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What's your 2/3 year old's favourite film?

98 replies

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 12/04/2016 19:31

I am starting up a dvd collection for my ds, and wondered which ones where the most loved by other people's dcs.

OP posts:
A1Sharon · 16/04/2016 23:33

I have 3 boys aged from 3-11. The eldest didn't watch a film until he was maybe 5.
The youngest loves watching a film. I think they get used to seeing siblings do it or something.
3yo likes Inside Out at the minute and new Paw Patrol.
The only thing he is scared of is the episodes of PP that have a 'ghost ship' and the one with a 'snow monster'. Also the bad guy in a mask in Big Hero 6.

HerdOfRhino · 17/04/2016 06:30

Yeah, I think older siblings make a difference.

Plus one of my sils didn't get to watch much telly as a kid. I think this has made her much more laid back, and willing to let my niece watch films.

winchester1 · 18/04/2016 12:32

My 2.7yr old asks for Dora about once a week, but doesn't acually watch it for more than a couple of minuites, just like to tell me the monkey has boots and shout 'rucksack' and he is done.

I'm looking forward to when he and his little sister can really watch kids films. Nowadays sittng on the sofa is just an excuss for, toddler fight club (which is mostly sitting on and tickling each other).

MrsPear · 18/04/2016 13:22

The one film my two age 3 and 6 both sit and properly watch is minions

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 18/04/2016 21:29

Thank you for even more replies! Smile Flowers

OP posts:
DixieNormas · 18/04/2016 22:00

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DixieNormas · 18/04/2016 22:02

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DixieNormas · 18/04/2016 22:03

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SophieofShepherdsBush · 18/04/2016 22:11

Wow at little ones not being utterly terrified of Jurassic park.....really....Jurassic park for 3, 4 &5 year olds?

A1Sharon · 18/04/2016 23:01

I was a grown up when Jurassic Park was in the cinema and I nearly died of fright!

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 19/04/2016 07:45
OP posts:
ImogenTubbs · 19/04/2016 08:01

For 2.8yo DD it's all about The Jungle Book at the moment. She also loves Lion King and Frozen. Tried her on Beauty and the Beast the other day - she was was terrified!

Threefaries · 19/04/2016 08:13

My three year old loves Robots.

SophieofShepherdsBush · 19/04/2016 08:31

Me too A1. My 4 and 6 year olds like the croods, monsters Inc, epic, minions, all the old Disney classics, nemo and still love their old pre-revamp Bob the builders. How to train your dragon....the usual really.

YoJesse · 19/04/2016 08:32

My ds 3 loves Monsters Inc, all the Toy stories, and frozen. He can't watch a whole film yet Without getting bored so we tend to dip in and out of films.

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 19/04/2016 20:35
OP posts:
Buttons23 · 19/04/2016 20:38

My 2 year old son's favourite DVDs are The Croods and Cinderella.

We recently bought Kung Fo Panda on Sky and he is really getting into that as well.

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 19/04/2016 22:07

Cheers, Button23 Wine Flowers Smile

OP posts:
SandyMumsnet · 12/05/2016 16:51

Hi everyone,

Just moving this great thread into films. OP please do shout if this is a problem for you.Flowers

Bree85 · 13/05/2016 13:01

My daughter loves Frozen and Minions. Hehe got her room painted with Minions.

LittleCatInAOneBedroomFlat · 23/05/2016 16:19

Thanks for moving it!

OP posts:
emilythomson313 · 23/06/2016 11:23

My daughter has always loved Lion King, ever since she was little.


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user1469376681 · 28/07/2016 22:43

Star Wars
BTTF (but mainly cos of Doc Brown)
Anything Disney, classic/Pixar he loves it
Marvel movies (he was young enough to not understand the fighting/violence when he was introduced now it doesn't faze him at all he just thought it was cos they are 'comic people' so they aren't real life hurt)
Superman (we haven't let him watch all of MOS yet cos the Zod scene at the end is too much)
Fraggle Rock
Care Bears
He loves the Rugrats movies and pretends to act them out with his brother
Ooh and Homeward Bound

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