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Guest post: "Children are at terrible risk if the family courts don't put their safety first" (Warning: upsetting content)

108 replies

MumsnetGuestPosts · 20/01/2016 10:04

I'm sharing my story in support of the Women's Aid Child First campaign, which calls for children's safety to be placed above the desires of an abusive parent for contact with their child. I want to highlight the catastrophic consequences that can occur when the family court judiciary does not do this.

It took just 15 minutes on the 22nd October, 2014, for my life and heart to be broken completely beyond repair. I had warned those involved with my case that my happy, funny boys would be killed by their own father; I was right.

My boys were both with their father on that October day, and at around 6.30pm he enticed Paul, nine, and Jack, 12, up to the attic, with the promise of trains and track to build a model railway.

When the boys were in the attic, he lit 16 separate fires around the house, which he had barricaded, so my sons could not get out and the firemen could not get in.

Only 15 minutes later, at 6.45pm, the doorbell rang at my mum's. (We were staying there temporarily after the separation.)

"It's the boys, they must be early," my mum said - but I knew that wasn't right. The boys would have run into the house and straight into my arms; they always did after a visit to their dad. They were frightened of him - he was a perpetrator of domestic abuse. The statutory agencies involved in our case knew this.

I opened the door. Blue lights were flashing.

"There's been an incident at your former home; the boys have been involved in a fire."

Running into the hospital, the first thing I saw was Paul receiving CPR. A doctor, drenched in sweat and exhausted, told me they were withdrawing treatment.

I held Paul in my arms. I begged him to try, to stay, to not leave me.

He looked at me, smiled, and the life left his beautiful blue eyes. His hair was wet with my tears as I kissed his nose. Then Paul, my boy, was taken out of my arms and into another room. There was no further chance of touching him; his little body was now part of a serious crime enquiry.

Detectives arrived and informed me that my former husband was responsible for the fire, and that he'd also died. All this time I wasn't allowed to see Jack, as they were still fighting to save him. Thankfully, he never knew that Paul had died. He'd tried to save his little brother.

The police later disclosed that Jack was still conscious when carried out of the fire and told them: "My dad did this and he did it on purpose." This was taken as his dying testimony.

Jack clung to life for five days but his battle was too big for him to fight. His body had suffered 56% burns. On the 27th October, he too died in my arms after suffering a cardiac arrest due to his horrific injuries.

No more children should die at the hand of a parent. Social services and Cafcass (which represents children in Family Court cases) were found lacking in their duty of care to Jack and Paul. They offered little or no support to me in the months leading up to their murder. Failings have been highlighted; lessons must be learned.

Jack and Paul's father was a known abuser. One official involved in the case refused to assess him alone, because she didn't feel safe doing so. Why, then, was he allowed unsupervised, unsafe contact with my boys? Even though we'd separated, the abuse hadn't ended. This was not taken on board by the Family Courts. He wanted to take everything from me, and he did. The boys' right to safety - to life - should have outweighed their father's desire for contact.

I want to help other families going through the Family Courts and trying to escape domestic abuse. I want to ensure all children enjoy a safe future. Every child matters. It's too late for my boys, but not too late for others. The Women's Aid Child First campaign will help protect other children.

To sign the Child First petition and call for children's safety to be put back at the heart of the family courts, go to

To find out more about the Child First campaign, and download the report 'Nineteen Child Homicides', go to //

OP posts:
StarlingMurmuration · 21/01/2016 08:15

Signed. I'm so so sorry for your loss.

MrFMercury · 21/01/2016 08:24

Signed. There are no words x

avote4commonsense · 21/01/2016 09:08

Utterly utterly devastated to read this for you and your poor brave beautiful boys. There are really no words. I will always support your work from this point on - I have signed and shared and will look for other ways to help spread awareness. Take care of you aswell now brave lady. I am wishing you all my strength and love to keep going.

spankhurst · 21/01/2016 11:02


Truly sorry for your terrible losses.

Helmetbymidnight · 21/01/2016 11:39

I am so sorry for all you and your lovely boys have suffered.

I too heard you on Radio Four and was in awe of your bravery and dignity.


With much love to you.

snowgirl1 · 21/01/2016 12:19

So terribly sorry for your loss.


WhatsGoingOnEh · 21/01/2016 13:01

This is absolutely the saddest piece I've ever read. I'm at work, in floods of tears. My heart breaks for you and the loss of your irreplaceable boys, at the hands of the other person who should have loved them and protected them like you did.

I've signed and shared. I wish I could do more. Let me know if I can do more. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I admire your fight to stop this ever happening again. Your sons would be so proud of you.

chicaguapa · 21/01/2016 14:29

Any words I write will be inadequate. Sad

Upthenoonoo · 21/01/2016 15:55

Signed. My dear friends sister was murdered at the hands of her husband who then tried to murder their two children. Thankfully the dc survived but by god the damage is immense. Sending you light and love xx

tootiredforthissh1t · 21/01/2016 16:11

Signed. I can't imagine what you have gone through and I'm so sorry that you have lost your beautiful boys and that they weren't protected by the system. Your campaign is so worthwhile and admirable and I hope it helps to protect other children from unimaginable acts of cruelty and pain.

I wish you love on your journey

amarmai · 21/01/2016 17:26

the judge and anyone else involved in this tragedy shd be named and sued.

MadgeMak · 21/01/2016 18:12

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I have signed.

flippinada · 21/01/2016 18:43

This is heartbreaking and happens all too often. Thank you for your bravery and courage in fronting this campaign - and much love to you and your lovely, brave boys.

Have signed and asked everyone I know to sign as well. This is so important.

wannabestressfree · 21/01/2016 19:15

You are a wonderfully brave lady xx

MrsJorahMormont · 21/01/2016 21:50

I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your beautiful children. It is unbearable that they were taken from you in this way. I will be signing this.

GinAndSonic · 21/01/2016 22:28

I am so sorry for your losses, your boys and you deserved so much better. Signing.

OneMoreForExtra · 21/01/2016 22:34

Devastated to read this. Signed and thinking of you and your boys.

clarinsgirl · 21/01/2016 22:58

Signed. Your story is so hard to read and you are so brave to share.

lisalisa · 22/01/2016 00:15

Signed. No words. I'm so sorry and Claire is so right .

GColdtimer · 22/01/2016 07:47

I have avoided reading this post but I am glad I did. Have signed and shared. So terribly sorry for your loss.

Pipistrella · 22/01/2016 08:10

Signed with tears in my eyes. This is something I have been very, very concerned about for a long time. There's almost no instance where a violent or abusive parent will not be granted access.

I won't say why it matters to me personally, because I'm afraid of being identified but I am so, so sorry that this happened to you, Claire, and your boys are just gorgeous.

ThomasRichard · 22/01/2016 08:11

Signed. I'm so sorry.

TheXxed · 22/01/2016 10:33

Signed and shared, I am truly sorry for your loss. Your boys looked so full of promise.Flowers

Babieseverywhere · 22/01/2016 11:38

Signed. So sorry for your loss. :(

PinkElephantsandLemonade · 22/01/2016 22:24

Signed and shared. I'm so very sorry about your lovely boys.

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