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I really struggle to get my head round weasels

288 replies

HoneyDragon · 06/06/2013 18:46

I've seen them. I know what they look like, and often catch them whizzing across the road at weasel warp speed.

But their size always surprises me. Every time. I know they are small. But when you look at a picture of a weasel or think weasel, you think bigger. You don't think "oh, a weasel. That's a little bigger than a hamster that is". Or I don't. I go, ooooh a weasel. Wow, it's tiny, every time, the surprise never abates.

I struggle with weasel physics. That the actual weasel is not the size of the concept of weasel in my head.

I'm not sure how to fix it. Confused

OP posts:
mignonette · 09/06/2013 19:38

Why was the ferret at the wake?????? Smile

I am conjuring up a mental image of a 'Wind In The Willlows' style event with ferrets dressed up as Mafia type undertakers.....

FringeEvent · 09/06/2013 19:42

I mentioned this thread to DH earlier, and then showed him a weasel video on youtube () - totally blew his mind.

He's just returned the favour by asking me how big I imagine a kiwi (the bird) to be.

"Well", I said, "I've always assumed they're about the same size as a kiwi fruit."

Nope. This is how big a kiwi is.

orangeandemons · 09/06/2013 20:02

Are weasels the ones that people put down their trousers? Or is that ferrets? Or even trouser snakes.....?

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 20:32

Ferrets go down trousers.

Something to do with sailors.

OP posts:
HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 20:34

Trouser snakes tend to be indigenous to trousers rather than go up and own them.

OP posts:
Hassled · 09/06/2013 20:56

I have returned with the INSANE NEWS that Foosa are real things.

I'm watching Madagascar and as I'm now starting to doubt the wisdom of basing my entire knowledge of the animal kingdom on books and cartoons (thanks only to this thread}, I thought I'd turn to Google to check for accuracy.

And here they are. Actually Fossa but I prefer Foosa.

SoupDragon · 09/06/2013 21:00

Wasn't there a MNer who thought Pine Martens went Marty Marty Marty?

CalamityKate · 09/06/2013 21:34

Oh whoops wrong thread!

DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 11/06/2013 15:39

I have been in the presence of weasels.
It was in the car par at the western end of Froggatt Edge, and I heard the unmistakable sound of aggressive mustelids. Three of them, chittering with rage and sinuously leaping about.
I was extremely conscious of my exposed toes peeping from my Tevas; their teeth were much in evidence. As the OP says, the size is all wrong.

BoreOfWhabylon · 11/06/2013 16:45

I want to be in the presence of weasels! if we believe in them, then they will come

RustyBear · 03/03/2015 17:18
LowDudgeon · 17/03/2016 13:14

& now I have to resurrect it to bring you Ozzy the desk weasel (saw him on FB the other day)

NB weasels are not good pets (Ozzy's dad says so)

Giggorata · 04/07/2017 22:43

I just wanted to add to this ancient weasel thread that I have held baby weasels in my hands when rescuing them from traffic deaths in the middle of a country lane where they were following Mum, but got transfixed by fear as we loomed over them. They were so tiny and cute, totally unlike the razor fanged sinuous death dealing gore seekers they will become...

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