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Best Mantras To Keep You Hanging On When Things Are Shit

266 replies

PacificDogwood · 13/11/2014 21:18

I am supporting a RL friend through some shitty times - no real end in sight Sad

She said the exact same thing I recently saw posted by a battle-experienced, wise MNer Thanks:
"Keep putting one foot in front of the other, and keep breathing in and out."

Pace yourself.
Be kind to yourself and look after yourself.
This too shall pass I may have used that one rather a lot in my own head
Que sera, sera.
Let it go.
You cannot change somebody else's behaviour; you can only change your response to it.

I am sure there are many more.

They are all quite trite truisms, but not any less true for all that.

Please add your own - anything at all that kept you hanging on when times were tough and no light at the end of the tunnel was forthcoming.

And I do hope you did come out the other side and don't need your own mantras anymore.

OP posts:
AmyMumsnet · 17/11/2014 10:47

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your nominations and your brilliant words of wisdom. We've now moved this to classics.

GarlicNovember · 17/11/2014 10:58

:) :)

andsmileitschristmas · 17/11/2014 14:40

Thank you MNHQ Smile

PacificDogwood · 17/11/2014 21:23

Oh wow, thank you, MNHQ Smile

NCIS, thank you for the duck poem - made me smile after a Long Day At The Office.

OP posts:
lilythemonkey · 18/11/2014 09:00

Happy the man
And happy he alone
He who can call each day his own
He who, secure within can say
"Tomorrow do thy worst. For I have lived today!"

Poledra · 18/11/2014 09:44

Penguins, The Trick is to Keep Breathing is a book by Janice Galloway that I too read many years ago, cannot remember much about but have never forgotten the title of.

'Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly' - GK Chesterton. Reminds me that I (we?) are all too inclined to think things/ourselves more important than we actually are.

'It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission' - Grace Hopper, an inspirational woman in her own right.

ZanyGran13 · 20/11/2014 18:01

Live in the moment and see the beauty there is all around you. Living in the past or the future is no place to be. All things pass.

Keep going you will make it.

ClaudiaNaughton · 20/11/2014 20:22

You never died a winter yet. From DM

Clawdy · 21/11/2014 22:52

Claudia don't get that one?

andsmileitschristmas · 21/11/2014 23:04

I think it means that winters are tough and youve got through them before so you can this time - but applied to situation you are finding hard going presently

ItsNotUnusualToBe · 21/11/2014 23:15

TTSP is a manta around here. As is, it's just a phase.

Also : I can. I will. I am.

Best Mantras To Keep You Hanging On When Things Are Shit
Best Mantras To Keep You Hanging On When Things Are Shit
Best Mantras To Keep You Hanging On When Things Are Shit
FastWindow · 21/11/2014 23:28

'it's only money'.

I need this so so much at the moment.

Impatientwino · 22/11/2014 18:58

This has always made me chuckle

'Every time you feel yourself being pulled into other peoples drama repeat these words

Not my circus
Not my monkeys'


ClaudiaNaughton · 22/11/2014 19:39

Yes andsmile that's it exactly. Old Scottish I think.

TheTurtleMoves · 02/08/2016 22:26

I love this thread. Thanks to all who contributed

hollyisalovelyname · 16/09/2016 21:50

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

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