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How many different types of washing load do you do?

96 replies

INeedSomeHelp · 27/10/2013 16:18

I live on my own so you would think washing clothes would be fairly straight forward.
But since I've bought sone new clothes for once I have become obsessed with how I do the washing. So I am now splitting it down into the following loads:-

  • dark colours and denim
  • anything coloured that doesn't fall into the above category
  • white
  • sports stuff (I do three classes per week so there's a fair bit)
  • bed linen (special fabric conditioner for this)
  • towels (don't use fabric conditioner)

So even if I only do one of each, that's 6 loads per week for one person (although I do use the mini load option on the washing machine)

I've gone completely mad, haven't I?
OP posts:
MrsBennetsEldest · 27/10/2013 18:18

Work whites
Work greens
Work cloths/ towels
Dog coats/bedding

GemmaTeller · 27/10/2013 18:25

dog bedding
sofa throws

onepieceoflollipop · 27/10/2013 18:28

I aim for 4/5 Loads per week. There are four of us , 8kg machine. Occasional "special" loads for curtains, coats and other random items.

Linen/Bedding/towels etc. 60 bio wash.

40 wash for darks/denims, colour liquid.

40 wash for whites, bio powder.

Mixed colours, 40. colour liquid, or delicatemliquid.

With delicates (unless really precious) I pause the cycle and add part way through the wash so they have less agitation.

OhThisIsJustGrape · 27/10/2013 19:08

Darks - every day
Lights - every other day
Towels/bath mats - once a week, 4 separate loads worth on 60
Bedding - 4 separate loads worth again on 60
DH and DS' work clothes - once a week, 2 loads
Mop heads - once a week on 60
And at least 2 washes a week for odd items like coats that come home from school dirty when I've already don't the washing that day so bung them in alone, and I always wash anything I've bought secondhand from eBay or similar on a separate cycle - just incase Wink

Having added all that up to around 23 loads a week Shock It's no wonder my machine seems to be constantly on! There are 6 of us though...

CremeEggThief · 27/10/2013 19:12

Clothes- twice a week on 40°. I don't separate colours. At the moment, I deliberately don't own any whites!

Towels- once a week on 60°.

Bathrobes and mat- once a week on 60°.

Woollies/throws/any other delicates- usually once a week of one if the above. On wool (40°) or delicate (30°) wash.

Bedding- one load a week. 60° synthetic.

Rugs/trainers/other random items- no routine for these.

5-6 loads per week for me and DS. Rather a lot, IMO.

HorryIsUpduffed · 27/10/2013 19:40

Four categories, generally.

No softener (ie towels, teatowels, bath mat)

Usually two whites, three brights, two darks, one or two towels etc per week. Sheets go in made up to a full load with suitable colours on the appropriate day.

We wash clothes at 30, usually, and towels etc at 60.

Bubbles1066 · 27/10/2013 20:05

I do 3 loads a week on average.
*towels and bedding.

If something is delicate I wash it in a pillow case. I only spectate out whites, all colours get bunged in together.

INeedSomeHelp · 27/10/2013 20:07

Wow! My routine seems quite straight forward compared to some people's.

OP posts:
CMOTDibbler · 27/10/2013 20:08

towels (cos they go on boil wash to make sure any gunk gets removed from the machine)

Bubbles1066 · 27/10/2013 20:10

Oh and I wash everything at 30C unless it's soiled (am toilet training DS) when I wash at 40C. Sometimes if some loads are not dirty and they just need freshening up, I even use the Eco cycle, which is no heated water at all which saves money (tap water is about 10-15C depending on time of year).

NothingTraLaLa · 27/10/2013 20:21

Black stuff (pants, socks and T-shirts)
Dark wool wash
Light wool wash
Cleaning cloths
School uniform darks
School uniform brights

That sounds ridiculous. I think I need to revisit my system. Although each is generally a full load and I don't do all of those every week.

amothersplaceisinthewrong · 27/10/2013 20:22


Anatanacoat · 27/10/2013 20:25

40 degrees colour - man made fibres
40 degrees white - mmf
75 degrees white wash - cotton
90 degrees cleaning cloths etc
90 degrees towels and knickers
90 degrees white towels
30 degrees wool - woollens and similar, plus bras in bag
10 degrees "hand wash setting" - dry clean only stuff

lovelyredwine · 27/10/2013 20:26

Darks at 40
Darks at 60
Lights at 40
lights at 60
delicates (ie hand wash and wool stuff) and
quick wash (toys that are a bit grubby etc).

Anatanacoat · 27/10/2013 20:26

Oh yes! Quick wash - swimming stuff etc

dizzyday07 · 27/10/2013 20:45

Coloureds x1
Whites/pale x1
Towels/Tea Towels etc- when loadfull
Bedding - x1

We may have a second colouerds wash if DH decides he needs all the jeans etc he's been swapping with each other washed at once as he has run out of them to wear!

Then at irregular intervals our fleeces/DD's coats

123rd · 27/10/2013 20:49

Lights or darks. That's it

mathanxiety · 27/10/2013 20:53

Towels, kitchen cloths and underwear as I bleach them. They are all white.
Hot wash, cold rinse.

Bedding because of bulk or otherwise sheets would go in with towels. Again, all white.
Hot wash, cold rinse (plus bleach).

Everything else willy nilly.
Warm wash, cold rinse.

BikeRunSki · 27/10/2013 20:55

White (DS's school shirts + anything else on Friday nights)
Sports stuff ( I run, dh cycles, lots of swimming, tend to do whatever sports stuff need doing when there is swimming stuff to do)
Really dirty (dh and I both work on building sites as well as the mountain biking)

ilovepowerhoop · 27/10/2013 20:55

whites (normally once a week)
darks including jeans, jumpers etc
mixed colours
red/dark pinks/school trousers/skirts (kids polo shirts are red)
swimming stuff
dh's football kit
mine/dh's gym stuff
towels and bedding as and when as they dont have a set day

I tend to use a 40 wash for everything with the occasional 60 wash for towels and bedding.

OneDayWhenIGrowUp · 28/10/2013 00:01

Also live alone. Well, the cat doesn't generate much laundry. Everything goes together - I don't think I own any white clothes, I also throw towels/face cloths/tea towels in as they need doing. Probably do 2-3 loads a week. Bedding I take to the launderette as I don't have space to dry it, I have 3 sets, I wait until 2 are ''dirty'' and they go to the launderette together, so about every 2-3 weeks or so.

Angrybudda · 28/10/2013 00:16

Household of 7, all sporty or into nature (ie covered in dirt)

I put on between 16and 21 washes a week.

But towels and bedding at 60
Everything else at 30 or less.


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MinesAPintOfBlood · 28/10/2013 07:59

Family of 3 with one very sticky toddler who usually managed to mess my clothes up so they get washed more than they used to:
Darks (includes sports gear: cycle stuff and walking clothes mostly)
I do a wash most days, about 3 darks washes a week, 2 lights and 1 bedding unless ds is unwell when its impressive if the machine gets turned off

Pre-ds bedding and towels were done together but now I do ask the bedding then stick the towels inwith the lights.

MinesAPintOfBlood · 28/10/2013 08:03

What is fabric conditioner for? I never use it and my clothes feel perfectly soft to me

ilovepowerhoop · 28/10/2013 08:13

I can always tell if I have forgotten to put fabric conditioner in as the clothes dont feel as nice. It also gives them a nice smell.

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