlier.

I’m sure your dd is ok, but also better to check!

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