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RCMJD or Yehudi Menuhin School

51 replies

CURIOUSMIND · 09/03/2012 23:44

Please give me your comments .
Are they equally hard to get in? Fees to the value? Children's future is brighten up or narrowed down? Or anything else .

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jasmiin · 16/03/2012 13:28

Regarding consultation lessons, you could look around for concert artists who can give excellent feedback on your child's ability and tips to improve overall presentation skills (assuming s/he has attained the required level). Piano and String instruments are way harder for an entry into music schools / JDs

If the instrument is Piano, I can give some pointers to a teacher who successfully auditioned my child to one of the specialist music school (she will take students above grade 5 only, who also need to be very serious about the instrument)

CURIOUSMIND · 14/03/2012 21:23

I am running out of breath to read these!
I don't know whereelse can I get so many genuine, valuable, up to date, first hand information in a couple of days only.
Can't thank you enough guys! You rock!

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Betelguese · 14/03/2012 20:39

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pigsinmud · 14/03/2012 18:04

1805 - can't remember and he's working tonight. Didn't meet him until after that - I am not a musician! I'll PM you later.

1805 · 14/03/2012 17:17

Shilke - am wondering when dh was at RCM? Pm me if you want to. Might be being too nosey though - sorry!

gettingalifenow · 14/03/2012 06:36

I wouldn't want you to think the only way into RCMJD at age 8 is with already having done loads of grades and to Already be performing at that level - they're not like that. They're looking for potential, and somehow they can spot it, even if you're not yet at that level. (so readers without the grades Already should not be put off!)

Betelguese · 14/03/2012 00:45

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Betelguese · 14/03/2012 00:41

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Betelguese · 14/03/2012 00:31

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pianomama · 13/03/2012 23:40

You would need a very good teacher to get him through an audition .. Has he done any grades? G5 Distinction is a minimum standard for RCM - having said that exams are not that important , a distinction standard would suggest a descent teacher :).
There is no easy answer of how to find a good teacher - extensive research I would say. Trying to get one from a JD or YM school might be an idea - they have teaching staff lists published. But be prepared to pay accordingly :)

Betelguese · 13/03/2012 23:31

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CURIOUSMIND · 13/03/2012 22:38

How do you know a teacher is a good teacher(for advanced level)?
I can see our current teacher boasted well on the web.He has got some method to improve the weak bit, all worked well .That's I think is important.
Something I dislike about this teacher is he never had any plan for us, terms based on payasyougo. He changed Ds1's interpretation, then may changed all back next week.This happened a couple of times.

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pigsinmud · 13/03/2012 22:27

Dh's worst teacher was when he was at RCM. Playing came naturally to his teacher(big time musician), so he was pretty crap at actually teaching others.

Could have written that in one post - keep sending too early.

pigsinmud · 13/03/2012 22:15

Sorry correction - High profile musician does not necessarily mean good teacher. I didn't mean to imply all high profile musicians are rubbish teachers Grin

pigsinmud · 13/03/2012 22:12

High profile musician does not mean good teacher!

CURIOUSMIND · 13/03/2012 21:45

Found loads of wedding pianist on the website,in the same way as a builder, a plumber are trying to sell themselves .Very sad!

OP posts:
CURIOUSMIND · 13/03/2012 21:19

'ask one of the important/known soloists or teachers to do an informal private audition '
Obviously there are several comments about the importance of bestest teacher.Now I realized this, and started to search for the possbile better teacher.
How can I get to know these high profile musicians? I am nothing to them, but a daydreadming motherBlush.
I found our current piano teacher from is the most expensive one in my area, has got a Doctor degree and is working as head of music in an independent school.
But those famous teachers don't need to register on the website to find a job, do they?

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Betelguese · 13/03/2012 15:16

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gettingalifenow · 13/03/2012 11:40

Oh I see - well YM might be really good as a day school. Best of luck with it!

CURIOUSMIND · 13/03/2012 11:01

I wouldn't think about boarding no matter what. But we now have an opportunity to move very close to YM .That's part of the reason.
I will have another study of other possibilities.
Thank you to all again.

OP posts:
gettingalifenow · 13/03/2012 06:39

As I said upthread, same as Betelgeuse, the background of the BBC young musicians is very varied....

OP, have you looked at Purcell too? Or is it that you live near YM school that is attracting you there? Must admit, YM is lovely, great concert hall, but if he's going to board, you could go further afield

Betelguese · 12/03/2012 23:53

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Betelguese · 12/03/2012 23:37

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pianomama · 12/03/2012 22:53

He sounds like a brave little soldier.
Hope to hear how you get on !

CURIOUSMIND · 12/03/2012 22:41

I asked my Ds1, asked many times .The answer is always yes, brilliant!
I explained to him that you need to practice at least 4 hours a day, everyday! Teachers might be very strict, tell you off! Maybe you are the worst player in the school! You won't be allowed to play hockey anymore!You may go to another country to perform without Mummy for a whole month long!
He still said ,don't worry Mummy.I am not scared.He is 8 1/2 now.

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