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Live Webchat with Jack Monroe: Wednesday 5 March, 12.30 - 1.30PM

169 replies

KateHMumsnet · 28/02/2014 10:44

We're very pleased to announce that pioneering food blogger Jack Monroe will be coming into MNHQ for a webchat on Wednesday 5 March from 12.30-1.30PM.

Facing head-on the realities of modern Britain as a single mum and responding with a 'make do and mend' way of thinking, Jack has earned a reputation as a fierce anti-austerity activist. She is best known for her blog A Girl Called Jack and is a freelance writer for The Guardian, The Independent and The Daily Mirror encouraging people to explore, enjoy and experiment with food, all on a (tiny) budget. Her first book, A Girl Called Jack, has just been published by Michael Joseph.

You can post a question for Jack in advance below, or join us in welcoming her on Wednesday between 12.30 and 1.30PM.

Live Webchat with Jack Monroe: Wednesday 5 March, 12.30 - 1.30PM
OP posts:
NettoSuperstar · 05/03/2014 16:27

She's so lovely.

DoctorTwo · 05/03/2014 17:15

Is Jack the first webchatter (?) to swear? She was brilliant today.

WilsonFrickett · 05/03/2014 17:44

Oh LtEve I remember your DN (and your Jamie chat Grin) really glad Jack's book is working out for her.

I luff Jack.

Kormachameleon · 05/03/2014 18:47

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Hotbot · 05/03/2014 19:22

Bollocks can't find working link of debate can Anyone help,,,,,

LtEveDallas · 05/03/2014 19:34

Thanks Wilson, MNers were great for me then, I'd never heard of Jack Monroe before then and it really helped.

bishbashboosh · 05/03/2014 20:15

i ordered the book today, I so cannot wait to get it!!!

domesticslattern · 05/03/2014 21:29

Well that went better than (ahem) the car crash Jamie Oliver one last year. Which ended 100 pages later with people recommending Jack Monroe recipes to one another.

Ledare · 05/03/2014 21:43

And Jack advised me to buy or grow herbs as opposed to stealing fresh rosemary from local parks.

forgetdieting · 05/03/2014 21:44

Well done Jack - sorry I missed the live chat. A lot of hard work must have gone into this.

MrsJoeDolan · 05/03/2014 23:25

ordered the book! cant wait!

sanssoleil · 06/03/2014 00:33

I think that this is the first webchat that the character and personality of the guest blazed through.

I hope Jack is invited back and soon.

HomeHelpMeGawd · 06/03/2014 17:49

It's a bit sad to admit, but I am v excited that Jack replied to my very own post.

And I am jaw-droppingly impressed by her decision to just pay herself the living wage and put a few months' salary aside as a buffer. There is a saying in Judaism, "Wealth is the greater test of character than poverty". How many of us pass with such grace? Not me, that's for sure.

CecyHall · 06/03/2014 17:52

I know I'm much too late to this chat, but I just bought Jack's book and I'm so pleased, it's exactly what I've been after- normal, easy to cook healthy meals with ingredients that I actually have and will use again (unlike the weird spices I've bought before and used a half a spoonful of with other books). The best thing is that most of the recipes are for 2 or 4 people- so many books seem to have recipes for 8 people which puts me off. Jack is also clear with how long things will last in the fridge or freezer which is so useful.

It's the first time in ages I've felt so inspired to make things in a cook book!

Mignonette · 06/03/2014 18:08

Bollocks that I missed it. Bollocks bollocks bollocks.

EmpressOfJurisfiction · 06/03/2014 18:12

She does post on the boards sometimes too though!

Snog · 07/03/2014 17:57

Jack Monroe's webchat - full marks
Sheherazade Goldsmith's - nil points
Love you Jack Thanks

YoniMatopoeia · 07/03/2014 19:36

Now that is how a webchat should be done.

Brilliant stuff Jack.

WutheringYikes · 08/03/2014 13:47

Ordered the book after reading the webchat. I consider myself to be a pretty good cook - but I hugely over complicate and use far too many ingredients.
Jacks book has reminded me how simple cooking can be just as tasty and the recipes are nice and easy for a toddler to assist with!

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