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I really struggle to get my head round weasels

288 replies

HoneyDragon · 06/06/2013 18:46

I've seen them. I know what they look like, and often catch them whizzing across the road at weasel warp speed.

But their size always surprises me. Every time. I know they are small. But when you look at a picture of a weasel or think weasel, you think bigger. You don't think "oh, a weasel. That's a little bigger than a hamster that is". Or I don't. I go, ooooh a weasel. Wow, it's tiny, every time, the surprise never abates.

I struggle with weasel physics. That the actual weasel is not the size of the concept of weasel in my head.

I'm not sure how to fix it. Confused

OP posts:
HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 10:29


You can tell it was a stoat because of its tail.

We were all just too polite to mention it Grin

Besides, its hardly your fault. It's all these weirdy woodland creatures that wander about brazenly flaunting their wrong sizedness.

OP posts:
Nagoo · 09/06/2013 10:37

but they said it was a weasel Sad it looked legit. I may sue

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 10:39

It was the weasels wot wrote the article. It's all part of their evil plan to confound us with their tiny statures.

OP posts:
LadyBeagleEyes · 09/06/2013 10:44

Does anybody remember that Aussie daytime soap years ago where they had a pet wombat. He was lovely, I'd love to have a wombat.
I see pine martens up here, (Highlands), in my last house I used to feed them bread and jam, they have very sweet teeth.
I moved a 10 minute walk away but don't encourage them as they might attack my cats or vice versa.

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 10:44

Country Practise?

OP posts:
LadyBeagleEyes · 09/06/2013 10:46

Yes Honey, that was it.Grin
And wombats are considerably bigger than weasels.

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 11:05

Yes. That woman's are bigger than weasels is one of very few certainties in life.

I loved Country Practise, the wombat was called Fatso

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HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 11:05

Woman's? Wombats.

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BoreOfWhabylon · 09/06/2013 12:46

Wombats are weasels in reverse; they are much, much bigger than you expect them to be (like about 5 stone in weight).

They lure you in by pretending to be small and cuddly, but they are big, grumpy and they bite. Hard.

QueenofDreams · 09/06/2013 13:25

I never knew weasels were that small. I thought they were similar in size to ferrets. I asked DP if he knew how big weasels are and he said small cat size. Can't believe it.

On another note apparently in many places it's illegal to own a pet weasel as they're classed as being dangerous, even to humans. I wonder if Ozzy's owner is aware of this?

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 14:36

Perhaps they class Ozzy as a lodger?

Or law enforcement owners don't believe he's too small to be a weasel, because everyone knows weasels are the size of cats.

OP posts:
CalamityKate · 09/06/2013 14:50

The stoat can be easily told from the weasel, by the simple fact that his tail is blacked, and his figure is slightly the bigger

I read that in one of the "Children of Cherry Tree Farm" books by Enid Blyton when I was little! Tammylan the wild man was teaching the children about wildlife Grin

CalamityKate · 09/06/2013 15:27

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AnnieLobeseder · 09/06/2013 16:46

Um, are you on the right thread Calamity? Or have weasels been behaving badly towards supermarket checkout operators?

FWIW, when discussing abusive human men, rather than weasels, wombats or stoats, I do agree with you.

mignonette · 09/06/2013 16:52

I saw two Weasels copulating at the side of the road. They looked like a large moving furry pretzel.

Just as well they are small. They are so ferocious that any larger and they'd be making off with our children.

mignonette · 09/06/2013 16:53


The wombat was called Fatso.

mignonette · 09/06/2013 16:53

Sorry ladybeagle

MacaYoniandCheese · 09/06/2013 16:54

We have These. They are the stuff of urban legend...apparently they attack and kill pets and small children sometimes.

I could never get my head around why anyone would want to keep a ferret as a pet...we have neighbours that walk them on a leash and dress them up and have little hammocks for them. For weasels. Get a cat FFS or a hamster.

BeerTricksPotter · 09/06/2013 17:02

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JuliaScurr · 09/06/2013 17:11

now an otter would be otterly different

BanjoPlayingTiger · 09/06/2013 17:16

What a brilliant thread.
I too am shocked that weasels are tiny. Id have sworn they were the same size as ferrets.

I have seen a badger though. It was a LOT larger than i thought.

HeartsTrumpDiamonds · 09/06/2013 17:19

Ferrets stink like pee. It's gross.

Are there racoons in England?


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HeartsTrumpDiamonds · 09/06/2013 17:21

Calamity I loved those books!

HoneyDragon · 09/06/2013 17:49

Grin large furry pretzel

OP posts:
Trinpy · 09/06/2013 17:57

Ferrets are evil. I have a scar across my nose from where a ferret attached itself to my face by its teeth at a friend's wake a few years ago . I had to prise its jaws apart with my thumbs just to get it off. Evil bastard.

I am learning a lot about woodland animals from this thread.

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