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Things that people say wrongly....but they're too old to be corrected

138 replies

Moomin8 · 15/10/2019 10:27

When I was about 18 I had a boyfriend who used to call Valentine's Day 'Valentimes ' day.

OP posts:
Livpool · 24/10/2019 14:49

My late DGM just to say 'erotic' when she meant 'exotic'. No one ever corrected her as we would have had to explain what 'erotic' meant.

She didn't like erotic food 😂😂😂

Carpathian2 · 24/10/2019 14:34

My neighbour claims university credit and says worser. I don't correct her, but it quietly gives me the rage.

PaulRobinsonsWoodenLeg · 24/10/2019 14:15

DH calls a reservoir a resevwire and it drives me mad. We live near one so he says it regularly.

DF is adamant that Oprah Winfrey is pronounced Oh-fra Winfrey.

kerkyra · 24/10/2019 13:58

My ex would say mirrow instead of mirror. It drove me mad.

CanYouSay · 24/10/2019 13:54

Pronouncing the d in 'blood' as sounding like a t. So for a blood test it sounds like bloodt test.

mathanxiety · 24/10/2019 06:57

Bias instead of biased.
'I'm bias' (grrrr).

youvegottobekidding · 23/10/2019 22:55

My mum says ‘prutty’ instead of pretty. ‘Trinkle’ instead of ‘treacle’. ‘Thee-at-turr’ instead of theatre. She’s late 70’s and has always pronounced these words like this. I actually use to say trinkle for a long time when I was little. Still can not correct mum on any of them though!

Moomin8 · 17/10/2019 22:44

Wrongly is definitely a word. Someone always has to be a clever dick on these threads 😂🙄

Anyway, I guess I started the thread with words that really don't exist but people have obviously gone through their lives not knowing. Like valentimes 😂

OP posts:
katseyes7 · 17/10/2019 08:31

Gonetoget l'm in West Yorkshire, and kekkle and bockle are used here. Along with 'ospickle.

Rickytickytembo · 17/10/2019 01:31

Ironically, I don't think 'wrongly' in your title is used correctly? I'd say incorrectly' instead of 'wrongly'. Not sure wrongly is a word?

managedmis · 17/10/2019 01:23

Trickle treating was a good one I heard recently

managedmis · 17/10/2019 01:22

Years ago l went to a Weightwatchers class. The class leader used the word "pluffmans" (ploughman's!) several times when talking about eating out choices.
We all sat there looking at our feet.


mathanxiety · 17/10/2019 01:14

Singular for single.

Moomin8 · 16/10/2019 22:16

I agree, @mathanxiety about 'enormity'

OP posts:
MarthasGinYard · 16/10/2019 21:45

I've got a cousin who

Puts things 'on a peddle stool'


gettingalife · 16/10/2019 21:44

Oh and when people say 'myself' in the wrong way, eg: "John and myself will be looking at that" Rage rage rage!

gettingalife · 16/10/2019 21:39

My DH used to always say custificate for certificate. But the one that caused me most rage was skelenton. Aarrghh! And hurst for hearse. Double aaarrgghhhh!!

mathanxiety · 16/10/2019 20:07

The use of 'enormity' to mean great size continues to be regarded as non-standard, according to many usage notes, and to me.

'Usage' is another interesting clanger.

omikron · 16/10/2019 20:04

Any hyper-correction is annoying because invariably the sayer says it with such conviction and tends to believe everyone who is using 'me' correctly is actually wrong!

Moomin8 · 16/10/2019 19:59

Wrong use of 'I' really irritates me. How can people not hear that it's wrong?

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 16/10/2019 18:44

Now because the meaning has shifted to relate it to the word enormous, an adjective

Chambers gives definitions for the adjective and lists them as "archaic" which implies it's been an adjective for a very long time.

mathanxiety · 16/10/2019 18:30

SunshineAngel no, they have never read a book.


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mathanxiety · 16/10/2019 18:29

MongerTruffle only if you have a non-rhotic accent.

mathanxiety · 16/10/2019 18:27

That particular example stemmed from people trying too hard and simply getting a longish word wrong.

Another example of getting it wrong is use of 'I' instead of 'me'.
"They invited the kids and I to the picnic.'

Hopefully in that case getting it wrong won't by force of sheer numbers cause it to end up the same as 'enormity', because it's everywhere. Even Barack Obama wasn't immune.

MongerTruffle · 16/10/2019 18:22

Farther instead of father
Surely they're homophones? Confused

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