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Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)

999 replies

Cinnamoncookie · 03/07/2015 22:53

Come on in and join the Hot Beardy Fucker love. No need to chose, just copy me and lay claim to them all !

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
OP posts:
LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 04/07/2015 17:11

Grin That was my first thought as you had such fun with Toddlermouse last week

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 17:25

Wenches!! I missed a whole thread trying to get my performance management folder in order. (I passed with outstanding)

My chaise contribution.

So I'm waaaaaay behind.

Awesome little-mouse on those steps.

Love the dress WW

I've had my hair chopped off and a tattoo in the last week. No other news.

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
MadamedeChevreuse · 04/07/2015 18:39

mouse thats great!!!! Grin Good cos now you dont have to be struggling picking him up all the time?

Bloody hell mrsm! Pic or it didnt happen... (of the tattoo please!)

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 18:58

Ta da! Madame

My first one!

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 04/07/2015 19:20

Ooh Minty that is awesome! As a fellow tattoo wench, I'm well impressed!

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 19:22

Thanks Liv Smile I already know what I want next!!

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 19:30

madame I'm relieved, he's a pita to carry. Not heavy but he twists and wriggles all over the place so it's harder to carry him than TM who is heavier but stays still.

Minty I love it! Does the wrist hurt? I was planning on getting something done to cover some hideous ezcema scars on my forearm.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 19:39

It's just stung a bit mouse. It was fine. I would happily do it again. Just need to save up for my next now!

MadamedeChevreuse · 04/07/2015 19:44

Ooh very pretty minty! So what are you getting next?

Random thoughts from the last few pages - morelike I too have mc hammer pants. Wear them with pride! Wink

comtesse - ooooh you foxy wench you!

I have really small tits. Angry Wouldnt mind knowing how to measure them properly though as Ive a feeling I dont know my actual size. Im definitely an A, but Im amazed at all your tiny little rib cages. Whats that about? Im supposedly a 36 and Im not large. Confused

SparklesRedHotChileLeather · 04/07/2015 19:47

Madame there is no way on God's earth you are a 36. You just measure round underneath em & that's your measurement - no adding of 5 inches or that rubbish they used to tell us to do. Not entirely sure what the rule is re cup size.

chaiselounger · 04/07/2015 19:51

Nice thread Cinn.
Liking Chaise pictures, but also totally confused as to why we need a new chaise, anyone?

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 19:58

I get fitted by bravissimo and they are fantastic. I'm a 36 GG but I get no back ache or shoulder ache because my bras are like industrial scaffolding the right size.

Your measurement round is exactly that. Like Sparkles said. No adding extra. Then try your cup. In general if your back goes down a size your cup goes up. So if you measured at a 32 not 36 then you'd try a B or C cup.

Madame I want a forget me not. The tattooist who did this does beautiful black and grey work with touches of colour. The heart here is her design. I want the paper aeroplane in the top of this picture first though.

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
Enormouse · 04/07/2015 20:03

Minty that's good to hear. I might have to bite the bullet and get it done. Smile

madame this'll show you how to measure yourself. If in doubt look for sorrell Forbes or statistically challenged in s&b.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:04

Do mouse! Smile

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 20:04

Those are so pretty and quirky minty. I haven't seen anything like them.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:09

They are designed by the Tatooist herself. Mine was only £30 because it's little. I went to her because her work is so different and I love quirky.

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 20:14

I love the swan and the elephant.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:16

If you fancy a day trip Mouse I'd take you and be moral support!

Enormouse · 04/07/2015 20:31

Grin I might take you up on that. Are you London based minty?

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:35

No Mouse I'm West Midlands. Smack in the middle for visits Grin

Baddz · 04/07/2015 20:38

I'm in the East Midlands!!! ????

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:40

Baddz!!! We are practically neighbours!!


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Enormouse · 04/07/2015 20:42
FolknNorah · 04/07/2015 20:42

Oooh, tattoos, I want one. Where did you get yours?

Oh well, two walkers now eh mouse Wine you'll need it how lovely! Smile

To measure, you're supposed to bend at the waist, measure you ribs around under your boobs, then measure around the fullest part of the boob.

MrsEvadneCake · 04/07/2015 20:44

That would look fanastic Grin

Norah Dark Horse Collective is the studio. Katie Ann is the artist. Rich Harris does amazing work there too.

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