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Exercises that are safe in pregnancy

3 replies

Quarksoundslikequack · 18/01/2017 23:50

Hi All, looking for the above!

Anyone have any suggestions or experience??

OP posts:
NetflixandBill · 19/01/2017 17:59

I'm 14weeks and i've been doing spinning. It's good cardio but not hard on the boobs and bump, plus youre in control of how easy or hard to push yourself.

milkjetmum · 19/01/2017 17:46

Aqua aerobics for me. At the end the freedom of being able to leap around like a mad thing was highlight of my otherwise waddling around week!

Blu99 · 19/01/2017 17:42

When I was pregnant with dd1 I went for lots of walks, squats and pregnancy friendly yoga. I didn't do anything that would cause any strain or resistance on my torso.

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