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DS A&E am I being mad

195 replies

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 15:07

My DD aged 3 woke up at 11pm last night screaming in pain because her leg hurt - specifically her
Shin bone. She has had a few infections recently and a persistent low-grade fever for a couple of weeks despite currently being on amoxicillin.

I googled thinking it's probably growing pains and wanted to see what I could do to help her but lots of the results came up with leukaemia. My mum and nana both died from leukaemia so I'm extremely sensitive about it but still I wonder if I'm being mad as I'm currently sitting in A&E as want her to have a blood test. For context, the leukaemia mum and nana had was extremely aggressive so their treatment began each time within an hour of diagnosis.

I don't want to me the mad mum hauling ds in to hospital when she should
Be swimming and enjoying her weekend but I'm terrified. Please help me.

OP posts:
Hellocatshome · 23/10/2021 15:48

Entirely appropriate given your family history. We have just had a young family member be fobbed off as having pulled a muscle in her hip only to find out 6 months after the first DRs appointment she had bone cancer.

Staffy1 · 23/10/2021 15:49

Given the fevers and infections lately, pain that bad that she woke up screaming and your family history, it’s absolutely understandable to go to A&E and get an immediate blood test.

Staffy1 · 23/10/2021 15:51


The NHS is on its knees due to poor funding, poor use of funds and wastage. Not because parents use a faculty that we all pay for.

Exactly. What is the point of it if no one can use it when needed?
Mummy2Babba · 23/10/2021 15:52

Your absolutely right to take your daughter to A and E to get checked. My dad has just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia, if my mum didn’t force him to go to A and E with pains similar to you are describing then goodness knows what would have happened. He is expected to be an inpatient for the best part of 2 years and hasn’t left hospital since last week when he approached A and E. And for those saying if her daughter is well enough to do normal weekend activities then it isn’t bad enough for A and E, my dad was out a physical job he does daily up until the evening my mums forced him to go to A and E.
Your doing the right thing and I’m hopeful it will be nothing more than growing pains ❤️

WheekestLink · 23/10/2021 15:54

YANBU at all, I hope she's okay OP.

As to the people saying this is the reason the NHS is on its knees: you are very wrong.

My daughter had persistent tiredness and complained of a constant pain in her stomach and was losing weight. We took her to the GP and they sent us straight to A&E (even volunteered to get an ambulance as they didn't realise we had a car). We were there for a few hours and they wouldn't let us leave until her test results came back. They said we'd definitely done the right thing by going.

my8thMNusername · 23/10/2021 15:57

You've done the right thing and I'd 100% do the same. Hope all is well Thanks

hopeishere · 23/10/2021 15:57


YANBU at all, I hope she's okay OP.

As to the people saying this is the reason the NHS is on its knees: you are very wrong.

My daughter had persistent tiredness and complained of a constant pain in her stomach and was losing weight. We took her to the GP and they sent us straight to A&E (even volunteered to get an ambulance as they didn't realise we had a car). We were there for a few hours and they wouldn't let us leave until her test results came back. They said we'd definitely done the right thing by going.

What did it turn out to be?

I don't think you should be at A&E a GP appointment (yes they are open) on Monday would have been enough. Hopefully results are clear. DH has blood cancer so I appreciate how heard it is.
LynetteScavo · 23/10/2021 15:57

It's completely understandable you've gone to A&E given your family history and the night time pain your DC experienced.

The nhs website advises to seek a diagnosis, and that's what you are doing.

You're not mad- although it can feel that way when siting in A&E.

Cbd333 · 23/10/2021 15:58

Sorry to add, I would have gone to the GP but obviously it's a Saturday. I called 111 and the advice was to come here - i think because of the bone pain, fever and repeated infections / paleness. It's just as I sit and look at her now she doesn't look ill.

I definitely do have health anxiety - my beloved mum was told after a routine blood test that she had leukaemia and I was with her when she received the call. She was in hospital, during covid times for 10 months so we couldn't even be with her. In addition, DD had sepsis when she was 6 months old - we were sent home from the hospital and doctor multiple times in the days before. She nearly died. I think because of this I really panic and even then sometimes find it hard to trust.

OP posts:
picklemewalnuts · 23/10/2021 15:59

That all sounds less like health anxiety, and more like having had bad experiences that lead you to be very careful. I'm glad you are there- you've followed advice from 111.
Hope it's not too long a wait for you both!

StormyTeacups · 23/10/2021 16:01

Hopefully it is just growing pains, but I think you did the right thing. 👍

ChippyDucks150 · 23/10/2021 16:01

I don't blame you for going to A&E OP. Here's hoping the bloods come back all clear, it's so worrying when your child is ill and you can't pinpoint the cause, and that's without a scary family history of leukemia.

ShirleyPhallus · 23/10/2021 16:03

A&E threads may as well be auto populated with post options including “oh you’re the reason the NHS is on its knees!”

Sounds like you did the right thing if that’s what 111 advised. Wishing you well OP, hope your child is ok

StrictlyAFemaleFemale · 23/10/2021 16:04

Probably growing pains but always better to rule out the more serious stuff. Hope you get seen soon.

julieca · 23/10/2021 16:06

I would have done what you did. You rang 111, they advised A and E. 111 may be being over-cautious, but why would you ignore their advice?
Hope she is okay.

2319inprogress · 23/10/2021 16:06

I hope it's nothing
All the doctors I know say they would rather see a healthy child than not see one that needs medical care. You've done the right thing.

(& I don't think you necessarily have health anxiety, it sounds more like health caution due to your experiences. So sorry about your Mum Flowers)

NeedAHoliday2021 · 23/10/2021 16:07

You did the right thing - called 111 who can book out of hours gp appointments. They didn’t do this for you and advised A&E so any posters saying it’s the wrong place don’t know what they’re on about. Follow 111 advice - it’s actually very reliable these days.

Sirzy · 23/10/2021 16:07

111 have advised going so you have done right.

Moving forward if you know that past experiences are impacting your mental health it may be worth getting some help for yourself.

Hope everything is fine

SummerHouse · 23/10/2021 16:08

You are doing the right thing.

I have everything crossed for you that you are there unnecessarily. Flowers

KaleJuicer · 23/10/2021 16:08

I have a consultant adult and paediatric rheumatologist friend who says “growing pains shouldn’t hurt” - not to the extent of screaming in pain. He would investigate your daughter without delay.

My mum also passed away with leukaemia. My understanding is that there is no genetic link from one generation to the next but they do understand the anxiety. I’m always hyper aware of unusual bruising. Thinking of you and wishing you the best.

SofiaAmes · 23/10/2021 16:09

Sounds like toxic synovitis which is actually way less bad than it sounds. Google it. It's just an inflamed joint (usually hip) triggered by a cold and you treat it with high doses of ibuprofen and it goes away in a week. I'll be thinking of you and hoping that's what it is.

Mummyoflittledragon · 23/10/2021 16:09

That is not health anxiety. That is a mum taking care of your dd. I hope she will be ok. Flowers


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ToddlerMumma · 23/10/2021 16:09

I took my daughter to A&E in the summer with leg pain. It turned out to be very serious and we did the right thing. It's best to get it checked out if she is in pain x

Thethreecs · 23/10/2021 16:09

If someone wakes screaming in pain then hospital is the wise decision. You did right. I hope she's OK and it doesn't matter if she looks OK from the outside now, it's what's going on inside her leg that matters. Pain comes for a reason, it's a warning sign that something isn't quite right.

Nsmum14 · 23/10/2021 16:10

I know the feeling. A few times the GP has sent us over to A and E when my child had seemed mostly OK. As my GP says, it is best to err on the side of caution with small children. It is a pain being there waiting, but will hopefully put your mind at ease.
I really hope it is nothing and that your precious daughter bounces back in no time.

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