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Any other Open University mumsnetters?

131 replies

amymum · 19/02/2002 13:02

Just wondering if anyone else is / has studied with the Open University. I've just started A103 (arts foundation course) and am about to apply to Summer School. I really want to go, but am not looking forward to being without dd for a whole week! And also not sure whether dh is up to looking after her alone for a whole week! Has anyone else been to a OU Summer School and survived? Love to hear from you.

OP posts:
Twink · 07/05/2003 21:48

Tinker, next you'll be posting that you've done the dishes or (this was always a give away that I had an assignment due when I was a student) said in a whisper, cleaning the kitchen floor..

Stop pencil balancing and get on with it !!!

After all there's no football worth watching for the rest of the season

ScummyMummy · 08/05/2003 20:37

Yes Twink- she's slacking AGAIN! Jump to it Tinker.

3000 essay to do for 20/5 too (not OU but similar very pt course) and haven't quite started...

ScummyMummy · 08/05/2003 20:39

er, that should read 3000 word essay... luckily I don't have to do 3000 essays!

Tinker · 08/05/2003 21:50

Damn, I'm here again!! I'm "researching" for my essays now!

Twink, remember the other teams lost

Scummy - you've got aaaaaaagggggggeeeeeeessssss yet!

Hilary · 23/05/2003 22:22

Just HOW am I going to get my essays done now that Big Brother 4 has started?!

megg · 31/05/2003 20:58

I've just signed up to do an Openings course (Living in a changing society) with OU and am a little worried. I left school at 15 with two O levels in english, did a day release thing at 16 to do a BTEC in business studies (which I passed even though I thought it boring as hell) but since then (20 years ago) I haven't done anything. Is it easy to get back in the swing of writing essays? I know I have the brains to do it but I'm scared I'll fall flat on my face. I want to go on and do a degree with OU and know my next step will be Level 1 humanities but help!! I'm not able to do further ed at the local Uni as dp is in the Navy and will be going back to sea so OU is my only option. I would have liked to have done A level english lit but its not an option. Words of encouragement and strategy would be appreciated. Thanks.

Rosiemum · 01/06/2003 20:29


Congratulations on signing up for the course!

You'll find a lot of OU students are just like yourself, and don't have formal academic qualifications. Many have not formally studied for many years.

You've chosen your course carefully, and you'll find that the way the course is structured it will take you from a point of no pre-assumed knowledge to the level you need in a very smooth and easy way.

I hope you enjoy it!

cori · 01/06/2003 21:20

How fantastic to see that there are other mums doing OU. I am in my third year, am doing A216 Art & its Histories. In my previous years, i been studying health and scoial care courses. My Ds is 16 months old and am finding it very hard work to combine study , motherhood, and work( part time. I have got a 2000 word TMA due on friday, and mumsnet is a terribel distraction..

ForestFly · 01/06/2003 21:27

Hi ! I am an o.u. mum and was feeling like sacking it , finding it really tough when youve got things on your mind. So its good to see i'm not the only one studying some inspiration to get on with it !!!

cori · 01/06/2003 21:31

Previous courses were K100, 60points.
Mental health perpectives and Practices 30 points & Social care social work and the law 30 points. To courses in the same year, will never do that again.

nettie · 16/06/2003 13:13

Well, guess what its avoidance time again, 1500 word essay due next week, written a paragragh!
Got a tutorial tonight, but can't face going as feel like everyone else will have done essay and be miles ahead of me!

Hilary · 16/06/2003 16:33

I'm in avoidance-land too. I have an essay coming up and have done precious little about it so far. Am relying on upcoming tutorial to suddenly make everything come clear. When I'm in this mood, ANYTHING is a more attractive prospect than actually sitting down and doing some work.

Trouble is, I'm also setting up a website which is absorbing almost all of my computer time at the moment.

Tinker · 24/09/2003 14:27

Am I the only one who can't get worked up enough to start revising yet? Exam in 2 1/2 weeks

ScotsBird · 24/09/2003 15:11

Tinker ... I feel the same ... cant seem to motivate myself, especially with dd sitting in her bouncy chair screaming like a banshee at the moment - ooh, great, she's just this minute screamed herself to sleep - best crack on while i can!!

which course r u doing ? I'm doing ed209 child development ... exam on 23 oct ...

cazzybabs · 24/09/2003 21:11

I am hoping to do child development next year providing I pass DSE212 if I get dowm to some revison. Scotsmum did you enjoy there a lot of work?

megg · 25/09/2003 13:33

I was hoping to have January off but it doesn't look likely now. I'm just finishing one Openings course putting in an essay last week, started the Openings Living Arts course and have an essay due the second week in October but haven't done enough work on the module so far and I start A103 Intro to Humanities in February. Only thing is I have the preparatory work to do before then so it looks like that's my free January used up. Panic!!

Tinker · 25/09/2003 16:34

Actually gave myself a 'night off' from revision last night. 'Revision' so far consists of re-writing out the previous exam question an d putting them into groups, looking at them and going 'Hmm, there do seem to be some recurring themes here'

I'm doing A220, why I've no idea. Would have lost the fees if I decided to not do it! Not doing one next year (hurray) because work are paying me to do AIIT (boo)

mimiasovitch · 29/10/2003 17:15

Hi everyone. Well, its quite inspirational to see that it is possible to study with little ones. I did S103 with just the one dd, but opted out this year as I wasn't sure how I'd cope with a new baby (born May). Good choice as it turns out - I'd have been a complete wreck. Anyway, have decided that I need to reactivate my brain and to sign up for a new course now. Will a 60 point course be too much do you think? Is a 30 point course only half the work? I'll stop rambling now..

Tinker · 29/10/2003 17:22

Have to be quick here (daughter telling me off for being on the pc) but I'd say 60 points is pretty demanding - more TMA's, more reading. But 30 pionts is probably really 45 points - certainly more than 1/2 a 60 pointer. HTH What are you going to do?

mimiasovitch · 08/11/2003 15:35

I'm planning on doing biology of the brain and human biology for health. Sad isn't it, that I'm really excited about having 2 hours each evening which have NOTHING to do with babies/boobs/tantrums etc.!

zippy539 · 08/11/2003 19:02

Just saying hello!
i've just signed up for A424 (no exam - hooray!!!!!) . This will be my 5th ou course (D103, a221, a205, at308) - I took a year out when I was expecting ds (he was born at exam time) and had another year off this year (dd born in July). I always get completely over enthusiastic at this time of year and try to read all the set books etc so by the time the course starts in january I am totally fed up of the whole thing and can't bring myself to open the coursework....

Good luck with the exam results everyone!

CleanKittyCat · 10/10/2004 09:10

I have just registered for my MA in Literature with the OU. Did my BA with local college, not going back there again!

Dh is half way through his degree in Astro-physics with them.


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nikkim · 10/10/2004 13:58

I should be revising for my OU eam on Tuesday but am skiving on here as usual .

susanmt · 10/10/2004 14:02

I'm not doing OU but have just started a theology Open Learning degree with Aberdeen University. Have had one audio-tutorial when I discovered that my brain was totally scrambled and didn't work any more, but now I am getting into the reading I am finding it interesting and its great to be doing something mental again! My first essay is due in on the 4th November though - so am in a bit of a panic about that!

cazzybabs · 10/10/2004 15:27

Scotsbird - snap I am doing ED209, although having given birth three days ago am panaicking with my revision.

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