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Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)

999 replies

Cinnamoncookie · 03/07/2015 22:53

Come on in and join the Hot Beardy Fucker love. No need to chose, just copy me and lay claim to them all !

Swagger Inn Thread 102 - It's Raining HBF Musketeers (We Wish)
OP posts:
Enormouse · 11/07/2015 22:53

Good God, it's 14 chapters

FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 22:53

I don't know I can't actually gives and I want customers to skip to so I can get the to the good nit.
Ie the sexytimex

FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 22:53

Can you slim read it and tell me what chapter the food shit is in?

FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 22:54

By slim read I mean skim read, of course I bet he can go all day and nifth

LetUsPrey · 11/07/2015 22:55
Cinnamoncookie · 11/07/2015 22:56

Ahh, bless, you're going to read all this back tomorrow, Nor

OP posts:
MrsEvadneCake · 11/07/2015 22:57

Love assassins creed. I'll have to check the elf porn out.

Cinnamoncookie · 11/07/2015 22:58

Be proud of me wenches, I just ejected a spider from the flat without screaming and without killing it unless dropping it out of a second floor window would kill it. Twas only about 1" across, but this is a definite improvement. However, if one of those 3" ones with the giant hairy scuttly legs turned up, it would still get stomped on. I have my limits.

OP posts:
LetUsPrey · 11/07/2015 22:59
MrsEvadneCake · 11/07/2015 23:00

Well done cin

My big DS catches them for me. I'm pretty sure they like being thrown out of windows. Why else do they come in otherwise??
LetUsPrey · 11/07/2015 23:01

With you on the spider thing Cinn.

Unless Backshall's reading this, in which case I'm fine with them and would never stomp on spiders.

MiladyBeaWinter · 11/07/2015 23:02

Does the Drink / English dictionary have a Pissed Norah chapter? Grin

What a great night. Cheered me right up. Am off to bed with new Elf porn. Night wenches.

MrsEvadneCake · 11/07/2015 23:03

Night bea sleep tight.

Enormouse · 11/07/2015 23:03

cinn very proud of you, I hate spiders.
I had one of those giant fuckers in the bathroom earlier. I definitely did not get Mr M and yell at him to beat him to death with his doc martens.

MiladyBeaWinter · 11/07/2015 23:04

Oooo Backshall . Find me some Steve porn LetUs and I'll live you forever.

Right, bed.

Fuckers deserve it, especially those giant bird eating ones DH likes watching about. Sorry Steve not sorry

Cinnamoncookie · 11/07/2015 23:05
OP posts:
FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 23:08

I want cake too. Yes I said cake.

Any advance countyr capters I need. Ooh letus that's exactly how it was the it her night. It's like that person wad there!

Well done with the spider cin. Your very commando dung and brave innitgmtrh.

FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 23:09

Commando dung?
Commanding. Oof yes.

So who's up for a shag? No messing, just gets to the pint.

MrsEvadneCake · 11/07/2015 23:10

morelikeguidelines · 11/07/2015 23:12

Cake! Hooray! Thank you.

Enormouse · 11/07/2015 23:13
Alibabsandthe40Musketeers · 11/07/2015 23:14

Oh well done Cinn, I can't deal with spiders at all - the big ones I run screaming.

Night Bea

Nor you are going to have a huge headache tomorrow [pills] and [water] in advance!


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FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 23:15

Funny thing is I'm straddling twatter and fb ATM. Oops
FolknNorah · 11/07/2015 23:16

Nah, I'll be up at 6 and all Grin it'll gevfiiiine.

LetUsPrey · 11/07/2015 23:16

Ah yes, a link to the new thread would have helped wouldn't it? Thanks Cinn.

Had a quick google MrsB. Only found one and I didn't read it properly but it may have been slash.

Night lovely wenches

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