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Extra-curricular activities

RCMJD or Yehudi Menuhin School

51 replies

CURIOUSMIND · 09/03/2012 23:44

Please give me your comments .
Are they equally hard to get in? Fees to the value? Children's future is brighten up or narrowed down? Or anything else .

OP posts:
jasmiin · 16/03/2012 13:28

Regarding consultation lessons, you could look around for concert artists who can give excellent feedback on your child's ability and tips to improve overall presentation skills (assuming s/he has attained the required level). Piano and String instruments are way harder for an entry into music schools / JDs

If the instrument is Piano, I can give some pointers to a teacher who successfully auditioned my child to one of the specialist music school (she will take students above grade 5 only, who also need to be very serious about the instrument)

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