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Any positive stories of single parents who have got together with people who don't have children?

100 replies

Pinkchampagne · 30/08/2008 18:59

I have been with my new partner a year now, and have developed very strong feelings for him. I have two boys, and he has always said this isn't an issue for him at all. The boys have met him quite a few times, been out for a day with us, been round friends with us, and last week we took them round his parents for the first time. Most time we spend together is when the boys are with their dad, as we only get to see each other a couple of times a week due to living in different towns & him working nights all week, and it is nice to have some time out. I am lucky in that their dad sees them a lot, so I have this opportunity.

I worry so much about our future though, as his lifestyle is pretty stress free, with just a little dog to worry about. My children can be hard work & I worry our relationship couldn't work out long term.

I think this has all come to the surface of my mind, as my sister said a couple of days back, "do you ever wonder why he is with you - a harrassed mother of two?!"
I guess she has a point, and it has made me think.

I was cautious of developing feelings at the beginning of our relationship, but now that has happened, I can't bear the thought of it all going wrong.

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CapricaSix · 31/08/2008 21:20

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Pinkchampagne · 31/08/2008 22:13

Good luck with the dating, jvs!

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hester · 31/08/2008 22:18

About ten years ago I introduced my brother to an acquaintance, a single mum with two children by different fathers. They are now happily married with a child of their own. My brother adores his stepchildren, loves being a dad to three, and the children love him too. I am thrilled that he has enabled me to be auntie to two such smashing kids; I consider myself fully their aunt

Beaches · 31/08/2008 23:23

This time last year I was single with dd1, now happily settled with dp who has 3 children, he has them a lot and we all muck in together, just keep talking, thats the key! Also expecting our baba in nine weeks!

Pinkchampagne · 31/08/2008 23:36

That is lovely, hester.

Wow, Beaches, how life has changed for you in a year! Good luck with the baby.

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Beaches · 31/08/2008 23:49

Thank you! Been scary at times, hard work too but if there is a genuine love and respect for each other everything will work out!

tribpot · 01/09/2008 09:33

"Each time we have been away for the weekend, my mum sends me a text to remind me to take my pill!!! "

PC your family are unbelievable. Can you reply next time "thanks - what about when I have sex with him in my house?"

prettybird · 01/09/2008 09:36

Not read the whole thread, but my SIL got married in July to a great (single) guy. He was her ds' scout leader and they've been together about 5+ years. He's great with her two kids (and they like him too) and they now have a one year old ds together - who both the older kids live.

It can work!

prettybird · 01/09/2008 09:40

OH - and SIL's ds is c.14 and and dd is c.11 (so maybe BIL was her ds' cub leader). Anyway, they are both now heavily involved in Scouting - SIL is now a Beaver Leader (whatever the proper name for that is).

IllegallyBrunette · 01/09/2008 09:44

Some lovely stories on here

Seems like a different world though.

Nymphadora · 01/09/2008 14:43

I was single for 6 years -completly so it is a different world for me!

tamarto · 01/09/2008 14:48

My partner and i got together when i had DS1 who was 18months at the time, we've been together 8 years now and have ds2 and dd too.

It can work out, and i wish you well

Cosette · 01/09/2008 14:58

I met DH when my DDs were 6 and 4. He didn't have children, but has been great with my girls. He also wasn't sure if he wanted children of his own, and I was keen to know as I was 36 when we met, and conscious of the clock ticking.

He took a while to make up his mind, both to commit and to decide that yes he would like a child. I had DS shortly after my 40th birthday, and it's been great all round.

Pinkchampagne · 01/09/2008 15:40

I know, tribpot - that was exactly what I thought about mums comment!! I was tempted to reply "What pill? Didn't you know we were trying for a baby?!" That would have shocked her!!

It is great to read all these positive outcomes.

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Pinkchampagne · 01/09/2008 19:51

DDF - I have just seen your wedding pics on your profile. You all look lovely.

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FeelingOld · 01/09/2008 20:11

I having been dating my partner for 6 months now and he doesnt have children and has never been married either. He is 36 which is 7 years younger than me.
My kids are 13 and 8 and he thinks the world of them and they adore him although they had met him before a few times cos he is an old friend.
He says he has dated single women in the past but finds cos i am a mum i am much kinder, caring, loving, trusting etc and he loves being part of our family.

Pinkchampagne · 01/09/2008 20:30

Ahhh, that's lovely, FeelingOld!

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FeelingOld · 01/09/2008 21:11

Thanks PC. He is lovely

The only problem is ramadan started today and he is a practising muslim and therefore cos we are not married I am not gonna get to see him for a whole month (we can talk over the phone but thats all). We spent most of the weekend together and when we parted yesterday we were both in tears. He said he is going to miss us all so much and that we will be in his heart the whole time.

Pinkchampagne · 01/09/2008 21:20

Oh goodness, a whole month apart will be tough for you. I can imagine you will be conting down the days! I miss my man terribly when he goes away for less than half that time, so I feel for you!

Sounds like you have met someone lovely - I hope all works out well for you.

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FeelingOld · 01/09/2008 22:32

Thanks PC and I hope it all works out for you too, hopefully we have found 2 of the lovely fellas that there are around.

And yes, will be counting down the days, he made me a chart to stick on the fridge so I can mark off the days til I see him again, we are also going to write to each other weekly. Well this time apart will test us wont it to see exactly how much we miss each other.

Pinkchampagne · 01/09/2008 22:45

Absolutely! Absense makes the heart stronger & all that!

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Pinkchampagne · 02/09/2008 15:45

My DP is in town now, searching for a particular PS2 game for DS1's birthday, that DS is desperate for!

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mylittlepudding · 02/09/2008 20:26

PC - I think that the "harrassed mother of two" is just a tiny part of what makes you you. Fortunately your DP can see all the other facets - and so can we - shame your sister seems to have missed them, but it is natural for you to. I think you are very level headed about it all and very lovely - a good role model for those of us a bit earlier in this whole process.

Pinkchampagne · 02/09/2008 20:31

Ahh, that is a lovely post, MLP, thank you.

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CapricaSix · 02/09/2008 20:34

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