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Oscar Pistorious Pt3

739 replies

bunchamunchycrunchycarrots · 22/02/2013 13:33

Hope no one else has started this.

OP posts:
DreamsTurnToGoldDust · 22/02/2013 13:57

That would be a travesty Dizzy, but it is looking like that.

bunchamunchycrunchycarrots · 22/02/2013 13:58

I grant bail with the following restrictions. That's all he has to say. Or the defendent is remanded. Either sentence will do. Just quit the waffle.

OP posts:
sadeyedladyofthelowlandsase · 22/02/2013 13:58

Agree with you Dizzy - Botha came across terribly, and the basic mistakes he made could prove catastrophic for the prosecution.

BlingBubbles · 22/02/2013 13:58

The SAP are so incompetent, a defence lawyer out if law school could win this case based on the bad police work !!! Shocking

Andro · 22/02/2013 13:59

He's tying himself in knots

bunchamunchycrunchycarrots · 22/02/2013 13:59

He's coming across like a MN thread, back and forward trying to figure out which way his opinion goes.

OP posts:
GuffSmuggler · 22/02/2013 13:59

THIS IS NOT A TRIAL, why is he rehashing all the details we've heard already. I'm glad I don't live in a country with such a nonsense legal system.

DreamsTurnToGoldDust · 22/02/2013 13:59

The trouble with this is the bail hearing is being made into such a big thing that people might automatically assume guilty or innocent of the actual crime, rather than just getting or not getting bail iyswim

PuffPants · 22/02/2013 13:59

V.quiet in court - have they all nodded off?

sadeyedladyofthelowlandsase · 22/02/2013 14:00

Dear Mr Nair,
We've known each other for quite a while now, so I hope you'll excuse me writing to you when you're at work. Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend. There's some debate over what happened. But are you going to give him bail?

Yours, in trembling anticipation,


sadeyedladyofthelowlandsase · 22/02/2013 14:01

He's such a dripfeeder, isn't he?

DizzyHoneyBee · 22/02/2013 14:01

I can see it all getting thrown out in the early stages if it even gets that far. It'd be very different here with a jury trial rather than a single judge. I don't see how any judge could proclaim guilt with the errors that have been made.

CrispyHedgeHog · 22/02/2013 14:02

He sounds like he's been reading the threads on here, with the things he's having difficulty with

sadeyedladyofthelowlandsase · 22/02/2013 14:03

it sounds like he keeps building up to announcing it, then backs off at the last minute.

Andro · 22/02/2013 14:03

He's winding up

GuffSmuggler · 22/02/2013 14:04

This is the biggest moment of Mr Nair's life and he's going to milk it.

DreamsTurnToGoldDust · 22/02/2013 14:04

He is Andro winding us up!

BlingBubbles · 22/02/2013 14:04

Guff, the legal system is not nonsense and this is not normal for a bail hearing, I think the magistrate knows very well the world is listening and is trying to be very thorough so there can be no calls for mistrials etc at a later date. The police have already made a cock up of it, the magistrate doesn't need to either.

But I do agree he is going on and on and on.....

rubyrubyruby · 22/02/2013 14:06

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DizzyHoneyBee · 22/02/2013 14:06

I can imagine this magistrate and what he'd be like on a thread in AIBU, drip feeder with bells on!

rubyrubyruby · 22/02/2013 14:06

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

sadeyedladyofthelowlandsase · 22/02/2013 14:07

Wouldn't it have been better if he put it in a written report and published it 90 minutes ago? That way he could have covered all these points, and everyone would know what they wanted to know.


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Andro · 22/02/2013 14:07

That he is Dreams, that he is.

LadyBeagleEyes · 22/02/2013 14:07

I was just about to post that bunch but you got there first Grin.
He sounds exactly like this thread, in that, like the rest of us, he hasn't got a fucking clue.

DizzyHoneyBee · 22/02/2013 14:08

He wants his 10 minutes.....and then some!

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