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Things that people say wrongly....but they're too old to be corrected

138 replies

Moomin8 · 15/10/2019 10:27

When I was about 18 I had a boyfriend who used to call Valentine's Day 'Valentimes ' day.

OP posts:
BarkandCheese · 15/10/2019 14:51

DorisDay88 interestingly that area was originally called Convent Garden as that’s what it once was. It was corrupted to Covent Garden over time.

iknowimcoming · 15/10/2019 15:57

We have a female cat, she has a girls name, she is 15 years old. We have had her for 15 years. We had a female cat prior to that. Dmil has always referred to her as he, it drives us all mental and we correct her every time to no avail Confused

reginafelangee · 15/10/2019 16:01

Farther instead of father
Defiantly instead of definitely
Brung instead of bring or brought

Both worse when written than spoken.

reginafelangee · 15/10/2019 16:02

Farther instead of father
Defiantly instead of definitely
Brung instead of bring or brought

All worse when written than spoken.

Chickydoo · 15/10/2019 16:21

When pronounced Cross ont (drives me nuts)

curlyLJ · 15/10/2019 16:22

My mum has so many...

Penwing instead of penguin
Cerstificate for certificate
Celloflame for cellophane
Forrid for forehead
Reaching for retching

I could go on, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

Evilmorty · 15/10/2019 16:32

iknowimcoming, did you have the cat newted?

iknowimcoming · 15/10/2019 21:44

Defiantly evil Grin

katseyes7 · 15/10/2019 21:48

People who say 'drawrings' instead of drawings. l'm sure Kevin McCloud on Grand Designs says it, but he's by no means the only one.
Newsreaders saying 'secketree' for secretary.
And the one that really gives me the rage - 'nucular' instead of nuclear.

katseyes7 · 15/10/2019 21:50

My mam used to say 'gattox' for gateau. And the little girl who lived next door to me told me that they'd had their cat 'spaded'. That one did amuse me, though.

Taswama · 15/10/2019 21:52

Pacific instead of specific drives me mad.

katseyes7 · 15/10/2019 21:53

LemonMousse My mam and auntie always used to say "funedrals" as well!

katseyes7 · 15/10/2019 21:55

My colleague at work once announced to our very senior boss that she was going to 'replendish' the stock cupboard.

Elieza · 15/10/2019 21:56

Gran saying duvet but pronouncing it dovet instead of doovey.

(Spellcheck enjoyed that sentence. We have a tenuous relationship. Spellcheck thinks it always knows best. I know better)

RueCambon · 15/10/2019 21:57

My Mother prides herself on being very good at spelling, and she is. She didn't become good at spelling after years of posting on mumsnet with the spell check switched on either. She was genuinely good. But on the one occasion I was right and she was wrong, she wouldn't have it. I pointed out to her that there was a p in raspberry and she just wouldn't have it. I googled it on my phone and she thought that it was wrong on the internet. Grin

rosebud5678 · 15/10/2019 21:59

My MIL pronounces cutlery as 'cuttle-ry' for some reason...also breakfast as 'break fast'as if it's two separate words. Admittedly this does make a tiny bit of sense as it's how the word originated. Still gives me the rage however!

shoebedobedobedobedoo · 15/10/2019 21:59

All old men call their prostate a ‘prostrate’

Love51 · 15/10/2019 22:02


I know it isn't correct but I like it.

rosebud5678 · 15/10/2019 22:02

Yes to prostrate too - both MIL and FIL guilty of this one....
The other thing some people say is 'pacific' instead of 'specific'.

katseyes7 · 15/10/2019 22:02

rosebud5678 l'm a Geordie living in Yorkshire, and they say 'break fast' here too! l've always pronounced it 'brekfast'. Their way does make more sense though.

NeverTalksToStrangers · 15/10/2019 22:05

My boss, who is late 30s, thinks he's terribly clever and eloquent. He's not. He's not stupid by any means, but definitely has rich man's son syndrome and is a bit full of his own importance.

Anyway, he constantly writes off course, when he means of course. Makes me snigger every time.

piercedmyfootonaspike · 15/10/2019 22:10

More than one of my friends says Kings Cross St Pancreas...arrrghhh!


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Swishyswash · 15/10/2019 22:19

My mil says arks instead of asks, infuriates me.

Talkallday · 15/10/2019 22:20

Inportant instead of important
Pacific instead of specific
Mangnificent instead of magnificent
Electrickity instead of electricity.
Anonnomust instead of anonymous.
Coldslaw instead of cold sore.
Mushedroom instead of mushroom

A family member also called a microwave a micromesh. And when saying nighty night she would say nidley nidle (idle with n in front).

soundsystem · 15/10/2019 22:21

@Tateworm was your grandma from the West of Scotland by any chance? Sang-wiches are quite common there Grin

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