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Runners: what has been your best purchase(s) that you couldn't be without?

59 replies

Stumpedasatree · 21/01/2020 11:18

Could be shoes, watch, clothing etc.

I think mine are my:
Ambit 3, merino baselayers (brilliant at keeping warm, yet breathable and sweat wicking) and my compressport headband which is sweat wicking and keeps my earphones in. Also my running belt from decathlon for phone and key, although it does keep slipping!

OP posts:
Strandliv · 26/01/2020 11:03

I love my 2XU compression running tights. I’m super pleased with my polar ignite watch.
Balega hidden comfort socks are the bees knees.

ThatThereWoman · 26/01/2020 11:05

Thank you @BikeRunSki I find all pods massively uncomfortable too - think I have freakishly small openings in mine!

ThatThereWoman · 26/01/2020 11:06

Which Running watch? I’m tempted by the Apple Watch...

Strandliv · 26/01/2020 11:17

@thattherewoman I had the first Apple Watch so admittedly things may have moved on. But it wasn’t great as a sports watch. I used it for about 18 months, and the I dropped it and literally shattered the entire screen. My DH swears by Garmin but I like Polar. There’s loads of YouTube reviews/comparisons out there so I’d have a look and find the right one for you.

Runningonempty84 · 26/01/2020 12:16

@Salene I've got the smallest flipbelt they do, but it still doesn't stay put. It rides up during long runs and then, when it reaches a narrower part of my body, twirls around. I know others love them, but they just don't work on me for some reason. I wonder if it's because I've got a (comparatively) big arse and narrow waist, so as soon as it comes up off my hips it's free to spin as it pleases. Very annoying!

Runningonempty84 · 26/01/2020 12:20

Watches, @ThatThereWoman... it's got to be Garmin all the way. Apple watches aren't great for running, and Suunto are glitchy IME. My old trusty Garmin 220 is still going strong, but I'm tempted to upgrade to the 245 anyway, for the extra features...

ThatThereWoman · 27/01/2020 10:56

Thanks @Runningonempty84 I don't think that the Garmin watch does music does it? (I actually have, but had forgotten I had, a forerunner 735). I only really want a watch to record my runs and rides on strava and to play music while I run.

It would be a bonus if I could record my exercise while I'm doing other things like yoga.

Runningonempty84 · 27/01/2020 15:19

The Garmin 245 comes in two versions, @ThatThereWoman - the music model and the non-music model. Think it costs an extra £50 or so for music, but they're still good value compared to the rest of the market, IMO.

lotusbell · 16/02/2020 13:44

Another tiny ear sufferer here too, so hard to find ones that stay in!

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