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Life-limiting illness

A thread in memory of biscuitsandbandages who tragically lost her battle with leukaemia on Thursday 27th November

254 replies

Mumsfret · 28/11/2014 20:17

Biscuits gathered so many supporters and followers as she went through the trauma of diagnosis and bravely endured attempts at a cure. Her Mumsnet army can post their condolences here. It may serve as a comfort to her family to know how much she was admired and loved.

On Biscuits' last thread, Kundry kindly posted a link to a donation page set up in her memory, for those who wish to respect her request to donate to multiple causes close to her heart, rather than send flowers. Oxfam (training doctors and midwives in the 3rd World), a book reading prize for the school her DSs attend, and Leukemia and Lymphoma research to help banish this disease from future generations. The link is:here

RIP Biscuits Thanks

OP posts:
Spinaroo · 29/11/2014 00:21

So, so sad at this news. Your family's hearts will be breaking just now but you have left them a legacy if love which shone through your posts. Sleep tight x

Strawberriez · 29/11/2014 00:31

So sorry to hear this devastating news. Sending love and strength to all the family. Absolutely heartbreaking xxx

scousadelic · 29/11/2014 00:37

I'm really sorry to hear this. I remember her first thread and how strong she was through all the shock.

Thinking of Mr Biscuit and the little ones. Heaven has a new star tonight

FoodieToo · 29/11/2014 00:42

Oh my goodness , I am so so sorry and in tears for you all. I never posted here for fear of being intrusive but I checked for updates about ten times a day.
I am crying at this terrible,terrible news.
What a brave lady,I hope you did not suffer at the end.
My most sincere condolences to Biscuit's Dh and beautiful children . So,so unfair.

mumster79 · 29/11/2014 00:57

Biscuits, you were so fabulous. Your crumbs were so lucky to have you as their mum.
You live on in them.

MildredH · 29/11/2014 01:04

Another just adding a similar message.

I remember first reading about biscuits diagnosis early on. My dd was a similar age to her LO and I cried thinking about them being separated.

Her absolute bravery and strength of character were inspirational to so many and I tried to remember this when whinging about another leaky nappy, or another 3am feed knowing that I was just so very lucky to be in a position of that being my biggest worry.

Life is so precious.
Rest in peace biscuits and I hope your darling children will have lots of people around as they grow to tell them how much they were loved by you.

RainbowInACloud · 29/11/2014 05:05

I never posted before either but checked regularly and have been increasingly worried the last few weeks.
I am so so sad about this awful news. She was a woman full of love and surrounded by love and it seems so unfair.
I send my condolences to all the biscuit family. Xxxx

trulymadlydeeply · 29/11/2014 05:17

Lovely post Mumsfret - you sum up how I feel. I really hoped that her silence was just a passing phase and that she'd suddenly pop back up on the thread with her usual good humour, wit and wisdom.

Mr Biscuits and Biscuit crumbs. So very sorry for your enormous loss. If you read this, know that Biscuits was a brave and courageous lady who loved you all with all her heart and fought so hard to stay with you.

I will remember her with love. XXX

Chooseyourplayer · 29/11/2014 05:31

I have lurked on biscuits threads and am in tears reading this. Such tragic news. My heart goes out to her family. Rest in peace biscuits.

minkymuskyslyoldstoaty · 29/11/2014 07:01

yes that was a lovely post Mumsfret. Encapsulated biscuits open and dignified posts to mumsnet. her family will surely appreciate her virtual relationship with you and others. her love for them shone through. x

confusedandemployed · 29/11/2014 07:20

I never posted but followed Biscuits's threads regularly. Such cruel and terrible news.
I weep for her beautiful crumbs and Mr Biscuits who will never stop missing her. I rejoice that they will never, ever forget her or how she loved them all so fiercely.

MontserratCaballe · 29/11/2014 07:28

So sorry to read this. Thinking of Biscuits and her lovely family Flowers

Roonerspism · 29/11/2014 07:28


Delurking to say farewell to such a loving, brave woman whose strength has inspired me.

Flowers to her family

weebarra · 29/11/2014 07:34

I am so very sorry to hear this news. I didn't post much but biscuits youngest DC was the same age as mine when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I always just thought she'd pull through. RIP biscuits.

Legionofboom · 29/11/2014 08:19

I am so,so sorry to hear this news. It is so horribly cruel and unfair. I really thought she was going to pull through and pop back to the thread with her usual understated explanation of what she had been through.

I followed all of Biscuits threads and she came across as caring, compassionate and courageous. I know she was an inspiration to many of us on those threads.

Despite all that she was going through she always wrote with such good humour and the love for her husband and children shone through.

Thinking of her family and sending hope and strength to you all. Flowers

Rest in peace Biscuits Flowers

BestIsWest · 29/11/2014 08:35

I'm so sorry to read this. I followed her threads from the first and her courage shone out from them. What an inspirational woman.

I send my condolences to her family.

magimedi · 29/11/2014 09:56

I have followed all of Biscuit's threads & am so very sad to read this news.

My deepest sympathy to Mr Biscuits & the children.

Biscuits was a wonderful woman, so brave & so loving.

The picture of her & her baby on the appeal link is so beautiful. You can see her compassion & love shining out from her eyes.

GaryShitpeas · 29/11/2014 10:02

oh my god i remember her threads, how very sad, what a cruel disease, she was so young :(

poor brave lady

my heat goes out to her family and little ones X Flowers

OrangeyTulips · 29/11/2014 10:18

Lovely post Mumsfret.

The world seems much less bright today. I really thought Biscuits would be one of the lucky ones.

Turning my thoughts to Mr Biscuits and the three crumbs.Thanks Thanks

Kundry · 29/11/2014 11:23

Wow, so many people. I'm sure Theresa and her family would be v moved to know how many of you had been thinking of her so much.

Can I also thank those who have donated - I'm guessing a lot of the Anonymous donations are from Mumsnetters -thank-you Flowers Flowers

If Biscuits touched you in any way can I ask if you can:

Spare £5 for her memorial fund

Or even better - if you are under 30 join the Bone Marrow Register. You might save the life of the next Biscuits:

If you are pregnant, consider donating your umbilical cord blood - you could give life twice in one day:

OrangeyTulips · 29/11/2014 11:34

if you are between 17-55 years then you could be eligible for the delete blood cancer register.

SouthernOne · 29/11/2014 11:46

Fly high lovely Biscuits. The world is a much duller place without you.


Winterfable · 29/11/2014 11:46

Oh my goodness no, such sad news I'm so sorry to read this. I vividly remember that first post too. Dreadful for her family, thinking of you all Sad.

Kundry · 29/11/2014 11:47

Thank-you OrangeyTulips - signed up now, DH will when he gets home (he isn't getting a choice)

OrangeyTulips · 29/11/2014 11:55
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