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Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)

999 replies

Cinnamoncookie · 03/07/2015 22:53

Come on in and join the Hot Beardy Fucker love. No need to chose, just copy me and lay claim to them all !

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
OP posts:
FancyFancy · 04/07/2015 20:55

Evening, have been outside gardening & it is gorgeous out there.

Congrats to babymouse on the walking. Summer is a great time for them to learn - less puddles to fall over into & I got away with those soft leather shoes for a few months with DS. Tattoos are suppposedly more painful when they're over bone - I certainly found that to be the case, still bearable though.

Congrats to minty on the outstanding pass & the tattoo - lovely to see an unusual design & the colours are gorgeous.

madame, what everyone else said re bra measuring & I agree with sparks, you cannot possibly be a 36. What a fab excuse to run out & buy yourself lots of wenchtastic new underwear, just in time for your holidays!

Cinnamoncookie · 04/07/2015 21:00

Madame, I wear a 36 band. And I am twice the size of you.

OP posts:
FolknNorah · 04/07/2015 21:07

Oooh I've just had a peek minty there are some amazing ones. I'm thinking either on my arm or on my shoulder blade area. A biggun. Shock the only reason I haven't got one is because I can't choose what I like and I'd keep having more I reckon. Hmm Grin

Baddz · 04/07/2015 21:09

Well, I've just bought some 36f bras.
According to the bra interest in I am a 34 hh!

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:10

Norah that's exactly why I waited so long! Now I can't wait to have another Grin

Baddz · 04/07/2015 21:11

I am obv very full of nork.
An watching catch up and drinking Aldi peach bellini ????

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:12

Baddz you'd be surprised. I went in as a 38 F and came out a 36 GG and it is so mouth comfier.

Baddz · 04/07/2015 21:15

But hh? Good grief. I might just buy a small trolley to perch them on Sad
I am hoping to lose some Weight so I might go down?.....
I have always wanted a tattoo (have nearly got one a few times when young and drunk) but I could never decide that to have and I would worry I would get bored of it...

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:17

Small trolley or helpful HBF of your choice to carry them?

Might indeed with losing weight. I'm hoping to lose more so we shall see!

I think we need a tattoo day trip to mine!! There is a fantastic coffee/chocolate shop there too.

Baddz · 04/07/2015 21:22

Oooooh I'm tempted! Very tempted. It would make Dh furious so you know...that's always a good thing ????
It would have to be Tom...he has lovely big hands

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 21:24

minty I'd come over from NI for that Grin

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:31

Doooo it......Grin my DH has a full sleeve so it's no bother to him.

Mouse you'd be so welcome Grin

LaComtess · 04/07/2015 21:33

Evening wenchery

Mouse awwww! Bless him! Congrats to BM. You're going to have to go into full lockdown mode now.

hey Minty. Sounds like quite a week - many congrats about your outstanding. And tell all about the hair, was it a big cut?

I've never wanted a tattoo. Working with lots of old people gives you an amazing insight into skin and age. But mostly I'm just worried I'd go off it and not be able to afford to get rid if it. I like them on other people though Grin especially HBFs. Yours looks very pretty Mint.

Right. Watching Hobbit/5armies now so laters. Love Ryan in this he steals the show.

Also, now thinking I need to remeasure norkage. Do we trust John Lewis to measure properly or no?

Baddz · 04/07/2015 21:36

Not really Comtesse...they put me as a 32ff...felt like I was being cut in half!

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:37

Evening Comtess thank you! I have had a very short asymmetric cut. I had a bob. It still very pink though.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 21:38

I would always go with bravissimo if you can get to one.

FancyFancy · 04/07/2015 21:49

Another vote for Bravissimo here. My experience of John Lewis was not good when I went (once and once only) The woman in there said I couldn't possibly be the size I said I was, but had to eat her words when I could barely fit half a breast in the size she suggested Grin and she then had to admit they had nothing in my size.

FancyFancy · 04/07/2015 21:55

Am just about to start on the ironing with the Tour de France highlights to keep me entertained. I have no split loyalties in the sprint stages this year - with Kittel out, I can support Cavendish 100%.

WickedWenchOfTheNorth · 04/07/2015 21:59

Well done MiniMouse Smile

Minty A tattoo? That's so cool Smile

WickedWenchOfTheNorth · 04/07/2015 22:01

You have pink hair *Minty?

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 22:09

I do WW. I've just put a profile picture on here of my new hair so you can have a nose if you wish. I'll take it down later.

FancyFancy · 04/07/2015 22:17

Fab hair minty.

Fecking fireworks Angry. ScaredyCat is hiding under my bed, too afraid to eat her supper. FancyCat carried on scoffing & is nonchalantly having a crap in the litter tray. It'll take Armageddon to put her off her food.


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WickedWenchOfTheNorth · 04/07/2015 22:21

That's awesome Minty Smile I just realised that the pink thing on Twitter is your hair Smile

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 22:21

Nonchalantly having a crap Grin. Poor scaredycat though.

minty your hair is awesome. Have you had it done any other colours?

There might be a few pics of me up. My hair is not made for changing colour Sad

Flopsy28 · 04/07/2015 22:26

Love the hair minty. And yay for the outstanding, that's no mean feat.

Well done to babymouse too for the walking

I'm humongous of norkage...38h/HH but I'm a big girl. Grin

I'm loving all the chaises, but mouse wins for pure effort. I think a blue velvet. I also loved the address, HBF123!

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