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Has the Bi annual laugh and point at most Speziale things Per Una been done yet?

350 replies

Megglevache · 26/01/2011 09:54

I am relying on you stylish mumsnetters to link and laugh you know Grin

OP posts:
Megglevache · 27/01/2011 09:51

Lol yes I forgot to add the word snazzy- this is going to be my word of the day.

Ok this is just too exciting- I am going to add my own review now, I have resisted for long enough- shall I use a code word or would that be uncouth?

OP posts:
Quenelle · 27/01/2011 09:51

"Knitted chimney pot" Grin

SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 09:51

For that 'shit I just dropped the hoover bag' look

QueenLaQueefer · 27/01/2011 09:51

That bag jumper monstrosity is truly ghastly.

My 80yo Maiden Aunt wears Per Una. (Or Peryewna as she calls it.) Maybe if they used age-appropriate models it wouldn't be such a joke.

SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 09:52

I'd like to get the 'designers' on Webchat Grin

Megglevache · 27/01/2011 09:54

Xposts with LQ Grin

race you to it

OP posts:
SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 09:55

Well the code word just has to be Pom Bear Grin

SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 09:57

Maybe they could design a Speziale sweater with PomBear norks?

BearBear anyone?

LeQueen · 27/01/2011 09:57

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LeQueen · 27/01/2011 09:59

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MmeLindt · 27/01/2011 09:59

Gosh, yes. The designers on webchat to ask them WTF they were thinking.

And if they drink and take recreational drugs before work.

Miggsie · 27/01/2011 10:01

I think the model here has been airbrushed really badly. Her face is wrong and the nose is wonky, I noticed it a while back in one of the stores how uneven her face was. PErhaps this is the face to match the shapeless clothes.

SundayToast · 27/01/2011 10:03

You lot are awful, and so funny. Just like the clothes...

Seriously, who buys this stuff? It is laughably bad.

LeQueen · 27/01/2011 10:05

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SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 10:05

She looks terribly cross Miggsie. And there's a skirt to match the ummm coat? Hmm

Megglevache · 27/01/2011 10:15

"One of my favourite Per Una buys ever! I have about 20 per una skirts and this is definitely in the top 3.
Comfy, flattering and room for my post christmas belly!
I was gutted it wasn't reduced in the sale, but I knew I was going to buy it anyway and I'm glad I did. It goes with so many tops boots etc and is just gorgeous".

That woman falls in the 35-45 category Confused perhaps she thought that category was for how many TenaLady you can get through in a good evening. Nobody in their tight right mind would buy that skirt at 35

OP posts:
Megglevache · 27/01/2011 10:19

ahhh if you thought that snazzy was the word du jour you are mistaken- a quick glance at the skirt reviews shows clearly that happy PerYoona customers love a bit of swish swishy and swishyness in their skirts..

OP posts:
GetOrfMoiLand · 27/01/2011 10:32

I am sat here howling at the comments you have made.

Opened the link and really laughed at those poor, godforsaken, depressed bags.

What the bloody hell is going on with the jumper with the handbag pattern?

I just hope for the models sake that they had some A grade cocaine on those photo shoots.

LadyBiscuit · 27/01/2011 10:33

The only time the word swishy should be used is in relation to grass in We're All Going on a Bear Hunt

GetOrfMoiLand · 27/01/2011 10:33

"That woman falls in the 35-45 category perhaps she thought that category was for how many TenaLady you can get through in a good evening."

LeQueen · 27/01/2011 10:34

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SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 27/01/2011 10:36

That's cos they tied her knees together so she couldn't run away...


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LeQueen · 27/01/2011 10:37

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Miggsie · 27/01/2011 10:43

I don't think anything in PEr Una matches anything else. I'm not really into the "my 90 year old neighbours washing flew off the line and landed on me" look.

And I can't stand pouty models, oh, and one of them in the long skirt thing looks knock knee-ed.

Why why has that jumper go a handbag embroidered on the tit...I mean why??????
And the cup cakes...words actually fail me.

And as for this one I can only assume that someone somewhere wants to look like they have a monochrome sea cucumber attached to their front, but who is this woman? And should we start a collection for her so she can safely be shuffled off to the Bide-a-wee rest home for the terminally confused?

YeahBut · 27/01/2011 10:51

What worries me is that there are women out there for whom the new season Per Una collection is a highlight.
My mum loves Per Una. 'Nuff said, really.

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