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Any natural ways to make my dds a bit more resistant to nits?,

11 replies

Slouchy · 10/07/2008 18:49

They are 5 and 3, and currently watching 64 Zoo Lane, smeared in Lyeclear again. I know the little bleeders are a fact of life at this age, and I do a weekly comb-through/condition but wonder if there is any other, reasonably natural and non-invasive way to make my girls' heads a bit less irresistible?


OP posts:
Slouchy · 10/07/2008 19:22

Ah, slayerette, a sensible answer.

OK, few drops of teatree oil in their conditioner it is , until I can get to Holland and B.

OP posts:
Slouchy · 10/07/2008 19:21

Yeah thanks, soupy, but I don't want them to look like this

OP posts:
slayerette · 10/07/2008 19:17

I use Neem and Propolis shampoo by Faith in Nature - you can get it from places like Holland and Barrett (altho I don't know whether they stock it, iyswim). It's a natural ingredients shampoo that claims to deter nits and suchlike. I have no idea whether it works but ds who's 5 has not had them this year; he gets shampooed with that regularly plus a good comb through with the nitty gritty comb.

SoupDragon · 10/07/2008 19:03

Shave all their hair off. Works a treat.

ChippyMinton · 10/07/2008 19:02

spray diluted teatree oil. I mix some up in a plant spray bottle.

southeastastra · 10/07/2008 18:59

someone on here recommended spraying very diluted vinegar onto the head after each hair wash

BettySpaghetti · 10/07/2008 18:58

Have you got a nitty gritty comb?

Slouchy · 10/07/2008 18:55

Lolbetty - I did myself last night! Will come and shake mt locks in your vicinity if I think there are any of them still in residence though!

OP posts:
BettySpaghetti · 10/07/2008 18:53

Apparently a few drops of lavender oil through their hair will deter them as the lice don't like the strong smell (not sure where I've heard that though)

LoveMyGirls · 10/07/2008 18:51

too late!

LoveMyGirls · 10/07/2008 18:51

Marmite, tea tree shampoo, leave in spray, nit repellent

{getting off this thread before i start scratching me head!!!!!}

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