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Runners: what has been your best purchase(s) that you couldn't be without?

59 replies

Stumpedasatree · 21/01/2020 11:18

Could be shoes, watch, clothing etc.

I think mine are my:
Ambit 3, merino baselayers (brilliant at keeping warm, yet breathable and sweat wicking) and my compressport headband which is sweat wicking and keeps my earphones in. Also my running belt from decathlon for phone and key, although it does keep slipping!

OP posts:
Insaneinthemembury · 23/01/2020 21:34

Totally agree with the merino base layer!

I'll add:
Beats head phones, great quality and no other hand phones stick in my small ears properly

This sun and wind balm... to protect my face from all the elements (it's SPF 64 too!)

Pinkarsedfly · 23/01/2020 21:38

Aftershokz bone conductor earphones.

Pinkarsedfly · 23/01/2020 21:40

Oh and my Fitbit and C25k app

Bat3 · 23/01/2020 21:42

My running bra - I’ve tried a few different ones. By far the best was the one from Lidl that cost £5.99.

Salene · 24/01/2020 06:27

My garmin 245 and best thing is changing to zero drop Altra shoes - game changer

Gone is my ITB pain, my plantar Fasciitis and hip issues.

Salene · 24/01/2020 06:28

Oh and my flip belt - love that item

evilharpy · 24/01/2020 07:09

Dirt cheap running belt from Primark, was a couple of pounds but is totally comfortable and doesn't ride up or budge at all.

Nike Dri Fit gilet thing, really warm and comfortable but doesn't make me overheat.

Garmin 235 watch - love it. Although I wish it had music.

Hygge bands to keep the hair out of my eyes and my ears warm.

AuntieStella · 24/01/2020 09:17


Aftershokz bone-conducting wireless headphones

Spotify premium

(I have oodles of other kit, as my mid-life crisis seems to involve copious Lycra, but these are the top 3 items. Garmin is 4th)

tyrannosaurushex · 24/01/2020 09:22

My flip belt. So comfortable.

I have a spare one from when I was very thin (size 6/8) which is never getting past my hips again. DM if you want it. Is barely used as I weight restored not long after buying it.

evilharpy · 24/01/2020 09:55

AuntieStella Do your Aftershokz vibrate a lot? Mine do when the volume is quite high and I really don't like it. Hence I tend to use a pair of bluetooth Havit headphones from Amazon more often, if I'm sticking to pavements and not likely to need to hear traffic.

kemosabeimalone · 24/01/2020 10:06

Without a doubt my Apple Watch - it means I can run without my phone, just my key and a pair of cordless headphones - I feel really light and unencumbered it’s lovely. I have my music on my watch, a phone function and even Apple Pay so I feel I’m ready for anything. Expensive but worth every penny!
Also Boden legggings - I’ve bought pricier Under Armour things before but they always always need to be hoiked up.
Lastly I buy a pair of New Balance trainers in the sales every year or so - I love them they feel like you are running on memory foam and I have had far less injuries since doing so.

Spudlet · 24/01/2020 10:07

Ooh, and not a purchase, but I listened to RunPod (Jenni Falconer’s podcast) yesterday morning and really enjoyed it... I don’t listen to anything running as I like to hear the sounds around me, but I was in the gym and it helped to block the pain of being there before 7am (not a morning person). Would recommend it!

kemosabeimalone · 24/01/2020 10:20

Also Nike and Next running tops (which tend to have lots of handy pockets in on the arms or in the neck seams) and Run keeper which is free but wonderful app. It keeps track of all your runs / gives you time stats / motivation as you run If you want and sync’s with your own music playlists (I use iTunes).

Stumpedasatree · 24/01/2020 11:58

@tyrannosaurushex I would love your flipbelt if ok? I have one that slips all over the place currently.

OP posts:
Stumpedasatree · 24/01/2020 11:59

@Bat3 my favourite running bra is from Lidl too! Similar price and no pads that keep dislodging in the wash.

OP posts:
Neolara · 25/01/2020 23:10

I love my flipbelt too.

Runningonempty84 · 26/01/2020 06:45

Am I the only one who can't stand the Flipbelt? Mine just rides up and ends up twirling round, somewhere under my boobs. I'm yet to find a decent gel-carrier for marathons.

Salene · 26/01/2020 07:15

@Runningonempty84 you must have one that's too big. It should be pretty tight and worn down over hip bones.

ThatThereWoman · 26/01/2020 07:26

I'm interested in the after shockz @Pinkarsedfly and @AuntieStella - are they good? Otherwise I may get some nike earpods.

I don't particularly like the flip belt but find Sweaty betty leggings really good- particularly the ones with pockets (and a zip pocket at the back for my keys). And I like lululemon tops as they're long enough for my long body.

Pippioddstocking · 26/01/2020 07:32

Pretzel nao head torch
Solomon running vest
Sealskin waterproof socks
Omn waterproof trousers

BikeRunSki · 26/01/2020 07:49

@ThatThereWoman, my Aftershokz are fantastic, I love them. They don’t fall out of my ears (like anything “poddy”), the sound quality is brilliant,,they are light and comfortable. There is nothing not to like.

Insaneinthemembury · 26/01/2020 08:53

@BikeRunSki have you got small ears or normal size?! I find it hard to find headphones for petite women when they all seems to be sized for men. They fall out.
The only ones I found that worked were my beats headphones but they're dying after 3 years and might look into these


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Insaneinthemembury · 26/01/2020 08:55

@AuntieStella yy to spotify premium!! A friend persuaded me to get it and I dont know how I lived without it!!

BikeRunSki · 26/01/2020 09:44

@insaneinthembury, I’m not petite in any way (5’8”, size 16, size 9 feet) but I do appear to have tiny ears. No “bud” type headphones have ever sat securely in my ears. I had some limited succcess with the type with a hook round, but the hooks were always too big!

Insaneinthemembury · 26/01/2020 09:49

Thanks, that's my problem too! Will see if DH wants me to buy me some for valentines day!

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