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General health

Winter vomiting bug

150 replies

sadsong · 12/11/2012 08:07

So last Thursday the onslaught began with the dreaded bug. I don't think I've ever been so sick. The stomach cramps and waves of pain were awful. It's left me on Monday, half a stone lighter which I'm not moaning about. But I feel constantly nauseous. I can only stomach thin fluids and tiny amounts of food. I managed half a bread roll at lunchtime yesterday and then a v meagre amount for dinner. Have woken up and just feel I could heave at everything. Is this psychological? I do still feel really yuck. I know nobody likes being sick but I think I'm particularly pathetic at it.

OP posts:
NotQuintAtAllOhNo · 12/11/2012 18:18

Yes, but think about it. There is pressure to return to work. Most employees are replaceable and expendable.

Most schools have a 48 hr policy on returning to school after d&v. We adhered to this, and after two sickie bugs at the beginning of term, the borough Child Services sent me a stern letter about my sons attendance. Hmm

4nomore · 12/11/2012 18:20

Actual handwashing is required to deal with norovirus, alcohol rubs don't kill it (which is ok with me because my hands can't cope with alcohol rub)

4nomore · 12/11/2012 18:22

Arrgh Not Quint... that's so annoying that they got onto you about attendance like that - and so typical! Stuff like that makes me annoyed - you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. My middle boy is very prone to get bugs but also (to complicate things) used to vomit when stressed etc, the little one has ASD and often his bowels go into overdrive... Negotiating appropriate, necessary, school absences is a minefield

zonedout · 12/11/2012 18:26

Yes, absolutely. And those letters certainly don't help.

TheCrackFox · 12/11/2012 18:37

I do agree with you Quint that we seem to get a lot of winter illnesses in Britain.

We have almost got a macho culture of coming into work in an almost zombie like state of illness. I spent all day Tuesday avoiding a work colleague who clearly had the norovirus - vomiting, cramps etc. Why the hell wasn't he sent home? Thankfully I didn't get it but I was furious about the whole situation.

CinnabarRed · 12/11/2012 18:44

DS1 is crying from the stomach cramps. Can I give him anything to help? Calpol? Or does we just have to tough it out?

PuffPants · 12/11/2012 18:44

Oh god, is there a vaccine against this? I'll pay!!!!

PuffPants · 12/11/2012 18:46

Also, can you get a mild version? DS had about 24 hrs of diarreah last week and DH and I have had mysterious stomach pains over the weekend, accompanied by a bit of a headache today. No sickness though...

BartletForTeamGB · 12/11/2012 18:48

I've worked on general medical wards with plenty of patients with winter vomiting and NEVER had it - until I was on maternity leave and nowhere near the hospital!

Remember that alcohol (in hand gel/wipes) doesn't kill the virus so do lots of handwashing with soap and water.

PuffPants · 12/11/2012 18:51

Is it the soap or the water that kills it?

survivingautumn · 12/11/2012 19:04

PuffPants - we had the same! DD had the full on Norovirus last weekend and DH and I both had stomach cramps and headache with aches and pains for a few days but no sickness. Weird!

Poor DD, she is absolutely petrified of being sick now. It was full on every 20 minutes for 12 hours - absolutely horrendous Sad

lifeintheolddogyet · 12/11/2012 19:17

I overheard a conversation between the father of a child in DS1's class today and the teacher. It went along the lines of:

'Well she vomited this morning but she wanted to come to school so here she is. Call me if she's sick again.'


And, to make it all much worse, the teacher accepted her into the class. I was Shock and Angry . I was working in the school this morning and I couldn't help myself. I went up to the teacher and pointed out that the child (who looked awful) shouldn't be at school at all. The teacher just shrugged and said explained that the child was in school now so there was nothing she could do.

Grrr. If your kid's just vomited for the love of jeff don't send them to school .

PacificDogwood · 12/11/2012 19:19

It's the combination of soap (which losens oil and dirt and germs), running water (which helps it all go down the plug hole Wink) and rubbing of hands (which agains helps losen it all).

I'll find you my favorite handwashing link, hang on a sec'....

PacificDogwood · 12/11/2012 19:24


Or google 'clean your hands'.

I have to admit I am a teensy bit glad that all the hand rubs and anti-bac cleaners in the world are not all they are hyped up to be... Grin

Those suffering, hope you are all better soon.
Those with vomiting children in pain, would you consider Paracetamol suppositories (supposing the other end isn't going too...)? They don't hurt, go in in a second, work - what's not to like?
Well, as a Continental European, maybe I would say that...
Get better soon!

QueenOfCats · 12/11/2012 19:53

I had this about 10years ago. I was SO ill. I'm petrified of getting it again (emetophobe)

My Mum had it start just before midnight on Thursday just gone, she had the v&d and still feels rough now. Dd has been feeling extremely nauseous since Thursday afternoon to the point she hasn't been able to eat or drink much and has hardly slept. I took her to the Dr today who said that it's doing the rounds, but that some people have all the symptoms and others have only some.

springyoffaducksback · 12/11/2012 19:56

Cinnabar - slippery elm is magic for stomach cramps. Get it in powder form in health shops. Your poor DS (aw)

I'm also one of those who boasts they never get ill. Dear me. Not this time. Felt absolutely terrible for ages, half mad with it. vile.

springyoffaducksback · 12/11/2012 19:56

(it, not me)

Cherylkerl · 12/11/2012 20:04

I'm on day 3, have to say the accompanying aching shoulder and back ache ... Miserable

springyoffaducksback · 12/11/2012 20:09

I had the aching shoulder, then arm. Got myself checked out at the docs. worry about heart attacks and the like (just to make you feel worse!). If your shoulder/jaw is hurting, get it checked out just to be on the safe side.

CinnabarRed · 12/11/2012 20:24

Thanks Springy.

BlueHat · 12/11/2012 20:25

This thread fills me with dread. I have had some kind of vomiting bug every winter for ten years. Honestly. It leaves me wrecked as I have diabetes and am on insulin so not being able to eat or keep food down is very bad news. Not been hospitalised yet but I think it's been a close thing.

Is this norovirus? Can you have it repeatedly? I've always been baffled by how this happens every year Sad

PuffPants · 12/11/2012 20:52

Oh god, I'm staying in till Spring!


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ProphetOfDoom · 12/11/2012 21:13

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

girliefriend · 12/11/2012 21:22

Cinnabar I would give some calpol as it might help, if he will drink something like fennel tea that is really helpful for settling the tummy.

My dd had nora virus when she was 18mo and I have never seen her so ill Sad my poor baby was grey and lost all her cute tubbiness, took her nearly 3 weeks to recover, I seriously hope she is now immune. I am assuming me and my mum must be as we both looked after her and were fine.

GrrrArghZzzzYaayforall8nights · 12/11/2012 21:22

DD2 and DS2 both had it this past week Sad

DS2 (almost 1 year) went through it okay, for someone also teething 4 molars at the same time, we're still having trouble getting him hydrated enough due to lethargy (and when he did have energy to drink he would drink too much too fast and it would come back up).

DD2 (3y) though, had it first and still has it, and last night was the first night all week she hasn't vomited and got to sleep through. Poor little one is the last of my children to need this and I can already see she's lost weight (she's 2% for height and weight for her age, and has been poorly a lot before so I'm quite aware of it). Now, she's not being sick but she's sill off all her food (even the sacred cheese which has gotten us through before, couldn't even get biscuits into her today!).

Slightly worried about DS2 and keeping him hydrated but very worried about DD2, she's losing weight with nowt really to lose.

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