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DS A&E am I being mad

195 replies

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 15:07

My DD aged 3 woke up at 11pm last night screaming in pain because her leg hurt - specifically her
Shin bone. She has had a few infections recently and a persistent low-grade fever for a couple of weeks despite currently being on amoxicillin.

I googled thinking it's probably growing pains and wanted to see what I could do to help her but lots of the results came up with leukaemia. My mum and nana both died from leukaemia so I'm extremely sensitive about it but still I wonder if I'm being mad as I'm currently sitting in A&E as want her to have a blood test. For context, the leukaemia mum and nana had was extremely aggressive so their treatment began each time within an hour of diagnosis.

I don't want to me the mad mum hauling ds in to hospital when she should
Be swimming and enjoying her weekend but I'm terrified. Please help me.

OP posts:
TravelLost · 23/10/2021 17:55


It's completely inappropriate to take her to A&E. No wonder the NHS is on its knees.

The NHS is on its knees because
  • there has been no investment for the last 10 years if tory government. Instead it has been run down to next to nothing
  • same government is also letting covid run rampant so all the meagre ressources are used to deal with that.

Telling a mum with a potentially seriously sick child she shouldn’t use the NHS and A&E is sick tbh. You have no way to know whether it’s serious or not!!!
gogohm · 23/10/2021 17:57

I hope she's ok, fine to go to a&e but in the future don't go swimming first in case it's infectious, better to be safe

1Endeavour2 · 23/10/2021 18:03

You did the right thing.

PamsSpam · 23/10/2021 18:04


It's completely inappropriate to take her to A&E. No wonder the NHS is on its knees.

@Flufferty no doctor would ever say this. They always encourage you to take your child in if you have concerns.

If you’re worried, get it checked, don’t ignore it.
ADreadedSunnyDay · 23/10/2021 18:06

Hi OP - glad you went to A&E and frankly all those saying this is the reason the NHS is on its knees because of people like this need to take a good long look at themselves and make sure that they aren't overweight, have never smoked, and don't drink more than recommended limits etc. Poor lifestyles have brought the NHS to its knees iMO

Sleeplessem · 23/10/2021 18:10


It's completely inappropriate to take her to A&E. No wonder the NHS is on its knees.

What a dickhead response. A 3 year old woke up screaming in pain from her leg, this is clearly not normal.

OP has absolutely done the right thing and the NHS is on its knees not due to concerned parents but from a decade of chronic and systematic underfunding.
CustardySergeant · 23/10/2021 18:14


I hope she's ok, fine to go to a&e but in the future don't go swimming first in case it's infectious, better to be safe

Where does it say she went swimming first?
StarCourt · 23/10/2021 18:14

Op you've done the right thing

MolkosTeenageAngst · 23/10/2021 18:20

Agree with everybody saying that considering your family history you have absolutely made the right call. Hopefully it will be nothing but it’s always better to get these things checked out Flowers

Goawaymorningsickeness · 23/10/2021 18:26

My son limped as a toddler. It turned out he had a bone infection in his hips. Hope your daughter is ok 💐

Imhereforthecake · 23/10/2021 18:26

Never take a chance with children.
Always follow your gut.
I'd of done exactly the same.
I hope she's feeling better soon

64kidsandcounting · 23/10/2021 18:26

I never ever comment on threads, I'm a long time lurker but I had to say something. My son was in and out of hospital with all those symptoms and more a few times and it was leukaemia. We were back and forth to GP. Up to A and E several times before I was taken seriously. He was still swimming and going to nursery. I was asked repeatedly if I had health anxiety and I'm furious a single other mother or human on this thread would think to ask you that and comment on the misuse of the NHS rather than " are you ok?". You have had a terrible experience and a family history , you are a mother genuinely fearful for your child.
In reality, it's highly unlikely to be that, and thank god for other posters sharing positive stories . I hope you are alright and your child and that you get some answers soon ..oh and my son is fine now. Happy healthy 16 year old

olympicsrock · 23/10/2021 18:30

OP , I’m glad that you are seeking reassurance but please know that you snd your child are no more likely to get leukaemia than anyone else.

fumfspos · 23/10/2021 18:35

You did the right thing.
Your child was screaming pain and this comes on top of a persistent low-grade fever.
You rang 111 and were told to go to A&E so you did.

I can't believe people piling on saying that's why the NHS is on its knees.

wewereliars · 23/10/2021 18:37

Paediatric A&E is generally completely separate to adult A&E

UserThenLotsOfNumbers · 23/10/2021 18:38

No you are not being mad at all, you sound very sensible. You called 111 and took their advice. As a mother you should trust your instincts and given your family history your reaction is completely understandable. Let's hope it's nothing serious but better safe than sorry.

SirVixofVixHall · 23/10/2021 18:38

I agree you did the right thing OP. I hope it is all fine.

SueSaid · 23/10/2021 18:40

You rang 111 they directed you to A&E so that is the right thing to do?

We were at paeds A&E the other night with a dc with a broken bone who obviously needs an xray and a cast and the whole place was full of toddlers running round playing and drinking fruit shoots, it was like being in a nursery.

But if a hcp directs you to go then of course you go.

SueSaid · 23/10/2021 18:43

'I can't believe people piling on saying that's why the NHS is on its knees.'

Tbf one person said that. Everyone else has said if 111 advise you to go then obviously you go.

Daisydoor12 · 23/10/2021 18:43

Follow your instincts you know your daughter best. A+E wouldn’t do blood tests unnecessarily.

Northernlurker · 23/10/2021 18:48

I work in a hospital. I regularly deal with an over- full ED. The op's daughter is exactly the sort of patient we DO want there.
Her symptoms have changed and worsened. A child woke in pain. That's a lot of pain. It needs checking out.
I feel so angry with posters who say don't go. What do you know?
Serious infection presents as pain, a child (and adult) can otherwise seem ok as their body is compensating - until it runs out of resilience.
Every year children die from infections. Some have been discouraged from seeking medical advice. Any ED nurse or Doctor would say the same - let them pick out who's sick and who's well. Hopefully the op is home or will be soon reassured and advised. Or maybe she's now on a ward with a poorly kid who is getting the help needed. Either way she's clearly a great mother.

lynntheyresexpeople · 23/10/2021 18:48

I hope she's ok op, you did the right thing Thanks


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Camblewick · 23/10/2021 18:49

I hate all this "it's people like you bringing the NHS to its knees" so nothing to do with underfunding and a pandemic then? Or obesity or smokers/drinkers? It's all down to concerned mums and their 3 year olds?

I agree with this 100%.

AlexaShutUp · 23/10/2021 18:53

I hope she is OK, OP. It's completely understandable that you're anxious, given your family history and your previous experience with dd. Hopefully, they will be able to reassure you that your concerns are unjustified, but it's better to get it checked out just in case. Flowers

whyiscakesodelicious · 23/10/2021 18:53

You are NOT unreasonable. If I was worried about my DC I would take them without hesitation. It's better to be safe than sorry OP. I pay my 12% NI contribution so am fully entitled to take my child if I suspect something not quite right. You did the right thing. You put your child first above all else

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