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Itchy dry needed please

30 replies

snickers69 · 06/12/2019 23:27

I have always suffered with a dry scalp but just recently its driving me mad.
It's not dandruff as my scalp is dry.
I have tried everything I can find, from tea tree to coal tar shampoo all with limited success
It's so bad now I dare not wear dark plain clothes for the light shower of flakes when I have to give my bonce a quick scratch.

I've spoken to various hairdressers and paid hefty for miracle treatments and shampoos created by the Lord himself....but alas I still create a snowstorm
It's draining my confidence as well as my purse

I can't be the only sufferer, can I?

Any successful remedies out there please?Crown Wink

OP posts:
stripycreature · 26/02/2020 10:25

I've just learned from reading this thread that I almost certainly have seborrheic dermatitis.
I've had it 30 years and thought it was normal eczema.

blueskys72 · 25/02/2020 21:41

I have NEVER thought of trying an antihistamine!!

Claireshh · 24/02/2020 23:33

I used to use Nizerol but that stopped working.

I tried a antihistamine one day and that worked. It seemed to really calm the hot tight feeling.

I’ve found that the majority of shampoos, conditioners and styling products irritate which leads to itching and flaking.

I now only use Alberto Balsam apple shampoo and conditioner (£1 each!) or Aveda sap moss (not a £1 each 🙈). Both leave my hair and scalp ok. It’s still on the dry side but normal.

mineofuselessinformation · 23/02/2020 22:50

Try a Lush Seanik shampoo bar.
I have seborrheic dermatitis and it really helps.

TheReluctantCountess · 23/02/2020 22:30

Have you tried cradle cap shampoo? It’s the only thing that works for my DP.

gingergiraffe · 23/02/2020 22:27

I suffered from a similar condition many years and was prescribed coal tar shampoo. I now find Head and Shoulders does the trick. Not expensive to give it a try.

TroysMammy · 23/02/2020 18:15

I used Nizoral and it got rid of it. I think my itchy scalp was also due to stress. I got rid of the stress by getting a divorce Grin.

I haven't needed to use Nizoral for years. For the past 6 months I've been using a shampoo bar.

blueskys72 · 23/02/2020 18:11

I've started using the Superdrug Trichology products - shampoo, conditioner and scalp tonic, and can honestly say I've felt an improvement. They're on offer at the moment - two for £6.

cherryblossomgin · 03/01/2020 23:32

I looked after someone with the same issues. I used to make an e45 rinse with the cream and some warm water and rinse the scalp after washing it Seemed to calm the scalp, also I second Faith in Nature, you can get it at boots or Amazon. I have scalp psoriasis, I use a hair mask apply it to the scalp. I do it the day before I am going to wash it because it leaves the hair looking greasy.

user1470132907 · 03/01/2020 23:21

Philip Kingsley Itchy Flaky Scalp is the only shampoo that keeps my scalp happy. I used to use Polytar until they halted production for a while, but it still wasn’t as good as PK

Huelva94 · 02/01/2020 21:05

The only thing that works for me is E45 shampoo.... Before I started using it I used to dream of shaving my head and cover it with cold soothing cream... No longer a problem

custardbear · 10/12/2019 17:46

Does sunshine work fornyou? I get psoriasis one my scalp (and other places) and sunshine is a great cure - along with coconut oil to a certain extent (ie when it feels so awful I feel my whole scalp could come off in a single piece ... like lego hair

AlphaMaz · 10/12/2019 17:24

Definitely Nizoral but also rub E45 cream into your scalp everyday, I started do that after I shave my hair off (you don't need shave your hair LOL),I suffered with flakey itchy scalp for years but now it is great,I would recommend E45 above any other product, good luck.

MollyHuaCha · 08/12/2019 19:21

You can use Nizoral (carefully and occasionally) on the face too.

It clears flaky skin caused by seborrheic dermatitis.

Abkbjbjb · 08/12/2019 18:41

You have my sympathy.....I get it too. Philip Kingsley itchy flaky scalp shampoo helps me a bit

MrsPelligrinoPetrichor · 08/12/2019 18:35

I've just rediscovered the original Vosene,it's amazing and only a quid!

TBS ginger shampoo is good too.

TheEmojiFormerlyKnownAsPrince · 08/12/2019 18:31

I too have tried them all.

Body shop ginger made no difference
Neither did Moogoo
Nether did the really expensive one a(Philip Appleby?)
And a million others on here.

The only thing which works is Nizarol and Betnovate Scalp application

ChipInTheSugar · 08/12/2019 14:01

I've been meaning to post a similar question but I'm looking for a cream or something I can put on my scalp overnight. It feels so tight, like when a face mask sets.

Sometimes Head and Shoulders shampoo works (it's one in a much smaller bottle than their regular shampoo), sometimes Alphosyl.

Philip Kingsley Scalp Tonic worked on some parts (I use the bottle with its nozzle applicator to get cream onto my scalp now).

I didn't find Moogoo or Aveeno or the Body Shop one worked at all. I'm seriously contemplating going for a buzz cut and a wig just to be able to moisturise my scalp properly!

Lillipops · 08/12/2019 13:56

I have psoriasis and use Alphosyl Shampoo you can get it prescribed by the doc or Boots sell it. I use it even when my psoriasis is at bay, it does wonders! I've found it does strip any colour quickly but other than that it's magic 👍

Lotsofpots · 08/12/2019 13:54

Check out moogoo products. Their shampoo is the only thing that prevents eczema flaring up on my scalp. It's amazing. And they have a cream for seborrheic dermatitis which has sorted out my sons cradle cap within days.

RedSheep73 · 08/12/2019 13:53

@EyeDrops I had the flakey eyebrows too, Sebclair cream is the only thing I've found that works.

TheEmojiFormerlyKnownAsPrince · 08/12/2019 13:51

You’ve got sebhorric dermatitis by the sound of it. Itch dry flakey scalp. It drives me insane.

If it is really bad, normal shampoos won’t shift it. Nizarol is the best for me, but dermatologist told me to use only once a week, as it is very drying. I have betnovate scalp application on prescription, which is the only thing that really helps. You can also get steroid shampoos on prescription.

Derm told me to wash my hair every day as this prevents the scales and therefore the itching from building up. This does help when l can be bothered.


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EyeDrops · 08/12/2019 13:42

Following!! My scalp is constantly flaky and itchy (less so after a wash), but my hair gets greasy too so I feel like I can't win.

I even get dandruff flakes in my eyebrows :( No idea what to do about that, I can't really shampoo them?!

snickers69 · 08/12/2019 13:32

I’ve tried coconut oil ( dog wanted to lick my hair!)
I’ve got Betnovate ointment and the scalp lotion, both help a bit but obvs not for long term use.
I’m using Nitrozol currently and it’s not helping although it has before.
I’ll give Faith in Nature a shot if I can source it.
I’m currently waiting for Amazon to deliver a miracle lotion as I type

Thanks everyone

Itchy dry needed please
OP posts:
VirginiaCreeper · 08/12/2019 13:07

I've had that all my life, nothing cures it.
Things that help a bit;
Never use the same shampoo all the time, vary them.
Nizoral shampoo helps a bit.
I got betnovate scalp lotion from the GP which works but you can't use it too much.
The thing that made the most difference was not washing my hair more than twice a week. My GP suggested that and I was a bit Hmm as I had a short style that I washed daily and I felt the itching was soothed by washing. Anyway I took her advice, grew my hair and stopped washing it so much. It made a huge difference.

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