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Is there any point in us going to the NHS appointment?

34 replies

EL8888 · 28/07/2019 17:47

This week we have our 1st NHS gynaecology appointment to investigate our failure to conceive. Could l have some honest advice if us attending is a waste of time? Our respective GP’s have done various tests but don’t seem to know what they are doing or how to interpret results. We paid for some private tests which found no issues with either of us. Our local area won’t fund IVF for women over 40 (lm 6 months from 40) and they will only give 1 round once you have been trying for 3 years (we have been trying for just over 1 year)

OP posts:
Ginger1982 · 28/07/2019 22:43

@EL8888 well then I would go. If you don't, it'll always nag at you what might have happened if you had (or it would nag at me!)

justasking111 · 28/07/2019 22:48

I have PCOS, meaning two periods a year if I was lucky my wonderful gp prescribed clomid. Is this an option for you OP?

CatInADoghouse · 28/07/2019 22:58

I would go just to keep my options open. If you don't then you're committing yourself to paying private only as they would refer you back to your GP and you would go back to the bottom of the list. I did both. I had some private tests and was prescribed tamoxifen but at the same time the NHS was faffing with one of the tests (which is why I got annoyed and went private). I took the private result to my NHS appointment and they prescribed clomid. I wasn't wasting time then and had the medication to cover more cycles. We were very lucky and managed to conceive with one cycle of tamoxifen. My problem was that I wasn't ovulating due to too much oestrogen.

itwasalovelydreamwhileitlasted · 29/07/2019 07:44

I'm in two minds......Assuming all your other tests have come back normal - sperm / AMH etc then I'm not sure I would bother? Especially if you can't self fund private ivf and you're not eligible on the NHS anyway - see the year out trying naturally if that's when your DH has agreed up to then try and move on and put ttc behind you x

ChilliMum · 29/07/2019 07:45

I would go but with low expectations.

The consultant I had was exactly like you worry about. He ordered multiple test which showed no problems. He actually told me to relax and he was sure the next time he saw me I would be pregnant!!

Slightly different situation I had secondary infertility 3 years trying with 2 confirmed plus possible multi early miscarriages.

On my 4th or 5th appointment (it's all abit blurry now) my consultant was on holiday and I saw his cover. She was fabulous took one look at my history, said no one should suffer like this prescribed me clomid and told me that on my next positive test I was to come straight in and they would prescribe aspirin.

Ds was born a year later. But even if he hadn't it was really great to have my concerns taken seriously and get some decent advice. There are some great doctors out there, it's worth a try.

Hawse · 29/07/2019 12:54

OP, I was told by my doctor that as long as you are referred before the cut off date, you are still eligible. So I wouldn't worry about turning 40. The GP also mentioned that they do make allowances, so while they may state that they want you to have been trying for 3 years, they might bend the rules if you have a good enough reason (I am not sure about this one and how it actually works, but it doesn't hurt to ask).

EL8888 · 01/08/2019 23:17

Thanks for everyone’s advice. They were very helpful and the doctor has prescribed me some . Like the doctor we saw privately then from viewing our results he thinks it’s unexplained infertility

The waiting room was fun as it was a general “woman’s clinic” they were running and bar the staff l was the only non-pregnant woman in there

OP posts:
EL8888 · 01/08/2019 23:18

@ChilliMum exactly this. We went with zero expectations

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Alislia17 · 02/08/2019 04:27

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